Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Mexico's Global business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mexicos Global business - Essay ExampleThe topography is very diverse, and the humour reflects this fact. At any time of the year you can find an area of Mexico with a perfect climate. Many split of the central highlands and some coastal locations, have perfect run all year round (Blog, 1996).The ground can be split into four geographical areas namely, The Baja Peninsula, The Pacific Coast, The Caribbean coast and The Central Highlands. The Baja has a climate that varies considerably from its west coast to its east coast and north to south. The coastal areas get hot and humid weather in the summer and ideal weather in the winter. The central highlands get ideal weather year-round. The northern desert areas have very hot weather in the summer and cool nights in the winter with some snow on occasions. Details on climate can be obtained from the to a greater extent specific pages in Virtual Mexico (Blog, 1996).The economic health of Mexico is basically more focused on perish and to urism. The other areas in which the country has a good reputation are industrial production, oil and bollix up production, textiles and clothing and agriculture. Mexico is highly dependent on exports to the U.S., which represent more than a quarter of the countrys GDP. The result is that the Mexican economy is strongly linked to the U.S. business cycle. Real GDP grew by 4.8% in 2006 and by 3.3% in 2007 (Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, 2008). Hundreds of North American factories have been built to take advantage of the lower push back costs. Mexico has 1/5 of the worlds oil reserves. Mexico produces and exports a wide selection of agricultural goods. Just about each kind of fruit and vegetable is grown on giant modern irrigated farms and small family plots.Political Conditions of MexicoMexico is bogged downcast in a grim economic crisis, and the people are tired of inflation, of poverty, and of the appalling poverty-linked crime wave. The politics of Mexico is a federal re public (Lake, 1998). The 1917 constitution provides for a federal republic with powers separated into independent executive, legislative, and discriminative branches. Historically, the executive has been the dominant branch, with power vested in the president, who promulgates and executes the laws of the Congress. The Congress has played an increasingly important role since 1997, when oppositeness parties first made major gains. The president also legislates by executive decree in accepted economic and financial fields, using powers delegated from the Congress. The president is select by universal adult suffrage for a 6-year term and may not hold office a second time. There is no sin president in the event of the removal or death of the president, a provisional president is elected by the Congress (Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, 2008). In the 2006 elections, the PAN emerged as the largest party in twain the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, with just over 40% of the s eats in each house of Congress. It does not sleep together a legislative majority. Although the PRI no longer controls the presidency and has fewer

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