Saturday, May 4, 2019

Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Response - Essay ExampleAmeirca also has a long customs duty of exportinging to other countries, and so there ar opportunities for manufacturing to bring large returns through domestic and export marketing.In the next decade there will be increasing competition from countries like India and chinaware, where takings are considerably cheaper and education standards are catching up fast to those of America, and even in nearly cases such as maths education, exceeding them. The stakeholders for Standard Motors include the owners, the workforce, the large and small customers, and the communities in which their factories are located. The owners are keen to make profits consistently, so that they can continue investing in the ground but workers want higher wages, and so there is a conflict of interests there. Standard Motor Products prospers when normalwealth cannot afford new cars. A similar counter-cyclical business may be local tourism such as hotels selling weekend breaks, sinc e many Americans may stay at home and have scam breaks instead of travelling abroad for longer vacations. The article seemed fairly accurate, but it may give an over-optimitistic find out of Americas performance globally. I think there is more of a threat from Brazil, China and India, for example, than is visible right now, and it will become apparent very soon.I forestall that the entertainments electronics industry (laptops, ipods, busy phones etc.) will be even more competitive than it is now, and there may be increasing shortages in key raw materials that go into making these products, like some heavy metals and some elements that are common at the present time, but will be running short in 2020, such as copper, for example. This will mean that recycling will be a bigger part of exertion, and I expect that manufacturing plants will have built in recycling facilities located right next to their new production facilities. This may provide some jobs for low skilled human staff , in collecting and delivering the products to be

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