Friday, September 27, 2019

Hot Coffee at McDonald's Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hot Coffee at McDonald's - Case Study Example If a consumer is happy, more business transactions can be completed. This is good for both the consumer and businesses. Â  Prescriptions should have a fair price value, although sometimes do not. That is why generic medicine is cheaper. Many patients want name brand, but the generic is the same ingredients. Prescription prices should be regulated like any other product. Cost of prescriptions should be based on manufacturing cost, profit, and loss. Pharmaceutical companies are businesses. They are in business to make money. Pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of helping people. Researchers might want to help people, but in the end, business is what makes the American economy work. Â  Pharmaceutical companies do not have a moral obligation to make lifesaving drugs in poor countries at little or no cost. However, it does make good publicity if they do provide lifesaving drugs to poor countries at little or no cost. It also makes business sense due to tax benefits to charitable organizations. Morally pharmaceutical companies are businesses. They legally and morally should not sell drugs that harm. However, they do not have to give their product away for free. Pharmaceutical companies are businesses, not charitable organizations. Â  The Doe Run Company should pay the costs of cleaning up Herculaneum. Despite the fact the Doe Run Company has been in business before EPA laws on lead, the Company has been violating known EPA laws for years. This is why the Company should be responsible for cleaning up the town. Willful lawbreakers should have to pay the cost for cleanups. It is not the town people’s fault.

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