Saturday, August 31, 2019

Masculinity in Beloved

Bondage steals away the human characteristics of the slaves. They are treated by others on par with animals that the fine distinctions that inhabit their society are not only blurred from the vision of the observers but also from themselves. Masculinity as a human trait that defines the other half of human race is an expression of individuality and it is no wonder that any trace of such individuality is suppressed and disfigured beyond recognition in the era of slavery.In Tony Morrison’s Beloved, there is a lot of malevolence and violence but the masculinity is itself like a slave trying to buy its freedom of expression and more often than not failing to do so. The murderous rage and grief of Sethe which prompts her to behead her own daughter with a saw (how savage) and try to kill her other children is an expression of the brutality of Slavery that mother would want her children dead than suffer the same fate as her.It is the destruction of masculinity, which finds more expre ssion in Beloved than the ideal shape of Masculinity. The distinction between the genders is obliterated in their common suffering and pain. Halle, who is reported to be a witness to the molesting of his wife by the nephews of he school master who nursed their milk which was by natural right her other daughter’s and also hid in the attic as a mute witness to her punishment which left her scarred is an expression of helpless ness that pervaded the male of the species called Slaves.A father’s natural instinct to protect his children and a mate’s instinctive reactions to the suffering of his partner are the truest and most enduring qualities of Masculinity which are denied to Halle (which perhaps leads him to become the mad, invisible, melancholy loser of the book) The biggest blow to a man’s identity and his gender is, perhaps, when his own wife is taken as a mistress by the man who is also his master and he can do nothing about it. Stamp paid was a victim of such misery and he became apart of the under ground railroad which helped the Negroes escape to freedom.All that he asked in return for his assistance was that their homes remain open for him always. The lack of a family or the loss of his erstwhile family and the need to be seen as a savior/protector, which is the ordained role of male of the species according to the rules of nature drives stamp paid o be of help to all who need it. He is also Baby Sugg’s friend, and keeps frequenting 124. In fact he is instrumental in saving Denver and the other two boys the day school teacher comes to take Sethe and her kids away and Sethe in a fit of rage kills her elder daughter.The central character, which in all its multihued splendor or pain brings about the various stages of suppressed masculinity in Beloved, is Paul D. He is the still living sweet home man and he has a colorful past to say the lest. He along with his two brothers, Halle and Sixo plot their escape from Schoolteach er but are captured. He is captured and lie an animal in chains with a metal in his mouth is dragged to prison for allegedly trying to kill Brandywine. He escapes to north and since attaining his freedom; he is restless with the normal human and male emotions of finding a home and settling down.He reaches 124 and finds Sethe whom he has fancied from their time in Sweet home and chooses to settle down there with her as she had none to take care of her except Denver and Beloved. In spite of himself and against his wishes he becomes tempted by Beloved’s seduction and makes her pregnant. He leaves 124 after he learns from Stamp paid about the fact that Sethe had killed her own daughter. A person trying to run away from himself and his painful past does not want to be man enough to deal with a life with Sethe, which forever shall remain ensconced in the past of murder of her own blood.On the other end of the spectrum is Sixo, the indigo colored slave at Sweet home who has his soul mate in a slave yard 30 miles away and therefore he calls her the thirty mile woman. As he along with Paul D and F and the thirty-mile-woman plan to escape, Schoolteacher catches him and sets him on fire. It is mentioned that he laughs for the first time when he set on fire and as his legs are burning, he shouts Seven –O as his thirty mile woman has escaped and she is pregnant with his child.This one instance of defiance and mirth in the face of mortal danger is the only symbol of malevolent and idealistic black masculinity to be found in the entire book. Paul Garner, as the kind man who knew to treat his slaves with respect and trust their judgment in the plantation matters and who gave them the independence to marry and in the case of Halle, buy his mother’ s freedom comes across as a man who is quietly confident of his won masculinity and also in the fact that men in any race or tribe try to be responsible for their women folk and children.Black masculinity is the most mutilated under-current of the story Beloved that Tony Morrison is able to create pathos in the novel towards the travails of Slavery by bringing into sharp contrast the suppressed need of a man to be a man and the deathly anguish (like that of Halle sitting by a butter churn, with a vacant look on his face with butter smeared all over his face) when he is not allowed to be so.More tragic than the murder, loss or betrayal is the denial of basic human traits and the lack of identity, which Slavery forced upon the colored people and shall forever remain a blot on the history of all civilized nations, which permitted the inhuman practice.

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