Monday, June 3, 2019

Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels

Environmental Impact of fogey FuelsThe contamination of large burning plants comes from fogey arouse much(prenominal) as coal, oil (petroleum) and essential gas fogey fuel submit been directed from the re master(prenominal)s of organisms which lived hundred of millions of years a go. in that respect argon three main types of fossil fuel Coil, oil (petroleum) and natural gas.Coil was formed from the remains of tree and plants which grew in swamps.Oil it is formed from the sea, the sea contains many an(prenominal) tiny animals and plants called plankton, they set their energy to live and multiply from sunlight. When they slip away they sink to the bottom of the sea. Those that died millions of years ago, form oil and gas which be the main sources of fuel.Natural gas is mainly made up of methane, which is given finish by anaerobic bacteria breaking fling off several(prenominal) of the organic matter which formed oil and coal.Fossil fuels be burned to producing en ergy,Pollution is be as the contamination of origin, water system or soil by materials that interfere with human health, the quality of life, or the natural functioning of ecosystems. Air pollution is the pollution of the atmosphere by emissions from industrial plants, incinerators, internal combustion engines and other sources.Pollutants coffin nail be classified as either primary or supplemental. Primary pollutants are substances directly produced by a process, such as ash from a vol gougeic eruption or the snow monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust.Secondary pollutants are non emitted. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ozone-one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photo chemic smog.(Pepper, I.L C.P Gerba M. L Brusseau. 1996)SourceLarge combustion Plants refers to the coal author station, Oil refinery, natural gasprocessing plant and others sear power plantCoal is compose d of carbon, reciprocal ohm, hydrogen, atomic number 8 and northward.In a coal power station pollutants are formed by the burning of the fossil fuel coal. Burning coal at high temperature will produce oxides of northward. Inside the coal are compounds of treat and nitrogen. These originate from the dead organisms that make up the coal. When the coal is burnt the sec and Nitrogen is oxidised producing SOX and NOX, which are released into the atmosphere as primary pollutants. The NOX produced from combusting the Nitrogen in the coal is called fuel NOX. There is also NOX produced by the combustion of Oxygen and Nitrogen in the air. This is subsistn as thermal NOX.(Peirce, J.F R.F.Weiner P.A. Vesilind.1998)When a fuel burn, it reacts with oxygen to form oxides. If the fuel burns completely, therefore all the carbon in it is saturnine into carbon dioxide which is slightly acidic. If there is not much air available, the carbon may be turned into carbon monoxide, which is a reall y poisonous gas.The main primary pollutants created by a coal fired power station are NOx, SOx and VOCs. Sulphur oxides are created from the burning of the coal. Coal naturally contains siemens, the amount of which varies depending on which organisms created the coal. When the coal is burnt, so also is the sulphur.When a fuel burns, it reacts with oxygen to form oxides.If the fuel burns completely, then(prenominal) all the carbon in it is turned into carbon dioxide which is slightly acidic. If there is not much air available, the carbon may be turned into carbon monoxide, which is a very poisonous gas.The carbon dioxide released by the coal power plant causes modality change and global warming, coal fire power plants are the main contributor to co2 in the air.Proteins in living organisms contain nitrogen. When coal burns, Nox is formed in the following waysWhen nitrogen bound in the coal is released and combines with oxygen to form fuel Nox.When high combustion temperatures break apart stable nitrogen molecules in the air which then recombine with oxygen to form thermal NOx.Primary pollutants formed in a coal fired power plants areNox formed at high temperature and pressure of the combustion causes the atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen to react.VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) produced when unburnt hydrocarbons are released through the chimney of the furnace.Carbon monoxide is a gas formed as a by-product during the incomplete combustion of all fossil fuels. Exposure to carbon monoxide can cause headaches and place additional stress on the great unwashed with heart disease.Sulphur dioxide roughlyly comes from the burning of coal or oil in power plants. Sulphur dioxide reacts in the atmosphere to form acid fall and particles.And is also a major contributor to photochemical smog.Nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides are important constituents of acid rain. These gases combine with water vapour in clouds to form sulphuric and nitric acids, which become part of rain and snow. As the acids accumulate, lakes and rivers become too acidic for plant and animal life.(Peirce, J.F R.F.Weiner P.A. Vesilind.1998)ImpactCoal Fired cater StationsCoal-fired power stations are major sources of pollution. The extensive use of coal is because there is a lot of it around. Although it produces pollutants coal is an important fuel for many considerable time to come. A coal-fired power station has three main inputs coal, cooling water pure water to use in steam turbines. The main outputs are electricity, waste heat, CO2, SOx, NOx and ash.Fossil fuels are also linked to the decrease of air quality. Clean air is essential to life and good health. several(prenominal) important pollutants are produced by fossil fuel combustion carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, and hydrocarbons. In addition, total suspended particulates contribute to air pollution, and nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons can combine in the atmosphere to form tropospheric ozone, th e major constituent of smog.Coal-fired power stations are responsible for the diffusion of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere must be carefully balanced to maintain the greenhouse effect, which is what keeps the surface of the earth warm plentiful to support life. Like all things in nature a change in one part of the environment can result in changes in another.The effect of increased greenhouse gases in the environment is that the temperature of the atmosphere is expected to increase. It is indicateed by some scientists that this temperature increase could result in the followingThe destruction of ecosystems such as the Great Barrier Reef.A change in the worlds weather patterns, resulting in an increase in both intensity and frequency of storms, cyclones, floods and droughts.The melting of glaciers and wintry ice.Rising sea levels resulting in the permanent flooding of vast areas.Economies may be affected by the destruction of crops and industry.The effect of releasing gaseous acids into the atmosphere, as a result of modern lifestyles, results in Acid Rain and more serious Global Warming.The effects of global warming is of such great repair that many nations agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. mining the coal that is to be used in the generation of electricity results in the destruction of the environment. pee systems can be threatened from the run-off as a result of the washing of coal.The pollution that is caused by the means of acid rain can have a variety of effects on the environment that are mostly negative such as acid rain being a form of chemical weathering on buildings that are constructed from limestone or marble. Acid rain can also contaminate water supplies by dissolving the lead and copper pipes which transport the water to houses and other buildings. Another effect of acid rain is the pollution that is caused on lakes and reservoirs killing most of the wildlife, this includes tre es plants and animal habitats Acid rain also affects rivers and lakes, as the acidulousness levels go up, the pH level falls. With the pH of water below 4.5 most fish will die, this will have a detrimental effect on wildlife as if the fish die the birds that feed on the fish will also die.SOx emissionsAll living organisms contain compounds of sulphur which are the origin of the sulphur found in coal. When coal burns, the sulphur compounds are converted to oxides of sulphur.Sulphur Dioxide exposure can affect people who suffer from asthma or pulmonary emphysema by making it more difficult to breathe. It can also irritate peoples eyes, noses, and throats. Sulphur dioxide can harm trees and crops, damage buildings, and make it harder for people to see coarse distance.NOx EmissionsThe flue gases in the power station contain oxides of nitrogen (NOx). This is because fuels contain compounds of nitrogen formed from the proteins contained in organisms. When the fuel is burnt, these nitrog en compounds are oxidised to form fuel NOx .At the high temperature of combustion, atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen combine to form thermal NOxHigh levels of nitrogen dioxide exposure can give people cough and can make them fell short of breath. People who are exposed to nitrogen dioxide for long time have a higher chance of moderniseting respiration infection. Acid rain can hurt plants and animals, and can make lakes dangerous to swim or fish inNitrogen dioxide also reacts with the oxygen or hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight to form an irritating photochemical.Carbon monoxide carbon monoxide makes it hard for body parts to get the oxygen they need to run correctly. Exposure to carbon monoxide makes people fell dizzy and tired and gives them headaches.Ozone near the ground can cause a rate of health problems. Ozone can lead to more frequent asthma attacks in people who have asthma and can cause sore throats, cough eupneic difficult. It may even lead to premature death. Oz one can also hurt plants and crops.When the ozone in the stratosphere is destroyed, people are exposed to more ray from the sun (ultraviolet radiation). This can lead to skin cancer and eye problems. Higher ultraviolet radiation can also harm plants and animalsVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) causes eye irritation, respiratory irritation, some are carcinogenic, and decreased visibility due to blue-brown hazeAdvantagesVery large amounts of electricity can be generated in one place victimisation coal, jolly cheaply.Transporting oil and gas to the power stations is easy.Gas-fired power stations are very efficient.A fossil-fuelled power station can be built nearly anywhere, so long as you can get large quantities of fuel to it. Didcot power station, in Oxfordshire, has its own rail link to supply the coal.DisadvantagesCoal is not a renewable resource.Coal-fire power stations create pollution.Mining coal damages the environment.During the production of electricity carbon dioxide is r eleased, increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.The main drawback of fossil fuel is pollution. Burning any fossil fuel produces carbon dioxide, which contributes to the greenhouse effect warming the Earth.Burning coal produces more carbon dioxide than burning oil or gas. It also produces sulphur dioxide, a gas that contributes to acid rain. this can be reduced in the lead releasing the waste gases into atmosphere.Mining coal can be difficult and dangerous. Strip mining destroy large areas of the landscape.Coal-power stations need huge amounts of fuel, which means train-loads of coal almost constantly. In order to cope with changing demands for power, the station needs reserves. This means covering a large area of countryside next to the power station with piles of coalSulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide are also produced in these emissions and can produce acid rain.(Peirce, J.F R.F.Weiner P.A. Vesilind.1998)Monitoring PollutionPollution is me asured to ensure that the air quality are not exceededMonitoring air pollutionWhen proctoring air pollution it is important to know or decide what pollutants are to be monitored, where they should be monitored, what instruments are to be used for that purpose and what kind of weather base needs to be collected, and it is also important to figure out how many stations are necessary to meet this goal.Carbon monoxide is typically measured by using an infrared gas analyzer. With this instrument the absorption of infrared radiation by carbon monoxide in the sample air stream is compared with absorption in a reference gas of known carbon monoxide ducking. This method allows endless non-destructive measurement of carbon monoxide in the sampled airSulphur dioxide is generally measured by ultraviolet emission spectrometers. This approach is based on the principle that sulphur dioxide emits a measurable flux of radiation when irradiated with intense UV from a light source in the spectrome ter.Nitrogen oxides are measured by chemiluminescence. allure sequential chemical chemical reactions involving ozone are used. First, NO is measured, then NO2. Infrared radiation is emitted during oxidation of NO to NO2 by ozone introduced into the instrument. The amount of radiation produced is proportional to the NO concentration in the air stream. To measure NO2, a catalyst is used to reduce all NO2 in the air stream to NO, whose subsequence reaction with ozone permits the indirect termination of NO2Ozone concentration are generally measured by using a UV absorption spectrophotometer, although chemiluminescent-type instruments are also used.Various no-methane hydrocarbons are measured using such instruments as a gas chromatograph. Hydrocarbons are generally more difficult to measure than most other pollutants, and often require greater operator involvement in the measurement process(Pepper, I.L C.P Gerba M. L Brusseau. 1996)Monitoring of air quality has been at a lower p lace affectn by scientists for several years.The air taken into the sampler is drawn head start through a white filter paper, on which any low-down present leaves a deposit as a stain a greater or lesser blackness. It then passes through a reagent solution which traps any sulphur dioxide present and converts it to sulphuric acid. After a weeks sampling the seven sets of smoke stain and reagent bottle are brought to the laboratory for analysis.The smoke is determined by measuring instrumentally the loss of reflectance of the once-white filter papers, the reflectance values being convened into kindred smoke concentrations from a standard calibration graph. The sulphur dioxide is measured by careful titration of the very weak acid solutions, followed by calculation of the results.They also monitor air quality throughout the district, using diffusion tubes and the air quality monitoring station. Contaminated land is a key project for the service, with the production of a contaminated land strategy.Monitoring gaseous emissions from soil and land fillSoils play an important role in controlling back ground concentrations of most air pollutants. Soil can either emit or take up from the atmosphere many trace gases, including NOx, N2O, CO2, and CH4. In general there are three different approaches to measure gas fluxes between soil, and the atmosphere and these areChamber approaches, micrometeorological approaches, and soil profile approaches.Monitoring of tropospheric pollutantsWhen monitoring tropospheric pollutants, an important step is to know which pollutants are present in the troposphere and how their concentrations vary.Chemists monitor the concentrations of tropospheric pollutants, to study patterns and learn about the rate at which indisputable reactions will take place in certain conditionsStudying individual reactions in the laboratoryTo make predictions about pollution, chemists need to know what reactions take place and how quickly they occur. Many of t hese reactions involve broken down fragments of molecules called radicals. Reactions with radicals happen very quickly but other reactions happen very slowly. Chemists measure the length of time of these reactions to predict the rate at which a reaction will proceed for any set of conditions.Modelling StudiesThe information on rates of reactions is used in computer simulation studies to reproduce and predict the demeanor of pollutants during a smog episode. The more accurate the information used, the more closely the model simulates the observed behaviour.Smog Chamber SolutionsThese are laboratory experiments on a large scale. Primary pollutants are mixed in a huge clear plastic bag called a smog chamber and exposed to sunlight under carefully controlled conditions. Probes monitor the concentrations of various species as the photochemical smog builds up. The chamber has to be big to minimise any surface effects where the reactions take place on the walls of the container instead of the gas phase.Chemists monitor pollutants to find out exactly what pollutants are involved in smog formation, and how they vary in concentration. These changes in concentration can show changes in the atmosphere, for example the presence of sunlight.Chemists study reactions to see which pollutants react with which. Most importantly, to see which radicals are formed where, because they are very reactive, and cause a lot of atmospheric reactions. The speed of these reactions needs to be measured to understand how fast substances are being made and destroyed.Chemists can makes models of situations, to predict what will happen in the future. One such model is smog chamber simulations. These are huge plastic bags which are exposed to sunlight under controlled conditions. Analytical probes monitor the concentrations of different gases as the photochemical smog forms.ControlOne of the Methods for controlling air pollution include removing the hazardous material before it is used, removing the pollutant after it is formed, or altering the process so that the pollutant is not formed or occurs only at very low levels. Industrially emitted particulates may be trapped in cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, and filters. Pollutant gases can be collected in liquids or on solids, or incinerated into harmless substances.The best way to control pollution is to control level of carbon emissions released into the atmosphereUsing coal with low sulphur content Power plants can use coal with low sulphur content. As a result, less sulphur dioxide will be produced and the amount of sulphur dioxide in the flue gas will be significantly reduced. lay out scrubbers in power plantsPower plants can install scrubbers to reduce the amount of sulphur dioxide in the flue gas. The principle of how scrubbers can remove sulphur dioxide are given below Dry Scrubber Calcium oxide reacts with sulphur dioxide in the flue gas, forming insoluble calcium sulphite which is then filtered out in the flu e gas. CaO(s) + SO2(g) CaSO3(s) nettled Scrubber Calcium oxide is first allowed to react with water, forming calcium hydroxide. CaO(s) + H2O(1) Ca(OH)2(aq)Calcium hydroxide then reacts with sulphur dioxide in the flue gas, forming water and calcium sulphite. Calcium sulphite is then filtered out. Ca(OH)2(aq) + SO2(g) CaSO3(s) + H2O(1)(Barret.R and F. Feates. 1994)Install electrostatic precipitator in power plantsPower plants can install electrostatic precipitator to reduce the amount of particulates in the flue gas. good luck gas passes through the electrostatic precipitator. The particulates in the flue gas are attracted by the electric field and then removed from the electrode.Control the temperature in the combustion chamberThe amount of nitrogen oxides released can be reduced by reducing ardor temperature and availability of oxygen in the combustion zone. But the flame temperature cannot be too low, which would cause incomplete combustion and produce carbon monoxide.The limes tone processThe other main way of reducing SOx emissions is to react them with calcium carbonate to produce gypsum for the building trade. This is a hassle as it has to compete with other brands, and be marketed.NOx emissionsCoal fired power stations used to get the flames as hot as possible to increase the yield, but as the rate of reaction increases as temperature increases, the amount of thermal NOx (produced from the nitrogen and oxygen combining), increases to get the flames hottest the coal was powdered and mixed with an excess of air.Low NOx burnersThere is this type of burner, where the injection of air is controlled, so the flames are not as hot.This significantly lowers the production of NOx.Gas reburnsThe injection of ethane and methane (natural gas) reacts with NOx to produce nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapour.CH4 (g) + 4NO2 (g) 2N2 (g) + CO2 (g) + 2H2O(g)Some of the alkanes will not react, and carbon monoxide is produced as a result of incomplete combustion.CH4 CO + H2OThe alkanes and CO are then reacted with air to combust them completely. This oxidation is exothermic and so produces heat that contributes to the generation of electricity.(Barret.R and F. Feates. 1994)ConclusionFossil fuels, like coal, oil, and natural gas, provide the energy that powers our lifestyles and our economy. One of the main uses of fossil fuels is to generate electricity, fuel cars, and to heat or cool buildingsFossil fuel is one of humanitys most important sources of energy. Fossil fuel plays a major role in our economy and many of our current technology have been developed with fossil fuel in mind. However burning fossil fuel is damaging the Earths environment with the release of pollution to the atmosphere. In addition ecosystems are becoming damaged by the extraction of fossil fuel.Fossil fuels impact the environment greatly carbon dioxide emissions contribute to harmful global warming and climate change.Inefficient burning of fossil fuels results in the pr oduction of carbon monoxide, which is a very harmful and poisonous gas. Inhalation of this gas is likely to cause death as it interferes with the transport of oxygen in the blood streamCombustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas produces gases such as nitrogen oxides, which cause acid rain.

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