Friday, September 13, 2019

Strategic Marketing Managment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Strategic Marketing Managment - Case Study Example (Barnes, 2006) As mentioned by Jobs, he has big marketing plans for Disney and people will surely love the experience of a new electrifying world within next five years. Another positive thing is, CEO of Disney Robert A. Iger possesses a kindred strength. He is self-affirmed early adopter who loves his one hundred and twenty channel Sirius satellite radio fitted in his automobile. According to Iger, he got a call from the Apple CEO who wished him well and showed interest in working together. At the same time, this coalition has ample of risks, too. Jobs will have to find a way to keep away from conflicts as he administers Apple and remains present on Disney's board too. Steve will also need to prove he can take on the new responsibility of supporting player. The similar thoroughness that helps him in manufacturing great products may make it tricky for him to stand by if somebody is doing something that he thinks is wrong. Iger does not look much secure either. He has refurbished his management style for Disney and implemented some improved operations too. Moreover, Disney’s stock is nearly the same as it used to be few years ago. (Sultana and Arun., 2006) Lots of people wonder how Jobs will utilize his distinctive skills of strategic marketing management to media industry. Jobs undoubtedly have too much to present to Walt Disney. During past few years he has exhibited a methodical justification of his thoughts and leadership. Steve Jobs has already experienced an outstanding expedition in which he has seen several ups and downs however ultimately he has always accomplished something while working for his brands. In the beginning Disney and Pixar had to face inter-organization opposition. But undoubtedly, Jobs is making every effort to give Apple and Pixar a radical drive by using his intelligence, policies and procedures to capture market. This coalition of Jobs with Disney is full of promises. Through this association or this direct horizontal strategic affiliation there is an expectation that if it works well then Disney will soon turn out to be the leading group in world of media. Another major assistance of this coalition is public likeness of Steve Jobs that will definitely help Disney in long run. Steve is famous for acquiring latest strategies for manufacturing and then marketing his products considering the preference of customers. He believes he has to launch great products in order to get great sales and heavy profits for the company. (Sultana and Arun., 2006) Steve highly prefers quality on quantity. After this coalition of Steve and Disney, it is expected that he will make his center of attention the products, which are made under the name of Disney since if he makes an Apple iPod or an animated film, he strongly believes if the manufactured good is accurate then the business will also do accurate in terms of profit. Jobs is also willing to exhibit the dedication of Apple and Disney for marketing each other. Since both these companies always showed interest in acquiring the most up-to-date technology in order to deliver their best in their products. (Finki, 2011)For instance: according to the plan free of cost advertisements of Disney movies will be publicized on various products of Apple that will enlarge their target market and will also bring an advantage above its other

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