Friday, May 24, 2019

Chemistry Percent Composition Report

Percent Composition Report Hypothesis By using seperation techniques properly, the 3 substance such as water, sand, and season can be seperated and the percent study of each substance. Which will then be work upd theoritically and after comparison with the actual result, the accuracy of the 2 result can be found. Aim The aim of this experiment is to compargon the gravimetric result of the original mixture and the separated substance. The other objective is to calculate each percent composition of the substance that was in the mixture.Introduction Percent composition is about calculating the percentage of a specific substance in a mixture or compound. It is used mostly to calculate the percentage of an element in a compound using moles. To find percent composition in a mixture, the first thing need to be done is by using separation technique to separate the substances. In this experiment, by knowing that salt is soluble in water and salt do not, determining the technique that is to be used is not a difficulty anymore.Finding composition is also key in daily lives, such as finding impurities in a material such as gold. People have found that most golds are not completely composed of gold, but it is also composed of other elements which becomes an alloy. It involves basic mathematical calculation, but the percentage that is found can be in force(p) for the researcher depending on his intentions on what to do with it. Materials -Mixtures of sand and salt -Aquades -Filter paper Filter tunnel -Filtration apparatus -Stirer -Wired gauze -Beaker ProcedureThe beaker, evaporating disk, filter paper, and the mixture is charge using the provided equipment -Water is then added into the mixture which was in the beaker -The whole mixture that was poured by water is stired -The equipments for filtration was prepared -The mixture was poured to the filter paper and was allowed to be filtered -The sand residue was taken to the heater device to be heated overnight -Equipmen ts for the evaporation process is prepared beforehand -The filtrate was then heated, resulting only the salt as the water evaporizes -The sand was then weighted after a night Results Object name Mass (grams) Beaker 60Beaker + Mixtures 86. 3 Beaker + Mixtures+Water 102. 7 Water 16. 4 Mixtures 26. 3 Filter paper 0. 5 Evaporating disk 34. 8 Crystallized Salt 0. 87 Analysis Sand + salt + water = 25. 74 grams % composition % of salt % of sand % of Water Discussions -Gravimetric analysis can only be applied on the experiment if it involves mearusing the mass of the objects or substances that are used in the process -The cause of inaccuracy in this experiment could be the wrong measurement of the water added, the salt substance that didnt get soluted by the water because of the nitty-gritty of the salt is more that the solubility rate of water can take. avoid inaccuracy in the records, precise measurements of every single thing is required, concentration on the process, and slump mathe matical calculations. Conclusion Even if the inaccuracy of the gravimetric analysis is inevitable, the percent composition that can be pulled through the calculation gives us a better limn of how much each substance is in a mixture. Correct separation techniques are also used, which means separation process affects the result greatly.

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