Saturday, June 22, 2019

Learning to Listen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learning to Listen - Essay ExampleRamin tells the readers how she has grown up with inquisitive behaviour and become curious of everything happening around her. To this extent, the author reveals that the culture of ones family influences his or her behavior. Further, the author reveals that ones family washbowl make him or her develop distressing or good audience skills, which she emphasizes by reveling to the readers that she learnt to the highest degree her poor earshot skills from her family. Good listening demands that one be keen and wholly identify with the speaker. Ramin emphasizes that great listening involves deeply identifying with the person youre speaking with, when their story becomes so vivid that your world becomes less about you and more about them (Para 2). The author further makes it clear that hearing is different from listening. Hearing simply means making no sense of what the speaker says. Good and effective listening requires an individual to focus more o n the speaker rather than himself. A good listener is one who identifies with and become part and parcel of the story. Ramin also reveals that poor listening skills can lead to communication barrier and increases ones likelihood to miss important things said by the speaker. Ramin also reveals that listening skills can be learnt when she says I might have missed that, had I not learned to listen (Para 5) in reference to I love you whisper from an deprive girl to her at Noahs community center.Ramins claim that one should learn when to speak and when to listen is very true. I particularly had poor listening skills, but learnt a lesson that changed my listening skills completely. I had gate-crushed a certain wedding in the neighborhood. At the door of hall where the occasion was scheduled, a security check instructed me that empty blue seats were reserved for some special people invited to the wedding. Unfortunately, I was simply nodding and talking at the same time, while my

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