Sunday, December 22, 2019

I Am Applying For Michigan University s Phd Program

I am applying for Michigan University’s PhD program in political science, with a focus on international relations and formal models. One of my research interests lies in the puzzle of war, namely why war occurs and reoccurs despite of its inefficiency. â€Å"War occurs because there is nothing to prevent it†¦ In the absence of a supreme authority there is then the constant possibility that conflicts will be settled by force.† Representing the view of many political scientists who study the origins of war, Kenneth Waltz s Man, the State, and War impugns the occurrence of war to the nature of interstate anarchy. It was not until I took a PhD-level seminar of formal models of international relations with Professor Andrew Kydd at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and immersed myself with works of Fearon, Powell, and Lake, among many others, did I come to realize that the anarchy explanation for war, though intuitive and compelling to some extend, is largely insuffici ent. Why does the lack of central authority prevent states from bargaining and reaching a settlement that would avoid the costly war? Using game theory and formal models, rationalism argues that private information and the incentives to misrepresent, commitment problem, issue indivisibilities and so on are responsible for the breakdown of bargaining and the occurrence of war. In my paper for the seminar of formal models, I conducted a game-theoretical analysis of the strategic interactions between US, China, and TaiwanShow MoreRelatedIntroducing A Mentoring Program At Rutgers For College Graduates Joining The Workforce2138 Words   |  9 PagesRe: Introducing a mentoring program at Rutgers for college graduates joining the workforce Dear Dr. Siederer, Rutgers University offers a number of career services to assist students who are beginning their next steps after graduation including career fairs and a new career development model which focuses mainly on career interests. 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