Monday, May 20, 2019

Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation

cloy trigger.. 2 *Literature Review *2 *Empirica*l case *.. *. *7* Google *. *. *. *7 * discourse. *. *.. * *Conclusion & Recommendation. *11 *References.. *13 A Critical analysis of break- incite a case fill based on Google Inc. Introduction _Motivating mess is easy provided incite bulk to hold up to the stovepipe of their abilities and directing their efforts to the goals of the organisation ar the real issues and that is certainly not always easy Mullins, L. J ( steering and organisational behaviour, Pg 406, fifth Ed)_ This paper blesss an grounds of the term _Motivation_.The term is used almost every twenty-four hours of our lives but not every mavin enjoy what it takes to actu eithery practise motivating. In this case, I would be explaining in inside information what pauperism is all round, the objectives of motivating an individual in a certain way and how the overall transaction is affected. I would also be testing few motivational theories in an empirica l case (Google). Here, I hope to identify the flexing style at Google the character of work, employees and the environment, what runs and de- displaces employees and engineers at work.Organisations claim that their biggest asset or their major sources of competitive advantage be their employees but most organisations do not know how to motivate their employees. Research has shown that different organisations apply different style of motivation. We would analyse these empirical cases with the motivational theories discussed in the literary productions review and also analyse key motivational cistrons associated with our empirical case. This would lead to my conclusion and recommendation on how to effectively motivate employee to increase productivity and surgical operation. A Review on Motivation and its theoriesWork motivation and employee gratification plays a more central role in the cogitation of perplexity hypothetically and much and it is thus one of the most importa nt operators affecting employee behaviour and performance. Managers attach great richness to this pattern of heed in organisational settings as an effective motivational practice on employee(s) lead to organisational effectiveness in different levels. The following(a) question we heap ask ourselves is what is motivation? The concept of motivation refers to internal factors that motivate actions and external factors that can act as inducements to those actions Locke, E.A & Latham, G. P. (2004). This has being the universal definition of motivation but certain authors and researchers have aimed at giving the simplest definition to this concept. Mullins, L. J defines motivation as the direction and industry of action (Pg 406, fifth Ed). Mullins went further to suggest that motivation is come to, basically, with why people behave in a certain way, why people choose a particular course of action in gustatory sensing to others and why they continue with a chosen action, often over a long period and in the face of catchyies and problems (pg 406, 5th ed).Atkinson defines motivation as different factors that combine at a particular period to influence the eon, vigour, and persistence of an individuals behaviour in a given home (pp2, 1964). The one-third tantrums of gentlemans gentleman actions which can be affected by motivation argon intensity (effort), direction (choice) and duration (persistence) and coup take with experience and ability leads to effective performance Jindal-Snape & Snape, J. B (2006). Motivation, as a concept of perplexity is coarse in character and indeed permeates many of the sub- athletic field that compose the study of management e. . leadership, teams, performance management, managerial ethics, decision making and organisation change Steers, R. M & Mowday, T. R & Shapiro, D. L (2004) and this is the reason why this case has attracted attentions from different authors and researchers in the past years. This has also led to the pro define of theories to support this managerial concept i. e. motivation. These theories are referred to as motivational theories. There are so many theories on motivation, each acting as a competitor to the other on attempt to best explain the temper of motivation.Within the vast number of theories, whatever are built on economic knowledge with a psychological perceptiveness (Maslow, 1943) and so forth Mullins, L. J suggests that all these theories are at least partially true and all military service explain the behaviour of certain people at certain times but however, the search for a generalized supposition on motivation at work appears to be in vain (Pg 414, 5th Ed). It is indeed because of the fact that there are no generalized or single solutions as to what motivates people or individual in organisation, that there are different theories on motivation.These theories are so dual-lane into those concerned with identifying the call for toward which behaviour(s) is d irected content theory and those that are concerned with the dynamic, psychical processes that lead to individuals following(a) certain goals rather than others process theory Jindal-Snape & Snape (2006). Abraham Maslow proposed the most influential and widely recognised theory of motivation. The Maslow theory of inescapably (1943) is the one of the widely discussed theories of motivation having proposed the pecking order of postulate.He proposed that individuals are requisiteing beings, who always want more and what they want depends on what they already have and these demands are arranged fit in to its immenseness in levels, hence the hierarchy of needs drawframe Maslows hierarchy of needs (1943) Jindal-Snape and Snape (2006) suggests that according to this hierarchy, each need can act as a motivator, provided all needs lower in the hierarchy are satisfied and a satisfied need no longer act as a starchy motivator.This goes to explain why individuals/employees who are not satisfied at their current position would be do to put in more efforts until their needs are satisfied. Maslow argued that the showtime leash needs on the list represent deficiency needs that people must master before they can develop into a healthy person-to-personity, while the last both represent the growth needs that extend to to individual achievements and development of human potentials Steers, R. M et al (2006).Mullins evaluated Maslows theory of needs by suggesting that individuals draw close up the hierarchy as each lower-level needs becomes satisfied and therefore, managers must pay attention to the next higher level of needs in other to motivate employees if there is a change in behaviour (Pg 418, 5th ed). Abraham Maslows theory (1943) attracted criticism Wahba, A & Bridgewell, L (1976) for the existence of a definite hierarchy of need. In 1972, Clayton Alderfer modified Maslows hierarchy of needs model. He summarized the hierarchy of needs into a framework of three different classes of needs known as ERG Jindal-Snape & Snape (2006).Existence needs, which entangle nutritional and clobber requirements. At work places, working conditions and pay/ remuneration fall into this type of need Relatedness needs, which are met by means of traffichip with family and friends and at work places, relationship with fellow colleagues and managers. Growth needs which reflect desire for personal psychological development Fincham and Rhodes suggest that Clayton Alderfer (1972) theory differs in number of important respects to Maslows hierarchy of needs (pg 198, quaternate Ed).They went further to say that while Maslow proposed a progression up the hierarchy, Alderfer argued that it was infract to cogitate in terms of a continuum, from concrete (existence needs) to least concrete (growth needs) and it is possible to move along it in either directions (pg 198, 4th Ed). This means that if an individuals need e. g. growth needs seem difficult to fulfil, that creates a frustration regression that forces a shift to another need e. g. relatedness needs.Jindal-Snape and Snape suggested that ERG theory differs from Maslows hierarchy of needs in that it does not assume that a need is only activated if it is deficient and two needs could operate at the same time in motivational practice. Fredrick Herzberg (1966) was accredited as the start unitedly of the second, highly influential theory to have evolved after Maslows. Unlike Maslow and Alderfer, Herzbergs work was based on research where he interviewed professionals from different companies, this work he called the Herzbergs two-factor theory. This theory consists of two factors noted from his interviews.Factors that led to employee dissatisfaction, he called de-motivators or hygiene factors while factors that led to individual/employee satisfaction, he called motivators. Fincham and Rhodes suggest that motivators involved achievements, advancement, intelligence, indecorum and other intrinsic aspect of work that represent sources of satisfaction and if absent leads to dissatisfaction while the other concerned with working conditions, salary, mull security, company policy, supervisors and interpersonal relations and other sources of extrinsic aspect of work were sources of dissatisfaction (pg 199, 4th ed).Herzbergs two factor theory are also referred to as intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors and it has being highly influential and practised. Herzberg deserves credit for introducing the field to the role of job material body specifically, job enrichment as a key factor in work motivation and job attitudes Steers, M. R et al (2004). Herzbergs two factor theory are not to be confused as being blow of each other as Wilson, F. M suggests that the opposite of job satisfaction is no job satisfaction while the opposite of job dissatisfaction is no job dissatisfaction (Pg148, 2nd Ed). some other motivational theorist was David McClelland (1992). He based his work on the personality of individuals Jindal-Snape & Snape (2006). He identified four main motives The achievement motive, explains our concerns for doing things better than others Power motives, desire to influence others Need for affiliation, desire to establish and have a positive relationships with people around us. Avoidance motives Very often, we hardly recognize the latter one as the pass by three are the most important.Mullins suggests that the first three motives correspond to Maslows self-importance-actualisation, esteem and love needs (Pg 425, 5th ed) while Jindal-Snape & Snape (2006) suggests that although everyone has all needs, the strength of each need for each individual is different. They went further to say that these needs are innate and are developed relatively early in life and they remain unchanged. These motivational theories mentioned supra all fall into the content theory of motivation, we have identified and elaborated on them. I would now move ahead to briefly identify some of the process theory of motivation.I willing not be going into detail with the process theory of motivation as it wouldnt be needed for the latter stages of this study. Process theories also called the cognitive theories aim at identifying the relationships among the dynamic variable which limit up motivation and the actions required to influence behaviour and actions Mullins, L. J ( worry and organisational behaviour, Pg 426, 5th Ed). Mullins suggests that it provides further contribution to our disposition of the complex nature of motivation (Pg 426, 5th Ed).Very few motivational theories fall into the category and some of these theories are Vways Expectancy theory proposed by Vroom. V (1964) and then revised together with Lawler, E. & Porter, L. (1968). Goal setting theory proposed by Locke, E. A (1960s) has emerged as one of the modernised way of motivating employees Wiley (1997). This theory emerged as researchers began to produce that simple act of s pecifying target for behaviour enhanced task performance Steers, R. M et al (2004). Locke (1968) suggests that the logic of goal setting theory is that an employees conscious intentions i. . the goals are primary winding determinants of task-related motivation since goals are instruments that direct our thoughts and actions. Results of goals/self-regulation research indicate two critical preconditions of a positive goal-performance feedback betrothal of goals assignment and provisions for performance feedback Wiley (1997). An Empirical Case Having discussed and understood what motivation and the related theories are all about, the next step is to identify how applicable these theories are in a real life situation especially for the purpose of this case study.Jindal-Snape and Snape (2006) suggest that to answer this sort of questions, we first need to consider the nature of the work and the environment, and then the nature of these workers themselves. About Google Google Inc. is an American public corporation. 1Founded in 1998, Google runs the worlds most popular net search engine. Its position has earned the organisation huge profits and given it large influence over the online world.It is also known for the quirky corporate culture created by its billionaire co-founder, Larry Page and Sergey Brin which includes a chaotic, campus-like atmosphere at its offices, where workers are pampered with vindicate, chef-prepared food and other amenities. My research environment (Google) is highly technology-driven and we all know that engineers enjoy a lot of trust, creative thinking and power which is very different from most jobs at a more product-driven company. Firstly, I would be giving a proper definition of what engineering is all about, the nature of engineers and what motivates them.Engineers are people who are qualified, trained professionally to engage in various branches of engineering. Wen, C. K (2007) suggests that engineers are normally assigned to pr oblems and a specific set of goals and constraints they find technical solution to the problem that satisfies these goals inwardly those constraints and these goals and constraints may be technical, social or business related. Engineers solve practical problems with the aid of technological tools, numerical and scientific knowledge which they possess.They are often confused with scientist Jindal-Snape & Snape (2006) but in essence, scientist explore nature to discover undiscovered principals while engineers apply these principles coupled with technological knowledge to solve technical problems. In the field of engineering, engineers are chiefly cause by two most important factors innovation and creativity. Engineering involves creativity as it gives engineers the freedom to engage in self-driven tasks. This can act as a very strong intrinsic motivation which it corresponds to Herzbergs motivator in his two theories (1966). Vere, I. 2009) argues that it is implicit that creativity is integral to design innovation, and that design and the fostering of creativity should be the cornerstone of engineering pedagogy. Further, Vere, I. D suggests that creativity is of paramount importance in the engineering practice as it endows one with the insight and discipline to seek out and target problems from the boundaries of different engineering disciplines. For engineers, innovation leads to an awareness of self-importance which corresponds to esteem needs on Maslows (1943) hierarchy of needs. Innovation and innovativeness leads to recognition Herzbergs two-factor theory (1966).Innovation leads to advancement which creates challenges as Jindal-Snape & Snape suggest that the rate at which science and technology are advancing provides a different set of challenges and if these engineers were to stay on top of their game, access to up-to-date equipments must be necessary and at hand. Engineers are also highly motivated through with(predicate) feedbacks on their innovatio n and products, an assured link amidst their efforts and outcome Jindal-Snape & Snape (2006) and researchers have also shown that this field of occupation are highly motivated by intrinsic factors than extrinsic factors.Having said all this, we would be looking at some secondary empirical data from ex-googlers relating to employees satisfaction, problem encountered with aim at exploring and identifying the perception of these engineers regarding the factors that motivate them. I would be discussing ways on how such problems could be minimized, motivational schemes that can be put in place to eliminate such problems. According to a blog 2 posted by an ex-googler stating his reasons why he left the search giants, he states andI quote For one thing, it was unlikely to initially be able to work in an area that one was passionate _about, the products and team where all kindle and exciting to work with but unfortunately, I was unable to be passionate about my particular area. This becam e less(prenominal) of an issue as time went by but for experienced engineers that have good knowledge and understanding of what they want and what sort of things they enjoy working on, this could lead to job dissatisfaction. The same engineer and ex-googler as above went further to say that due to sheer size of code base and vast number of Googles specific tools and frameworks it also takes very long time to learn how to very become productive at Google, which can be very annoying, frustrating and de-motivating at times. Another mesh blog 3 from an engineer and ex-googler reports his insights about what it was really like working for Google.This particular engineer who now works for Microsoft reports that the lava lamps, organic dinner and free shuttle hygiene factor (Herzbergs two-factor theory, 1966) put in place to act as a source of motivation lies a company where employees end up working long hours, dont enjoy private offices and get paid less. He also highlighted some de-mot ivators working for Google. _Employees are generally in the building working long hours between 10am to 6pm and after that, most engineers spend most of their eve working from home. There are employees whose desks are literally in the hallway.Google does not place any encourage on past or previous industry experience but puts tremendous values on degrees especially from Stanford. Employees actually get paid less salary compared to the amount of effort put in and the quality of the health insurance is not above standards. Most employees dont actually get a 20percent compute and managers will not remind you to start one. _ According to another internet source 4, a 20percent project is an allocation of 20percent time to every engineer and employee at Google to work on side projects and indeed great innovation come out from this provision of 20percent time e. g. -mail, Google news etc. Very few internet blogs from ex-googlers show job dissatisfaction at Google while most internet blo gs and videos indeed agree that Google is indeed a very unique place to work. Engineers and employees agree that the organisation provides everything they needed to work with and be productive but its up to them i. e. the engineers to take that extra mile. We have understood the theoretical aspect of motivation and we have seen some empirical cases of engineers and ex-googlers. no, I would be analysing these empirical cases with some of the motivational theories discussed above to form a conclusion.Extrinsic Factors/Hygiene Factors (Herzberg, 1966) These factors provide less or no motivation to employees but the absence of these factors leads to a dissatisfaction in work places. In organisations, managers perceive extrinsic motivation as a motivator but in essence, they are not real motivators, rather they support the mental ability and health of these employees. Such factors include wages, benefits, company policies and administrative rules and regulation governing these employees , interpersonal relations with fellow colleagues, supervisors and subordinates, good working conditions and security.From one of the blogs above, we observed an engineer and ex-googler who was dissatisfied with the nature of the job. He emphasize on long working hours and less salary paid which does not compensate for the long hours of working. earliest management theories such as Fredrick W. Taylors scientific management theory suggested using financial wages to impel motivation and job performance Wiley (1997). Wiley also suggested that while controversies persisted, pay or good wages is generally valued by all employees and good wages continues to be ranked among the top tail fin factors that motivate people in their respective jobs.Also, according to Maslows hierarchy of needs (1943), psychological needs are said to be the first and most important need to be satisfied and in other to satisfy this needs, good or satisfactory wage has to be paid to employees to ensure maximum productivity. This same employee identified poor working conditions as another factor that contributed to his dissatisfaction. He brought to our attention that some employees have their office desk literally on the hallway due to the fact that there were less room available. He also made mention of the companys health insurance which was not up to standard.These factors constitute to employee dissatisfaction and change in behaviour and attitude towards work. This also corresponds with Clayton Alderfers (1972) existence needs which include material requirements, good working conditions and substantial pay. For these employees to work effectively and productively, this need has to be satisfied but not as much as their intrinsic needs if there exists any. Extrinsic factors could be a source of motivation for these engineers unlike scientists Jinda-Snape & Snape (2006) where salaries, incentive schemes, prospects for promotion and other extrinsic factors were not considered as motivatin g factors.Intrinsic factors/Motivators (Herzberg 1966) Motivational factors (Herzberg, 1966) are factors which build strong motivation and create a high job satisfaction for employees and they are directly related to the job content of any employee. Absence or falloff in level of these motivations is sure to affect the level of employee satisfaction. An observation in the internet blog from an ex-googler identifies this factor as a major contributor of his dissatisfaction at Google. He states that he was no allowed to work in an area that he was passionate about, leading to dissatisfaction.Herzbergs two-factor theory (1966) mentions autonomy or having a responsibility as an employee to undertake personal tasks leads to job satisfaction. This need to work where one is passionate about leads to self development and achievement and this relates to Clayton Alderfers (1972) growth need reflecting the desire for ones personal development. From the internet blog described above, the ex-g oogler and employee reports that Google does not place value on past experience. I think this tilt relates to the need for recognition (Herzberg, 1966) and the need for achievement (David McClelland, 1992).These two needs both represent intrinsic factors that motivate engineers. They want to be recognized for their individual achievements as well as scientist (Jindal-Snape & Snape, 2006). Another intrinsic factor which motivates employees and engineers at Google is the nature of innovation and being innovative. From a video posted on the internet on life at Google, engineers are allocated personal time to engage in self-driven tasks which leads to side projects and occasionally change into innovations.From the blog above, we observed that an engineer was dissatisfied due to the fact that most employees do not actually get that 20percent project and managers do not remind them to start one. This also relates to Clayton Alderfers (1972) growth need and desire for personal developmen t. Analysis of Google key motivational factor Google seems to be aware of what motivates its employee to their best at work, the need to customize and individualize programs for motivation and intrinsic rewards.Individualization defines human beings as unique in different ways and Google accomplishes this individuation by allowing each engineer in the company take one day a week to work on personal related projects. This is the ultimate in individualization because it not only gives the employee the choice of choosing any projects but allows autonomy and independence in management of the project growth needs (Clayton Alderfer, 1972). Google also identifies what motivates its employee through communicating with them and because of this communication that they are able to motivate employees through intrinsic rewards.Conclusion and recommendations Over the past years, there have been numerous surveys on what motivates employees to do their best work and in other to attain to high leve ls of performance employers depend on their employees to perform at levels that positively affect the bottom line Wiley (1997). We have learnt that the various theories of motivation discussed in my literature review have various applications in managerial practices. When applying these theories practically, managers must take into consideration how each employee feel and defend to their work.These employee feelings and reaction are based on their personality, characteristics, need pattern and values. It also depends on the job component, nature and role of the job, the autonomy and skills in executing the task. Managers must consider both intrinsic and extrinsic aspect of the task and apply various motivational theories when suitable. When motivating these employees with intrinsic factors, managers and employers must show appreciation and give credit to employees for their work and always praise for a job well-done Wiley (1997).Wiley also suggest that recognition and praise are pr obably the most powerful and efficient, yet the least costly motivational tool. Another intrinsic motivational tool that managers should apply is autonomy and employee independence. This creates a sense of moral respect for an employees action towards their work and creates a huge motivation and job satisfaction. Google managers should allow engineers take on projects that they are passionate about. This freedom to participate on self-driven task would create job satisfaction as human being enjoy what they love doing.Extrinsic factors are related to the content or environment in which the job is executed. Mangers and employers must ensure that employees get satisfactory wage to cater for their psychological needs which is first on the order of hierarchy, ensure that there are good working conditions, provision of tangible rewards and interference fringe benefits, job security, job re-design and promotion offered to act as source of motivation to employees. 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