Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Whistle blowing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Whistle blowing - Essay ExampleTaylor).Whistle blowing is seen as a breach of agreemental loyalty and amounts to disclosure of information. It to a fault amounts to pressure tactics by the employees as seen by some theorists. It is basically a conflict between the organization and the society. What kind of whistle blowing is the society and organization looking or hoping for? What is its place in the society? What atomic number 18 the meaning and justifications of the whistle blowing policies? Does whistle blowing resolve the conflict between the organization and the society? why has whistle blowing been legitimized?Whistle blowing involves three categories of people - the individual, the organization and the society. Whistle blowing is done by an individual against an organization for the protection of the society. Whistle blowing policies are set of procedures and norms aimed at those individuals who disclose information about the organizational malpractices of the organization with which they are attached. Whistle blowers are given protection against dismissal, demotion or retaliation. If retaliation takes place by the organization, they are even provided compensation packages. Whistle blowing has perhaps always existed without this terminology but laws were passed to protect the courageous blowers.Kaplan & Kleiner (2000) emphasize whistle blowing occurs when employee and management relationship lacks professionalism. Issues, which can be handled as a part of the daily routine, remain neglected. When it develops into a significant situation, employees may bring it to the notice of the seniors, there by being named as whistle blowers. The practice of whistle blowing is necessary for professional organizations to maintain professional ethics and protect the public.Whistle blowing can be both good and bad for the society. William De female horse (2005) comments that whistle blowing can be a

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