Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Solution to the issue Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Solution to the issue - Research Paper ExampleThe conclusion provides a brief recap of what the firmness of purpose is and how it has been discussed throughout the paper.Is there a solution to crime? It is a question that can be asked by any concerned citizen. All over the country, people are faced with the likelihood of be the victims of a crime. It does not matter what type of crime, big or small in the judgment of any individual, a crime is a crime. Be it take by force from a person, property, killing, or even crimes that infringe on the human rights of any individual like rape. All these are crimes that represent a wide array of the types of crime that are in existence today. With the availability of technology, the current nature of crime has become sophisticated. In addition, the crime fighting agencies pee also embraced technology and made the detection and fighting of crime sophisticated too. Hence, it is evident that a complex case scenario is in the offing. A case t hat brings somewhat some form of intricacy into the whole issue surrounding crime. Nevertheless, correctional facilities offer a place where criminals can be rehabilitated. However, as described in the examination of the biggest issues facing American correctional system, gangs in the correctional facilities and the behavior of the convicted criminals making up these gangs is the greatest issue. Thus, there has to be a way to mould this issue to ensure that the American correctional system gets it right in the rehabilitation of the individuals it has been entrusted with. Persons who have been found dangerous and unfit to live and interact with the bear of the American civil population. What is the solution? The paper seeks to describe a solution to this issue.What makes this the biggest issue in the American correctional system? Research undertaken by Ruddell and Winterdyk (2010) that unrivaled the issue of gangs in

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