Monday, December 30, 2019

The Effects Of False Memory On Word Association - 1255 Words

False Memory Cammie Wires George Mason University False Memory Introduction Multiple studies have been conducted that investigate false memory in humans focusing on word recall, processing and retention interval, and auditory imaging. Roediger and McDermott (1995) suggest that individuals who participated in their study are more likely to recall the critical words and lures if the list of words presented were closely associated to them. Critical lures are the tendency to recall words that are associated with presented information (Kreiner, Price, Gross, Appleby, 2004). Roediger and McDermott (1995) also suggest that the same individuals will be more familiar with the critical lures compared to the words actually presented (Roediger, McDermott 1995), while other studies suggest similar conclusions. This paper will discuss the effect of false memory with word association, the ability to retain the words, and auditory learning and testing with research done by Roediger, McDermott, Gallo, Pilotti, Jacoby, and Thapar. Literature Review In Thapar and McDermott’s (2001) study, they wanted to measure how false recall and recognition change does over a period of time. They also studied the effects of the level of processing and retention intervals on false recall (Experiment 1) and false recognition (Experiment 2) of critical lures. Thapar and McDermott’s (2001) hypothesis states there will be an increase in false recall compared to actual recall. To test thisShow MoreRelatedFacts About The Human Brain1247 Words   |  5 PagesPsychologists are constantly researching the what, when, why, and how of various behaviors of people. One of the more popular topics in this field is memory and the different components involved in false memory in humans. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

I Am Applying For Michigan University s Phd Program

I am applying for Michigan University’s PhD program in political science, with a focus on international relations and formal models. One of my research interests lies in the puzzle of war, namely why war occurs and reoccurs despite of its inefficiency. â€Å"War occurs because there is nothing to prevent it†¦ In the absence of a supreme authority there is then the constant possibility that conflicts will be settled by force.† Representing the view of many political scientists who study the origins of war, Kenneth Waltz s Man, the State, and War impugns the occurrence of war to the nature of interstate anarchy. It was not until I took a PhD-level seminar of formal models of international relations with Professor Andrew Kydd at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and immersed myself with works of Fearon, Powell, and Lake, among many others, did I come to realize that the anarchy explanation for war, though intuitive and compelling to some extend, is largely insuffici ent. Why does the lack of central authority prevent states from bargaining and reaching a settlement that would avoid the costly war? Using game theory and formal models, rationalism argues that private information and the incentives to misrepresent, commitment problem, issue indivisibilities and so on are responsible for the breakdown of bargaining and the occurrence of war. In my paper for the seminar of formal models, I conducted a game-theoretical analysis of the strategic interactions between US, China, and TaiwanShow MoreRelatedIntroducing A Mentoring Program At Rutgers For College Graduates Joining The Workforce2138 Words   |  9 PagesRe: Introducing a mentoring program at Rutgers for college graduates joining the workforce Dear Dr. Siederer, Rutgers University offers a number of career services to assist students who are beginning their next steps after graduation including career fairs and a new career development model which focuses mainly on career interests. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Genetics of Alcoholism. Does Alcohol Dependence Depend of Race Free Essays

Alcoholism is very all known occurrence that have a place in every culture. Modern medical definitions describe alcoholism as a disease and addiction which results in a persistent use of alcohol despite negative consequences. Although this definition do not specify current and on-going use of alcohol as a qualifier for alcoholism, some do, as well as remarking on the long-term effects of consistent, heavy alcohol use, include dependence and symptoms of withdrawal. We will write a custom essay sample on Genetics of Alcoholism. Does Alcohol Dependence Depend of Race or any similar topic only for you Order Now Psychiatric geneticists John I. Nurnberger, Jr. and Laura Jean Bierut suggest that alcoholism does not have a single cause—including genetic—but that genes do play an important role â€Å"by affecting processes in the body and brain that interact with one another and with an individual’s life experiences to produce protection or susceptibility. † They also report that fewer than a dozen alcoholism-related genes have been identified, but that more likely await discovery. At least one genetic test exists for an allele that is correlated to alcoholism and opiate addiction. Human dopamine receptor genes have a detectable variation referred to as the DRD2 TaqI polymorphism.Those who possess the A1 allele (variation) of this polymorphism have a small but significant tendency towards addiction to opiates and endorphin releasing drugs like alcohol. Although this allele is slightly more common in alcoholics and opiate addicts, it is not by itself an adequate predictor of alcoholism, and some res earchers argue that evidence for DRD2 is contradictory. Also, studies indicate that the proportion of men with alcohol dependence is higher than the proportion of women, 7% and 2. 5% respectively, although women are more vulnerable to long-term consequences of alcoholism.Around 90% of adults in United States consume alcohol, and more than 700,000 of them are treated daily for alcoholism. Professor David Zaridze, who led the international research team, calculated that alcohol had killed three million Russians since 1987. In the United Kingdom, the number of ‘dependent drinkers’ was calculated as over 2. 8 million in 2001. The World Health Organization estimates that about 140 million people throughout the world suffer from alcohol dependence and dominant number of them is European people. 70% of Asian people, according to Svetlana Borinskaya PhD.Laboratory worker of institute of General Genetics behalf of the Vavilov, have a particular gene that works as a protector from alcohol addictive syndrome. My hypothesis statement is that Asian people are less predisposed to become an alcohol addictive that European people. In order to test my hypothesis I will use an experimental method. In my experiment I will need two groups of participants, both groups will be experimental. First group will contain 100 participants that belong to European race, second group will contain 100 participants that belong to Asian race with â€Å"Asian† gene of alcoholic protector.In my experiment I will try to select in general alike participant from the physical appearance point of view. Also they should not be active alcohol users or they should be people that never taste alcohol. There are criteria for participants: males, 25-35 years old, weight 70-90 kg, height 170-190 cm, average constitution, good health, average social status and average economical status. Experiment will last two months. In the beginning of my experiment I will place participants in two houses. During experiment they will have five ingestions per day: breakfast, dinner, snack, lunch and supper.Then every day before ingestion they will receive portion of vine- 400 g. and also they will have an access to vine. Vine intake before ingestions and free access to vine will lasts one month in the second month we will stop access to vine and also in taking vine before ingestion. And during whole this month observe their behavior. After second month of experiment we will give them a portion of vine. Also directly after experiment we will ask them to evaluate their self-appraisal about them from the alcohol dependence point of view.Then according to participants reaction to final portion of vine and also refers to a self-appraisal of participants we will collect and then analyze data. There are three expected outcomes of the research First, European people will demonstrate less tolerance to alcohol dependence then Asian people and it will mean that my hypothesis is right and â€Å"Asian† gene is worked as alcohol dependence protector. Second, there will be no difference between European and Asian people from the tolerance to alcohol dependence point of view it will mean that â€Å"Asianâ⠂¬  gene do not influence to alcohol protector mechanism.Third, European people will demonstrate higher tolerance to alcohol dependence then Asian people, it will mean that†Asian† gene do not influence to alcohol protector mechanism or works inversely than that we suppose. How to cite Genetics of Alcoholism. Does Alcohol Dependence Depend of Race, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Budgetary Framework Of Ireland Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Budgetary Framework Of Ireland. Answer: Introduction The study focuses on the Irish new budgetary framework that leaves the nation and the publicfinances exposed in adverse events. Budgetary framework refers to the set of procedures, institutions, arrangements and rules that underlie demeanor of governments budgetary policies. The budget framework of Irish previously was cash-based and mainly focused on annual budget expenditure management. The components of new budgetary framework of this nation are also highlighted in this study. During the period of 2008-2010, as financial as well as fiscal crisis deepened in this country, budget management was under scrutiny. Due to rise in government deficit and public debt, reforms in budget management were required (Nerlich and Reuter 2013). However, Irish Fiscal Advisory Council (IFAC) was established in July 2011 for bringing about reforms. The paper lao reflects about the shortfalls in implementation of new budgetary framework that has been identified by IFAC. Components of Irelands new budgetary framework One of the vital achievements for Ireland has been institutionalization of their new budgetary structure. The government has implemented new budgetary structure in order to gain phased decline in debt to safer stage and to make certain that fiscal credibility is sufficient for avoiding sternness in bad economic phase (Mercille 2013). Therefore, incomplete adoption of budgetary structure leaves this nation as well aspublic finances exposed to shocks namely Brexit. Irelands budget 2017 reflects slowdown in enhancement of public finances in the year 2016. This budgetary framework reflects compliance with the rule of structural balance. It also shows that increase in spending for higher pay in public sector should counterbalance by lower expenditure in other segments (Turley 2013). The government of Ireland has enshrined many new elements in new budgetary framework and introduced innovations in the procedure of budget. The new budgetary framework in 2017 has been implemented for stepping towards building sustainable and vibrant economy. The main initiatives include: Introduction of tax credits that are refundable Rise in welfare rates Introduction of least corporate tax rate An investment program focusing on broadband and housing delivery One of the significant components of new budgetary framework of this nation is the cycle of Finance Bill. It refers to the procedure through which tax legislation of Ireland is being designed. The finance Bill that has been published by Finance minister of Ireland involves few measures that includes- Tax should be paid by workers of health insurance organizations on the benefits that they receive from the insurance policies (NUSSLE 2012) Provision for high capital allowance of the equipments that are implemented for improving energy efficiency Provision for giving legal effect to multilateral instrument of the OECD that aids in updating the present tax treaties of this nation Exception of stamp duty for trained framers rental land owing to taxpayers confidentiality Reforms in restricting the method of decreasing international investors liabilities on the property transactions Another component of this budgetary framework is to provide decent services as well as infrastructure and reduce unemployment in the economy. In this year, huge cuts to payments have been imposed for enhancing development in this economy. The main aim of this new budget 2017 has been to reduce inequality in income. However, this budget framework also include rise in payment of social protection. Taxation is also included as the key component of this new budgetary framework as it plays a significant role in framing Irish society. The budgetary framework in 2017 is the basis of policy framework for increasing sufficient taxation in order to finance infrastructure and service level in the present period (Meade 2012). This new budget structure also reflects that government has established minimum tax rate for the corporate sector of around 6% that helps in ensuring that trans- nationals pay higher share of this corporate tax. In addition, implementation of refundable tax credit helps in solving the problem of low-income laborers in the economy. The reason behind this is that as low-income laborers earns less, they does not use up their tax credit and hence they benefits from this reduction in income tax. The other component of new budgetary structure includes multi-year spending ceilings, good governance and sustainability (Scarth 2014). The government of Ireland has introduced the partnership government program for improving the transparency of their new budgetary process. This program also helps in ensuring that independent budget office has been sufficiently resourced for fulfilling their function in effective way. Rationale for these components Ireland has established this new budgetary framework in order to manage the expenditure allocations every year in effective way. The reform series in the budgetary process has been implemented by the Ireland government in order to make this process more transparent. The two main rationales behind this new budgetary structure includes- European rationale and Domestic rationale (Lienert 2013). Eureopean rationale defines the spillovers across the countries. On the other hand, domestic rationale is to avoid pro-cyclicality in good economic times and forced adjustments at bad phase of the economy. The rationale for publishing Finance Bill by Ireland government is to aim at vulture funds and other foreign investors for availing loopholes in law of avoiding payment of asset tax that they hold. This section has been mainly introduced in order to benefit the industry of financial services by implementation of innovative measures that intends in stimulating growth and ensuring competitiveness in this industry (Guo and Neshkova 2013). Moreover, the finance minister of Ireland has proclaimed that this Finance Bill will contain measures in restricting the offshore defaulters opportunity in utilizing the disclosure regime. Corporate rate of tax have been considered as one of the vital component of the enterprise environment in this nation for the last few decades. The tax regime of Ireland is transparent and mainly complies with the guidelines of OECD and competition law of EU ( European Union). The main features of the tax regime of this nation make it attractive locations for global investment (Goodwin et al. 2014). The finance minister of Ireland retains corporate tax rate at 12.5% in 2017 in order to remain competitive and increase opportunity of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in this country. This implementation of reduced corporate tax rate facilitates the organizations of this country in enhancing their growth and expanding their business in the global market. The new budgetary framework of this nation reflects that social welfare payment has increased by 5 pound in this year. The rationale behind rise in payment of social welfare is to reduce the level of poverty of this country. It has opined by Collins (2014),near about half of the Irish population would live in poverty if the social welfare payments have not been increased. However, adequate payment of social welfare helps the country in preventing as well as addressing from poverty. In addition, rise in core welfare payments has not been enough in keeping pace with the benchmark. Thus, further rise in social welfare payment has been required to reduce the gap between average earnings and welfare payments. Oversight of budget with the help of good governance is vital as it makes the Ireland s government work for their Irish people. Good governance refers to the method of decision making and hence implementation of it facilitates the government of Ireland in delivering better services to their people (Carlitz 2013). The new budget framework has been prepared by the Irish government by focusing on enhancement of governance as well as accountability in every nations. In addition, the rationale for another component that is multi-year spending ceilings is to open the structural way, planning as well as prioritization in each segments with parliamentary oversight and public input. Shortfalls in implementation as identified by the IFAC in this context of budget 2017 The IFAC s mandate is to : Evaluate the official prediction that is produced by the Finance department. These are basically the macroeconomic as well as budgetary prediction that are published by this department. Appraise whether the governments fiscal stance is beneficial to prudent budgetary management (Kinsella 2012). Monitor and evaluate budgetary rule that has been framed in Fiscal Responsibility Act. Therefore, this budgetary rule reflects that the budget framed by Ireland government is in surplus. In accordance with this budgetary framework, to appraise whether non-compliance is the outcome of exceptional situation. This however means that stern economic downturn or adverse events have huge effect on their position of budgetary framework. Endorse the macroeconomic prediction that has been framed by the IFAC on which update of stability program are based. IFAC has achieved high reputation of competence as well as independence since its establishment. One of the huge deficiencies of IFAC is lack of resources for monitoring the budgetary process in timely way. Moreover IFAC has flexibility in spending their funds with the given ceilings (Burda and Wyplosz 2013). This IFAC has also developed feedback model in order to evaluate whether the set targets of the Ireland government deficit can be attained. In addition, although it help the government in framing the budgetary structure, it does not scrutinize the new budgetary framework proposal for the present fiscal year. Some of the shortfalls of the implementation of this new budgetary framework of this nations government includes- Loosening of fiscal stance that is beyond the measured package for this new budget in this year that have been already announced is not appropriate. It has been stated by Algieri (2013), planned fiscal stance has been highly expansionary rather than implied by use of 1 pound billion of the fiscal space for the present year 2017. It has been predicted that innovation of new budgetary process does not help in addressing deficiencies in spending management as well as planning. It has been argued by IFAC that forecast in expenditure mainly takes into account level of inflation and hence the given demand for decent service is required to improve planning of expenditure (Mankiw 2014). Therefore, this shortfall in budgetary framework must be improved that has been underpinned by IFAC. Another shortfall that has been noticed from the recent study is the collection of less tax than it has been expected, It has been seen from recent report that the government of Ireland has gathered less tax of 1.4% in the first few months of this year. The receipts of income tax and excise duties have been below 2.65 and 4.3% below. Conclusion From the above report, it has been concluded that The IFAC has established track record fpor advising the government of Ireland regarding structuring of new budgetary framework. In addition, the budgetary procedure of this nation has been remarkably informal as well as centralized with their government. Moreover, the finance department plays crucial role in explaining about the policy implementation. It has been noted that this country mainly operates at fused legislative system with their government being elected by the majority of Irish people. However, the new budgetary structure in 2017 implemented by government represents vital step in economic recovery of this country. While preparing the budget, the Ireland government balances the requirement for economic as well as budgetary sustainability along with provision of investment and decent services in infrastructure. The government of Ireland now includes responses to the analysis of IFAC that includes updating of stability progra m. The IFAC mandate has been evolved from the new role in endorsing their macroeconomic prediction. Another segment where the role of IFAC evolves is focusing on sustainability issues in long term. Moreover, IFAC also underpins the shortfall in implementation of these new budgetary policies in order to make the process of budget more transparent and improve on their framework. References Algieri, B., 2013. An empirical analysis of the nexus between external balance and government budget balance: The case of the GIIPS countries.Economic Systems,37(2), pp.233-253. Burda, M. and Wyplosz, C., 2013.Macroeconomics: a European text. Oxford university press. Carlitz, R., 2013. Improving transparency and accountability in the budget process: An assessment of recent initiatives.Development Policy Review,31(s1). Collins, M., 2014. Total Tax Contributions of Households in Ireland. Goodwin, N., Nelson, J., Harris, J., Torras, M. and Roach, B., 2013.Macroeconomics in context. ME Sharpe. Guo, H. and Neshkova, M.I., 2013. Citizen input in the budget process: When does it matter most?.The American Review of Public Administration,43(3), pp.331-346. Kinsella, S., 2012. Is Ireland really the role model for austerity?.Cambridge Journal of Economics,36(1), pp.223-235. Kopits, G., 2014. Irelands fiscal framework: Options for the future.The Economic and Social Review,45(1, Spring), pp.135-158. Lienert, I., 2013. Role of the legislature in budget processes. InThe International Handbook of Public Financial Management(pp. 116-136). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Mankiw, N.G., 2014.Principles of macroeconomics. Cengage Learning. Meade, R.R., 2012. Government and community development in Ireland: The contested subjects of professionalism and expertise.Antipode,44(3), pp.889-910. Mercille, J., 2013. The role of the media in fiscal consolidation programmes: the case of Ireland.Cambridge Journal of Economics,38(2), pp.281-300. Nerlich, C. and Reuter, W.H., 2013. The design of national fiscal frameworks and their budgetary impact. NUSSLE, J., 2012. Perspectives on Budget Process Reform.Public Budgeting Finance,32(3), pp.57-60. Scarth, W., 2014.Macroeconomics. Edward Elgar Publishing. Turley, G., 2013. The impact of the economic boom and bust on local government budgets in Ireland.Administration.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A History of Synthetic Grass

A History of Synthetic Grass AstroTurf is a brand of artificial turf or synthetic grass. James Faria and Robert Wright of Monsanto Industries co-invented Astroturf. A patent for astroturf was filed for on December 25, 1965, and issued by the USPTO on July 25, 1967. The Evolution of Astroturf During the 50s and 60s, the Ford Foundation was studying ways to improve the physical fitness of young people. At the same time, the Chemstrand Company, a subsidiary of Monsanto Industries, were developing new synthetic fibers for use as tough carpeting. Chemstrand was encouraged to try to make the perfect urban sports surface for schools by the Ford Foundation. From 1962 to 1966, Chemstrand worked on creating new sports surfaces. The surfaces were tested for foot traction and cushioning, weather drainage, flammability and wear resistance. Chemgrass In 1964, the Creative Products Group installed a synthetic turf called Chemgrass at the Moses Brown School in Providence Rhode Island. This was the first large-scale installation of synthetic turf. In 1965, Judge Roy Hofheinz built the AstroDome in Houston, Texas. Hofheinz consulted with Monsanto about replacing the natural grass with a new synthetic playing surface. The First Astroturf In 1966, the Houston Astros baseball season begins on a Chemgrass surface now renamed Astroturf at the AstroDome. Supposedly it was renamed AstroTurf by one John A. Wortmann. The same year, the Houston Oilers AFL football season began on more than 125,000 square feet of removable Astroturf at the AstroDome. The next year, Indiana State University Stadium, in Terre Haute, Indiana became the first outdoor stadium installed with Astroturf. Astroturf Patented In 1967, Astroturf was patented (U.S. patent #3332828 see photos right). The patent for a monofilament ribbon file product was issued to inventors Wright and Faria, of Monsanto Industries. In 1986, Astroturf Industries, Inc. was formed and sold in 1994 to Southwest Recreational Industries. Former Astroturf Competitors All are no longer available. The name astroturf is a registered trademark, however, it is sometimes used incorrectly as a generic description for all artificial turf. Below are the names of a few astroturf competitors, all are no longer in business. Tartan Turf, PolyTurf, SuperTurf, WycoTurf, DurraTurf, Gras, Lectron, PoliGras, All-Pro, Cam Turf, Instant Turf, Stadia Tur, Omniturf, Toray, Unitika, Kureha, KonyGreen, Grass Sport, ClubTurf, Desso, MasterTurf, DLW

Monday, November 25, 2019

Something is rotten in Denmark Essay Example

Something is rotten in Denmark Essay Example Something is rotten in Denmark Paper Something is rotten in Denmark Paper It is highly problematic to use the word tragedy when referring to Shakespeares works. Hamlet has long been considered the best example of what one would call a tragedy out of all Shakespeares plays, yet this generalisation, as it proves to be, is the most troublesome of all. Perhaps the reason for this lies in the unknown extent of Shakespeares familiarity with what one would call traditional tragedy, whose routes lie in the principles set down by the Greeks and Aristotle. Aristotle, in setting down the so-called rules of tragedy in his Poetics talks of an essential element; Hamartia, fundamental in the downfall of the prominent (usually this prominence is reflected in a high up hierarchical figure, perhaps of the nobility)tragic hero and which, furthermore the character must recognise. This fall from grace marks a reversal of the characters fortune, placing great emphasis on an element of fate; the strumpet fortune that Hamlet so frequently refers to. Aristotle, echoing the Greek view that tragedy is didactic also talks of a fundamental element, Catharsis, at the tragic heros downfall where the audiences emotions are purged and purified. Taking this into account, the links between Shakespeares dramatic works and Greek tragedy are nevertheless unproved and tenuous. It is likely, however, that elements of tragedy would have filtered through somehow, perhaps through Latin literature, in the form of works such as Horaces Ars Poetica. In an attempt to best balance such uncertainties, it seems that one must reject Aristotle as the only guide and furthermore, in attempting to incorporate Shakespearean tragedy, all one can do is make comparisons to his other plays, which are considered to be tragedies. Hamlet can be separated from other tragedies because of the further idea, which percolates through the play, of the revenge tradition. This provides the play, at least in terms of plot with a sense of additional inevitability that Hamlet, the revenger, will get his revenge. It also places Hamlet in a situation where, because Shakespeare essentially sticks to a fundamental revenge tragedy structure regardless of his flexible and perhaps dismissive attitude towards conventions, he must nevertheless follow an unavoidable course, which is in some ways contradictory to the tragic elements of the play. Shakespeare himself alerts us to the dangers of over-classification through the words of Polonius, who ironically hits the mark in an uncanny way, contrary perhaps to both his intentions and his character, when announcing the arrival of the actors;The best actors in the world, either for tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral, pastoral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral, scene individable, or poem unlimited. Seneca cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light Given all of these problems of definition I will explore what drives Hamlet in the play to see if this can be linked with anything else which is tragic. Hamlet, it seems, is a character caught between an old order and a new one. He finds himself adrift and unable to rely on the old certainties in a world where the stability of feudal chivalry is being replaced by one marked by trouble and uncertainty. The world Shakespeare creates is one which perhaps reflects some aspects of that which the author himself lived in and one can parallel the transformation of Hamlets surroundings with the historical movement from what many view to be the Elizabethan Golden Age, a time of order and stability, to one of rapid change. J. Donne reflects upon this phenomenon in The First Anniversary, writing; And new philosophy calls all in doubt the element of fire is quite put out. tis all in pieces, all coherence gone: all just supply and relation: Prince, subject, father, son, are things forgot Shakespeare depicts Denmark as unstable, with a new king coming to the throne and an external threat from Norway in the shape of young Fortinbras avenging his fathers loss of land. The same sense of uncertainty is noticeable within the court with the long-established hierarchical divisions threatened by the ordinary people that Claudius refers to as the distracted multitude. Hamlet himself states, Something is rotten in Denmark. Alongside this background Hamlets personal world has been greatly affected.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Post-Modernism and art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Post-Modernism and art - Essay Example Quaternity is another artwork by Anself Keifer that depicts art as a production in the post modernism era. The painting has a rough grains on the floorboards traced in various charcoal lines bleeding over a burlap canvas. There are three flames burning at the centre with each one being a member of the Christian fraternity: father, son, and the Holy Spirit. At the right hand corner, there emerges a snake that commune through the flames and it is labeled as Satan. In his sense, he labels the Christian fraternity and Satan as having a complex relationship by placing Satan equidistant from the three Christian trinities. Thus, his artwork portrays that Christianity suppressed evil. In the artwork, every trinity has a hidden fourth, which all the three combine to make a quaternity. In his brain by David sale, there is a picture of a naked woman on a bed. The image is almost pornographic. Across the canvass are tiny images of Abraham Lincoln that are taken from pennies. These images suggest cheapness and moral rectitude. The conflicting meaning in the artwork competes with each other and competes over the naked woman thus draining its pornographic content . This relays the recycling of a culture authenticated by the audience. Though pornography is prohibited in most states, the artwork tries to reveal pornography on a lighter note. Thus, most individuals are able to identify with the artwork though on a lighter note. . All the ideas and emotions expressed are only implied due to lack of.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Witnessign to Jehovah's Witnesses on the Issues of Life and Death Research Paper

Witnessign to Jehovah's Witnesses on the Issues of Life and Death Decisions - Research Paper Example Modern civilization now puts its emphasis on the respect for individuals and this includes the ideas, beliefs and ideologies of a person. For a better world to exist, this would be an ideal notion that everyone might agree with and even advocate. However, there is also the fact to be considered that there are differences among individuals that usually make it difficult for an ideal world to be had. Individuals in a family have different perspectives which usually cause misunderstandings. Likewise, individuals in organizations, fraternities or even churches have this similar problem. No matter how similar people’s beliefs are, there are always points of differences where contradictions among members occur and these should be understood and respected to achieve the old adage, ‘Live and let live.’ This paper will look into the situation of a couple who are faced with a decision considering the medical condition of the young woman as dictated by their beliefs. The wom an suffers from severe pain and abdominal cramps and is found to have ectopic pregnancy. The doctor explains the situation and the remedy and warns the couple that if the woman does not undergo the operation, blood transfusion and other procedures needed to be done, she would die. Being members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the couple believe that the entire procedure is entirely against their beliefs. So, the question of whether they will push through with the procedure to save the young wife’s life or not receive medical attention at all and face the sting of death, is upon their shoulders. The following discussion will offer the possible result of this decision-making the couple is to make. Blood transfusion is one of the major concerns of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ beliefs and in fact to this day, the most debated among its beliefs. It is believed by critiques that such belief reflects their rejection of modern science and the extreme literalism of their exegesis (Horton, 2006). Witnesses prohibit members from receiving blood transfusions based on Acts 15:20 (Schmidt, 1993) so that in this view, the couple would most likely decline the idea of the operation to save the life of the woman. Spiritual beliefs could be difficult to debate about when such circumstances occur so that the medical team should be as well versed with different belief systems as they are with the technicalities of their profession. With such a weapon, they can try to convince patients to concede to whatever is needed to make an operation successful however; they should also know their limitations and boundaries so as not to desecrate what patients consider important for them. Most physicians with their educational training would desire to save a life and in the aforementioned situation, would like to save the life of the wife. A medical practitioner could probably try to convince the couple by looking closely at their basis for their belief found in Leviticus 1 7:11-14. It can be noted that the scripture prohibits men to eat blood and blood transfusion is not the same as eating. It is the desire of a loving God for His people to live in health and wellness and therefore would want the woman to live healthy and well. The same scripture claims that blood is life (NIV, 2005) that is why blood transfusion is a means of giving life to the patient. In addition, according to James Sire, the Witnesses’ argument about Acts 1520 is based on a false analogy. He agrees that blood transfusion is not the same as eating blood. He even claims that it is far different from intravenous feeding because the blood goes straight to the blood vessels and does not undergo the process food does, passing through the stomach to be processed before being distributed to the different parts of the body through the blood (Schmidt, 1993). One of the reasons that Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusion is the fact that there have been those who underwen t blood transfusion

Monday, November 18, 2019

Great man Theory-Leadership traits Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Great man Theory-Leadership traits - Term Paper Example ording to Carlyle, certain people are born with essential qualities that differentiate them from others allowing them to assume positions of power and authority (Tulsian 94). In the great man theory, leadership is something intrinsic, which implies that people are born leaders, but not natured to become leaders (Johnson 171). The theory regards a leader as a hero who is there to accomplish anything for his followers against all odds. The theory further postulates that persons in power deserve to be there due to their peculiar endowment. In addition, the theory argues that distinctive characteristics of leaders remain stable in different groups over a prolonged period. Thus, the theory is of the opinion that all outstanding leaders share similar characteristics regardless of where and when they exercised their leadership skills (David & Frank 173). Fredrick Adams Woods who was an American scholar supported Carlyle’s work further. Wood studied the historical impact of all the great rulers in Western Europe from the 12th century up to the French revolution in the late 18th century (Johnson & Pierce 177). The fact that early influential leaders were all men inspired the use of the term great man. In addition, majority of those who researched on leadership were male researchers, which further influenced the use of the term great man. Therefore, the evolution of the great man theory never took into consideration gender issues, which created a notion that only men had the traits of distinguished leaders. However, due to the continued emergence of many distinguished women leaders, the great man theory assumed a new name of the great person theory (Nance & Timothy 412). There have been several critics who have come forward to question the applicability of the great man theory in determining who is a great leader and vice Versa (Murugan 337). The main criticism arises as a result of the set traits used to determine a great leader terming them as masculine traits. In

Friday, November 15, 2019

History Of The Frame Relay

History Of The Frame Relay Frame Relay is a high-performance WAN protocol that operates at the physical and data link layers of the OSI reference model. Frame Relay originally was designed for use across Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) interfaces. Today, it is used over a variety of other network interfaces as well. Frame Relay is an example of a packet-switched technology. Packet-switched networks enable end stations to dynamically share the network medium and the available bandwidth.  [1]  The following two techniques are used in packet switching technology: Variable length packets Statistical multiplexing Variable-length packets are used for more efficient and flexible data transfers. These packets are switched between the various segments in the network until the destination is reached. Statistical multiplexing techniques control network access in a packet-switched network. The advantage of this technique is that it accommodates more flexibility and more efficient use of bandwidth. Most of todays popular LANs, such as Ethernet and Token Ring, are packet-switched networks. Frame Relay often is described as a streamlined version of X.25, offering fewer of the robust capabilities, such as windowing and retransmission of last data that are offered in X.25. This is because Frame Relay typically operates over WAN facilities that offer more reliable connection services and a higher degree of reliability than the facilities available during the late 1970s and early 1980s that served as the common platforms for X.25 WANs. As mentioned earlier, Frame Relay is strictly a Layer 2 protocol suite, whereas X.25 provides services at Layer 3 (the network layer) as well. This enables Frame Relay to offer higher performance and greater transmission efficiency than X.25, and makes Fram e Relay suitable for current WAN applications, such as LAN interconnection.  [2]   History of Frame Relay Over the last decade, packet switching technology has been dominated by X.25, one of the oldest and most widely used communication transports in the world. Many sources describe frame relay as the next generation of packet switching. Frame relay derives its origins from the ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) specifications developed in the 1980s. The first contributions to the standards communities on the frame relay protocol appeared in late 1984. However, it was not until 1988 that the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Technical Committee T1 approved the initial frame relay specification. Frame relay services started to become generally available in late 1993.With the rapid evolution of reliable data communications equipment and transmission facilities, frame relay has become more and more popular as the next step in packet technology transport.  [3]   What is X.25 Protocol X.25 is an International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) protocol standard for WAN communications that defines how connections between user devices and network devices are established and maintained. X.25 network devices fall into three general categories: data terminal equipment (DTE), data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), and packet-switching exchange (PSE). Data terminal equipment devices are end systems that communicate across the X.25 network. DCE devices are communications devices, such as modems and packet switches, which provide the interface between DTE devices and a PSE. PSEs are switches that compose the bulk of the carriers network. They transfer data from one DTE device to another through the X.25 PSN. The figure above illustrates the relationships among the three types of X.25 network devices.  [4]   X.25 versus Frame Relay Frame relay is a telecommunication service designed for cost-efficient data transmission for intermittent traffic between local area networks (LANs) and between end-points in a wide area network (WAN). Frame relay puts data in a variable-size unit called a frame and leaves any necessary error correction (retransmission of data) up to the end-points, which speeds up overall data transmission. Frame relay is provided on fractional T-1 or full T-carrier system carriers. Frame relay complements and provides a mid-range service between ISDN, which offers bandwidth at 128 Kbps, and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), which operates in somewhat similar fashion to frame relay but at speeds from 155.520 Mbps or 622.080 Mbps. Frame relay is based on the older X.25 packet-switching technology which was designed for transmitting analog data such as voice conversations. Unlike X.25 which was designed for analog signals, frame relay is a fast packet technology, which means that the protocol does not attempt to correct errors. When an error is detected in a frame, it is simply dropped. (thrown away). The end points are responsible for detecting and retransmitting dropped frames. (However, the incidence of error in digital networks is extraordinarily small relative to analog networks.) Frame relay is often used to connect local area networks with major backbones as well as on public wide area networks and also in private network environments with leased lines over T-1 lines. It requires a dedicated connection during the transmission period. Its not ideally suited for voice or video transmission, which requires a steady flow of transmissions. However, under certain circumstances, it is used for voice and video t ransmission. Frame relay transmits packets at the data link layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model rather than at the Network layer. A frame can incorporate packets from different protocols such as Ethernet and X.25. It is variable in size and can be as large as a thousand bytes or more. Frame relay relies on the customer equipment to perform end to end error correction. Each switch inside a frame relay network just relays the data (frame) to the next switch. X.25, in contrast, performs error correction from switch to switch. The networks of today are sufficiently error free to move the burden of error correction to the end points. Most modern protocols such as SDLC, HDLC, TCP/IP, stat mux protocols do that anyway.  [5]   How Frame Relay Works When looking into frame relay, most people raise the following question: How can one router with a single direct link into a frame relay network establish connection with multiple routers or CPEs? To answer this question, lets first define some terms. The discussion following these definitions will give you a better understanding of how PVCs, DLCIs and LMI function together to enable and manage frame relay links to other routers. PVC Permanent Virtual Circuits are one example of connection-oriented service. Most protocols operate in connection-oriented mode. This makes more efficient use of the circuit by bringing down the link when not in use. DLCI the Data Link Connection Identifier distinguishes separate virtual circuits across each access connection. It allows the frame (packet) to be routed to the correct destination within a frame relay network. This is similar to X.25 implementation of the LAP-D core protocol functions. Frame Relay Packet Format Like other bit-synchronous protocols, frame relay uses a frame or packet structure as the basis for transmission. The frame format used by frame relay is based on Link Access Protocol for ISDN-D channels, which defines the functions for the OSI Data-link layer. (The frame structure for frame relay is derived from the high-level data link control or HDLC procedure.) Frame relay was originally defined by the CCITT as a network service within the framework of ISDN. Because hardware already provided support of ISDN, using the derivative of the LAP-D protocol cuts down on protocol implementation and the need to change hardware. Structure of a frame relay Packet. Explanation of Packet. The fields in the frame relay packet are as follows: The Flag fields delimit where the data frame begins and ends.The Frame Relay Header contains the DLCI, the FECN and BECN bits, and other information (see the Operation section for a description of how the header is used).The Information field holds the actual data being transmitted (the payload). It can hold from 262 to 1600 or more octets (equivalent to a byte). The FCS (Frame Check Sequence) is an error checking field. Frame relay uses a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). If Frame Relay detects an error here, it drops the frame. The Network-layer protocol must request a retransmission. The DLCI fields in the frame relay. The fields in the frame relay address header contain the Data Link Connection Identifier, described earlier. These fields can store two octets containing a 10-bit DLCI.The EA (Extended Address) bits make it possible to extend the header field to support DLCI addresses of more than 10 bits. The FECN (Forward Explicit Congestion Notification) bit may be used to notify the user that congestion was experienced in the direction of the frame carrying the FECN indication. The BECN (Backward Explicit Congestion Notification) bit may be used to notify the user that congestion was experienced in the opposite direction of the frame carrying the FECN indication. The C/R field in the header contains Command/Response information. These bits relate to congestion information stored if the network is experiencing congestion because several data sources are contending for the same bandwidth. The DE (Discard Eligibility) bit allows the network to determine which fram es may be discarded under congestion situations. Example of how DLCI addresses are used in sending packets across a frame relay network. When the network becomes congested to the point that it cannot process new data transmissions, it begins to discard frames. These discarded frames are retransmitted, thus causing more congestion. In an effort to prevent this situation, several mechanisms have been developed to notify user devices at the onset of congestion, so that the offered load may be reduced. Two bits in the Frame Relay header are used to signal the user device that congestion is occurring on the line: They are the Forward Explicit Congestion Notification (FECN) bit and the Backward Explicit Congestion Notification (BECN) bit. The FECN is changed to 1 as a frame is sent downstream toward the destination location when congestion occurs during data transmission. In this way, all downstream nodes and the attached user device learn about congestion on the line. The BECN is changed to 1 in a frame traveling back toward the source of data transmission on a path where congestion is occurring. Thus the source node is no tified to slow down transmission until congestion subsided. Frame relay places the responsibility of ensuring data delivery on the end-point devices that are operating with multi-level protocols. End-points can be devices such as networks, workstations, and hosts. To ensure that all packets have been received, the Transport layer (layer 4) of the OSI model places a sequence number on the frames that are sent. As with X.25, this functionality is performed in the Data-link layer. Special management frames, with a unique DLCI address, can be passed between the network and the access device. These frames monitor the status of the link and indicate whether the link is active or inactive. They can also pass information regarding status of the PVC and DLCI changes. This frame relay management protocol is referred to as the Local Management Interface (LMI). Its function is to provide information about PVC status. Originally, the frame relay specification did not provide for this kind of status. Since then, a method for LMI has been developed and has been incorporated into the ANSI and CCITT standards. Advantages of Frame Relay The main advantage of Frame Relay over point-to-point leased lines is cost. Frame Relay can provide performance similar to that of a leased line, but with significantly less cost over long distances. The reason is the customer only has to make a dedicated point-to-point connection to the providers nearest frame switch. From there the data travels over the providers shared network. The price of leased lines generally increases based on distance. So, this short-haul point-to-point connection is significantly less expensive than making a dedicated point-to-point connection over a long distance. The three main areas in which frame relay demonstrates significant advantages over other WAN protocols are: Reduced internetworking costs (in both hardware and carrier tariffs) Increased performance with reduced network complexity Increased interoperability via international standards Increased Performance with Reduced Network Complexity. Frame relay reduces the complexity of the physical network without disrupting higher-level network functions. Frame Relay functions using only the bottom two layers of the OSI model, as compared to X.25 which includes the Network layer. By reducing the amount of processing required, and by efficiently using high-speed digital transmission lines, frame relay can improve performance and response times for most applications. Disadvantages of Frame Relay Although frame relay has many advantages, there are two areas within frame relay that can promote potential problems: congestion control and frame discard. Congestion Control. As with most WAN services, without careful design, a frame relay network can quickly become congested. When frames are being sent beyond the agreed CIR,(Committed Information Rate) there is eligibility for discarding frames due to congestion. Frame Discard. When a problem is experienced with a single frame, frame relay simply ignores the problem and discards the frame. If a large number of problems occur, a significant number of frames are discarded and the end user system must recover from the situation. These errors cause retransmissions, thus placing additional bandwidth demands on the frame relay network. ANSI applied specifications for Congestion Notification Mechanisms to allow frame relay devices to indicate the existence of congestion in the network. In the frame relay packet header, two bits are used for explicit congestion notification: Forward explicit congestion notification (FECN) Backward explicit congestion notification (BECN) When a node on the network approaches a congestion condition caused by a temporary peak in traffic, the node detects the onset of congestion and signals all the downstream nodes. All attached devices learn that congestion has occurred and minimize until the network traffic subsides, as shown in the Figure below. The FECN and BECN bits can be used for congestion control in a frame relay network. In the case of traffic going in one direction (that is, from Florida to California), frame relay standards prohibit the network from generating any frames with the DLCI (Data Link Control Identifier) of a particular virtual circuit causing the traffic. Therefore, the congestion notification must wait for traffic in the reverse direction. Frame Relay Applications The most popular frame relay application provides companies with local area network (LAN) to LAN communication. This allows companies to integrate their information systems in order to have employees throughout the enterprise to access specific information residing on a LAN somewhere in the enterprise. The devices on the LANs can communicate over the frame relay network regardless of their native protocol. For example, native protocols that can traverse frame relay networks include SNA, DECnet, IPX, TCP/IP, and AppleTalk. Therefore, frame relay has the ability to make the users perceive that the entire company is on one large LAN. Application software such as groupware, e-mail, document sharing, database and many other LAN applications can utilize frame relay technology. Companies are also integrating communication for legacy systems, such as SNA, onto frame relay networks (Thyfault, 1995B). This allows companies to connect devices such as cluster controllers and front-end processors directly to FRADs in order to use the frame relay network for communications. Frame relays ability to support both the legacy applications and LAN applications provides an excellent backbone for those companies that are in the process of migrating their information systems from centralized mainframe processing to distributed client/server systems. Companies can turn up legacy applications on the frame relay network and slowly migrate the LAN applications as they are developed. Conclusion Frame relay is a simplified form of packet-mode switching, optimized for transporting todays protocol-oriented data. The result of this simplification is that frame relay offers higher throughput, while still retaining the bandwidth and equipment efficiencies that come from having multiple virtual circuits share a single port and transmission facility. Thus, the use of frame relay can: Reduce the cost of transmission facilities and equipment Provide increased performance, reliability, and application response time Increase interoperability through well-defined international standards A major reason for the high level of interest in frame relay is that it is a technology that has been developed in response to a clear market need. With the proliferation of powerful end-point devices (such as PCS and workstations) operating with intelligent protocols (such a TCP/IP, XNS and DECnet), users are seeking WAN communication methods that offer higher throughput and more cost-effective use of digital transmission lines. With that need in mind, frame relay has been developed and standardized to have precisely the combination of characteristics needed by todays corporate networks. Coupled with the NetWare MultiProtocol Router, frame relay provides customers a flexible, highly manageable solution at a reasonable cost. Frame relay is just one of many WAN alternatives available. Given the right planning, it will provide users with efficient high-bandwidth connectivity now and into the future. Endnotes

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Artificial Intelligence Essay -- Essays Papers

Artificial Intelligence1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) conjures up visions of robots that can mix dry martinis while beating a grand master at chess; and to some, will one day be able to look, act, think and react just like a real person. I would like to explore the concept of AI as it relates to the business world, and its possible many other applications. I believe that true AI is a dream worth pursuing. Like me, there are many who, just like those of the early 1960’s, thought that putting a man on the moon seemed to be an extremely difficult, but not an impossible task, believing the achievement of true AI to come is just a matter of time. To remain competitive, companies must continue to improve by doing better and doing more; all the while using fewer and fewer resources, especially, manpower. Greater numbers of the world’s companies are turning to systems, which they feel offer the best means of attaining these goals. A group, or suite of tools that can help accomplish this pursuit of doing less with more is generally known as Decision Support Systems. This broad category usually consists of computer software and hardware, which includes Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence. Do these systems really provide a valuable contribution to those who use them, and just how much faith can be put into them? Strategic decision making concerns itself with determining where and how to deploy present resources to gain competitive advantages with the expectation of achieving some future reward. This simple, but powerful idea, permeates the planning process of large and small companies. Decisions related to how resources should be deployed consider specific measures necessary to compete effectively and efficiently; while strategic decisions are made with the expectation of improving future corporate profitability. Decision support systems are important additions in developing long term strategic plans, and thus long range profitability measures. Definition ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Before we can explore the possibilities and implications of AI, we must carefully define exactly what attributes make something â€Å"intelligent†. The most common way to define intelligence in through the term â€Å"consciousness†. A term such as this has no fixed definition; rather, it is a family of related concepts that ti... ...u/~grassie/StudentProjects/Debicella.html Guven Guzeldere & Stefano Franchi, mindless mechanisms, mindful construction – an introduction – (4 June 1995),Unided States: R.L. Hughey, Jr, Expert Systems in Manufacturing, (3 May 1996). Carrollton Ga: Henry Linger, Intelligent Decision Support in the Context of the Modern Organisation – (1997), Monash University, Melbourne Australia: Daniel E. O’Leary, Artificial Intelligence in Business - (17 December 1994). University of Southern Ca: Otis Porter, Dueling Brainscapes in Artificial Intelligence – (1997), Austin Tx: Lynda Radosevich, AI Wises Up – Artificial intelligence has made the transistion from fuzzy-headed fad to real-world application – (3 August 1998), United States: Cosmin Radu, What is an Expert Systems – unknown, United States: World Book Encyclopedia, (1999) CD Form.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Manage Personal Work Priorities And Professional Development Essay

In this paper I will look at the core characteristics of being a good role model and effective leader and reflect upon how these compare to my characteristics and traits in the role I perform in my work as a supervisor. I will also discuss how I can develop as a better leader, how I manage my responsibilities in the workplace and my professional development. A good role model isn’t necessarily a leader, from my experience some of the good role models I have seen haven’t made a good leader even though they were very good in their previous role. Even if you are a leader doesn’t mean that you are a good role model and I have seen plenty of those too. A good role model in the workplace has credibility, leads by example, has the respect of their colleagues and is often imitated by them. If you search for â€Å"what makes a good role model?† on the internet you will find hundreds upon hundreds of sites which give you a number of identical characteristics depending on the number (most sites say between 5 and 10.) You will also find that characteristics of being a good role model extend and apply beyond the workplace. It is also important that the good traits, attitudes and behaviours are consistent to become a good role model. I believe that one of the most important characteristic of being a good role model is setting a good example. Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville: Role Models – Defining Positive Role Models, list the following characteristics of a good role model:- A sense of duty to work for the common good Compassionate Can work through challenges Committed Capacity to achieve goals Possess high standards and Values Courage and Strength Models Forgiveness Trustworthy Humility Peaceful Wise Admits when they are wrong Genuine Love Understands the whole situation Not mentioned in this list directly is being knowledgeable and well-rounded and good communication (although these are mentioned regularly in other lists found). To be a good role model in the workplace for the employees I supervise I need to lead by example. I need to be aware of the characteristic and traits of a good role model and develop the characteristics I don’t possess or need to be developed. To be a good role model for the employees I supervise basically need to lead by example and possess the majority of the characteristics above. For example I use my excellent communications skills I have developed from almost 9 years in policing to not only communicate with the employees I supervise but actively listen to them. Only recently I was conducting a safety interaction with an employee and after talking about safety issues, he trusted me enough to talk to me about some of his personal issues and sought my advice on matter. I am also very good at working through challenges and use my knowledge and ability to think outside the box to solve issues that arise. This is a daily occurrence in my role as I am in control of an entire rail yard and its operations which are very fluid and ever changing. I am very committed to my role and this is shown by my capacity to assist others that require assistance. Recently we were short staffed and I helped out an employee in shunting operations that allowed us to complete the task and achieve the goals of departing all trains on time. I use honest self-reflection after my shift to determine whether or not I was a good role model that day and look for ways to improve on my performance. Feedback from staff and even watching them work during my shift using my ideas or practices also show that I am being a good role model. Finally performance reviews with my manager also reflect on whether I am a good role model. The traits of an effective leader adopt those of a good role model, to be an effective leader you need to be a good role model. Leadership Getting it done (Rex Campbell, 1997) states the two most important traits of an effective leader is motivation and communication skills. It then goes onto describe fourteen other traits that an effective leader is likely to possess, but states that not many leaders will possess all of them well developed but most leaders will have most of them developed. The fourteen traits are: Personality (including interpersonal skills) Persuasive (communication skills) Persistence Patience Perceptive Probity (Honest and Trustworthy) Praise Giving Positive Orientation People Based Possible (Realistic) Practical Progressive Prepared (Knowledgeable) Power Building 7 Traits of Highly Effective Leaders (, Peter Economy, Aug 23 2013), streamlines the above traits down to the ability to inspire action, optimistic, integrity, supporting and facilitating your team, confidence, communication, and decisive. After studying the traits listed I disagree with the trait of being optimistic and believe being realistic is more important. I also believe that being creative, level headed, being able to manage conflict and a committed worker are also very important traits. I believe that I possess all the traits mentioned of an effective leader in some capacity with some being more developed than others. I have excellent interpersonal and communication skills that I have developed over nine years of policing that allow me to talk to people. These include active listening, asking questions and giving clear tasks. For example, even though it’s part  of their job and I still ask people to perform tasks as it is polite and makes them feel like they are choosing to the task and feel motivated. I am knowledgeable and know where to find the answer if I don’t know it off hand. I am one of only three supervisors in my management team that have had the experience in all roles of the employees that we supervise, this allows me to help when people require assistance or have problems. I’m often asked to assist and only offer my help and don’t barge in or takeover because they aren’t doing it the way I think. I am not one of those supervisors that sit back when times are tough, instead I am there at the frontline working through the challenge. At the end of every shift I supervise I say thank you the employees I supervise especially if it’s been a challenging shift. To be good and my job role requires me to be decisive, creative, level headed and realistic due to the, I allow my employees to think of solutions and give them feedback and other ideas. I tend not to tell them what to do and micro-manage instead I choose to step in when they are stuck or there is some conflict of dynamic and ever changing work situation. Logistical problems will often arise and need to be solved expeditiously ideas. I have good conflict management skills and have settled a number of disputes that have occurred between employees. A short while ago I had two employees who were arguing outside my office quit loudly and before I had an opportunity to see what was happening one of the employees came rushing into the office very flustered and upset stating that he needed to go home. I spoke to both employees separately and together to resolve the issue and the upset employee confided in me that he had some other personal issues that may have affected his reaction. There was still grounds for his complaint so the other employee was dealt with. I gave the upset employee ten minutes to calm down and gather himself and after that time he thanked me and stated that he was ready to resume work. I believe that this outcome was possible because I of my conflict management skills which included my integrity, my communication skills and the employees feeling comfortable enough to confide in me. As I have mentioned before I am believe I have the traits and that I am an effective leader however I am not perfect and there is always room for  improvement. Knowing what makes and effective leader is the first step to developing the skills. As I have read in some of the articles some of the traits come naturally, some are easily developed and some will require hard work to develop. If possible I think it’s important to have a good leadership role model as I do. This would help you set the standard and with some personal reflection or feedback from others allow you to identify the traits that require development. In my organisation supervisors and managers are given leadership workshops to provide this â€Å"training† and help triggers self-reflection and development of the traits of an effective leader. During this workshop I demonstrated my traits as a leader and was able to develop those which require improvement. My organisations plans and goals are reflected in the mission, vision and values with safety being the main core value. By working safely, ensuring other employees work safely and ensuring the mission, vision and values are followed or worked towards would ensure that my work goals and plan reflect this. I have a yearly Personal Performance Review (PPR) with periodic meetings through the year, that ensures my work goals and plan reflects that of my organisations. There is weekly management meetings that I attend (shifts permitting) where we are updated with any changes or updates the organisations plans or goals. Most recently my company is trying to reduce operating costs and we have been asked to be wary of costs and find ways to reduce cost. This is supplemented by regular emails and correspondence from colleagues about our organisations goals and plans. To ensure I meet my Job responsibilities I need to know and understand what my job responsibilities are. As a supervisor at Aurizon I have responsibilities that are common to all supervisors, managers and sometimes all employees, as well as a number of responsibilities that are unique to my job role. At the time of applying for my position I was supplied Position Description which identified the key responsibilities of my role and this was followed up by a meeting with my manager upon being successful. There is also a handbook created by previous supervisors that lists the daily responsibilities of my role (although this is mainly used for use by those acting in the role.) I have a diary that I record my daily actions that I not only use as evidence for my PPR, but also to ensure I have met some of my daily/monthly responsibilities. I also  create daily lists to ensure that not only my regular daily responsibilities are carried out but also any additional requirements that arise ar e met. As previously mentioned I have a PPR to measure my personal performance on an annual basis with periodic meetings to assess my progress. To assist with evidencing this and maintaining this I have a diary that I record targets and responsibilities I perform. I also keep any emails of praise from my manager, other colleagues in my organisation, and external parties. Regular conversations and feedback from my colleagues and mangers also provide measure of my performance. I maintain my performance by ensuring I meet my monthly targets or key performance indicators and analysing it on a regular basis to ensure it’s at the appropriate level or higher. If I believe that my performance is not to standard or if I was informed that it was to the expected standard I would look at ways to improve my performance. In my organisation and for my role my in particular my work revolves around timetables for trains and is very time based. In my office we have a whiteboard with the timetable for my shift and the next train after which becomes one of our main priorities for the shift. To organise and prioritise my work I write a list at the start for the shift which would include my daily responsibilities such as meetings and checks. I then add tasks specific to that day that regularly occur or have been prearranged for the day, new tasks are added to the list as they come up. All the tasks will have a specific time frame of completion whether it is to be completed by the end of my shift, during my shift or in some cases over a period of days, weeks or months. To help me organise my work I use technology to help organise and manage my work. I mainly use my outlook calendar with reminders of regular daily tasks and use it to set reminders for future tasks that extend beyond my shift. We also receive daily emails from colleagues regarding our priorities or tasks for the day. Due to the nature of my work and my sometimes limited time in front of my computer I prefer to not use technology, as it changes regularly and isn’t necessarily the most efficient way to manage my work. I am able to maintain my work/life balance quite easily due to my role and the number of people in my team. I am one of five supervisors that perform my role and we work a 24hr roster, so there is always one of us (or in some case an acting supervisor.) This means that I almost never take work home and when I leave, I leave my work at the gate  and most of time work my set roster. This allows for a regular amount of â€Å"life â€Å"time which is important with a young family. I have a good relationship with my manager and I am pretty lucky that he is very pro-family and out of work activities. I also have a number of activities outside of work and more importantly away from work people which include volunteer fire and rescue, regular exercise and socialising with friends. During work time I also look to have a least half an hour away from my desk/work duties for my lunch break to take time out. I have number of skills and knowledge that I am required to remain competent in to ma intain both legal and organisational qualifications and knowledge. To ensure that these standards of competency I have regular refreshers and assessments dependent on the qualification or competency required. The majority of these are monitored by the training department in my organisation and other employees. I also have a computer based program with my training profile and due dates, these are mainly revolved around computer based training. A number of my competencies or qualifications are skill based and requires periodic assessment, so I regularly make time to practice and use these skills in the workplace as I don’t regularly use them as part of my role. In addition to my requalifications and refreshers, I ensure my knowledge is maintained I regularly re-read rule books and workbooks from course. My PPR process allows my manager and me to identify developmental needs and so far I have completed and Excel course, leadership course and drug and alcohol sampling course, with a number of other development opportunities already identified. I even suggested this course which I saw as beneficial to my development. Once again self-reflection and identifying gaps, weaknesses and room for improvement help me identify my developmental needs. When looking at my developmental needs I also need to take into account my personal learning style. There are numerous theories and models on learning styles, some of which pigeon hole your learning style while other identify you tendency towards that style. According to work adapted from Barbe, Swassing and Milone; Learning styles consist of three types, Visual (seeing and reading), Auditory (hearing and speaking), and Kinaesthetic (touching and doing.) After reading the traits for each style I would most likely identify myself as having a visual learning style followed by an Auditory. Honey and Mumford (based on work by Kolb) identified four learning styles as Activist,  Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatists. Activists tend to enjoy team/group activities and learning; Reflectors tend to enjoy self-paced learning, scenarios, observations and meetings; Theorists tend to enjoy reading, experiment based activities, classroom and laboratory/workshop training, conferences and discussion; Pragmatists tend to enjoy on job training, coaching and work based projects. After conducting the test based on this model I show low preference to having an Activist learning style and moderate preference to the reflector, theorist and pragmatist learning styles. I also conducted another test on the internet based on the Gardner model which is an expansion on the three types of learning styles of visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic. Gardner’s model expands the different styles to seven, consisting of visual, social, physical, aural, verbal, solitary, and logical. After taking this test I showed that I rarely use/prefer visual and physical learning styles, and have a moderate preference towards all the other learning styles. Based on the various results and self-reflection of my personal learning style it is quite clear that I have a moderate preference towards a number of learning styles. My personal learning style is that I like to read and take notes on the theory of the knowledge/skill to be learnt, question the material and ask what-if questions (especially if its knowledge of rules,) followed by on job mentoring. My past two main qualifications/skill that I have gained in train operations was following this process. I know from previous courses and employments that I don’t like role-play scenarios and prefer on job experience. To ensure that I took advantage of learning opportunities I would if possible adapt/suggest the learning style to suit my own. However I am more than capable of still learning in a different style than my preferred styles and wouldn’t pass up an opportunity for learning. As previous mentioned during this paper my main source of feedback is from my PPR process with my direct line manager. I also receive some feedback from my peers, direct reports and internal and external customers usually via my line manager. My company also has a development program for managers with confidential surveys of your line manager, reports and peers. Any feedback I receive, whether it is good or bad, I will analyse for anyways to improve my performance or competency. This could be to learn new skills, development programs, courses to expand on a current knowledge/skill base or to observe/shadow a colleague. I have a  number of networks both personal and work related that are of assistance to me in my current role. Due to the size of the town I live and work in, I have a number of personal relationships that have assisted in these networks. I am a volunteer firefighter and have a network of other volunteers I encounter both through the brigade and through other agencies. Having a variety of people has not only allowed the sharing of knowledge regarding emergencies, but has also assisted in the foundation of other networks. This has been beneficial to me as I have been able to use my extensive knowledge of emergency situations in my role and increase my work related networks. A network that I use to increase my knowledge on a regular basis is with the mechanical department. I have a good relationship with the supervisors and direct reports and receive a lot of technical information that is of great benefit to me. In general by having good relationships/networks you can gain knowledge by asking questions and shadow/observe best practice. Maintaining a competitive edge in the work place is a very important in today’s age, if you don’t then you’ll be left behind. An important outlook is to know that you don’t know everything and that you need to keep learning and acquiring knowledge and skills. Currently in my workplace I have a competitive edge over my peers, as I am motivated, have more qualifications and skills than the majority of them, better communication skills, better computer skills, my willingness to learn new things and most importantly that I strive to do my job to the best of my ability. To ensure that I acquired new skills I would seek learning opportunities both in and out of the work place. I would identify these learning opportunities through my PPR process, feedback and self-reflection. In conclusion to manage my work priorities and professional development I use self-reflection, my personal performance review, and feedback to identify development needs and opportunities. By being aware of the many traits that make a good role model and an effective leader, I can use self-assessment and other forms of feedback to improve and develop my skills. Also by being aware of the traits I can identify a role model of my own to help in becoming a better leader.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Dictionary Defeats Dogma

The Dictionary Defeats Dogma The Dictionary Defeats Dogma The Dictionary Defeats Dogma By Mark Nichol Responses to one of my recent posts brought up two interesting related issues: misunderstandings about idioms and their origins, and about linguistic terms. First, numerous readers wrote to Daily Writing Tips recently to inform me that I had misspelled a word in one of the items in â€Å"35 Fossil Words†: It’s â€Å"just desserts,† not â€Å"just deserts,† to refer to getting what you deserve, I was told. But as I noted in this post last year, deserts is commonly misspelled desserts in this idiomatic phrase; years ago (perhaps influenced by the name of a bakery called Just Desserts), I, too, had long assumed that the latter spelling was correct. The word, however, is related to deserve, though except for occasional use of the singular form in legal documents, it is unknown outside the idiom and the phrase â€Å"get (one’s) just deserts† and its truncated version, â€Å"get (one’s) deserts.† Many idioms are similarly misunderstood; another example, also listed in my recently posted roster of fossil words, is â€Å"beck and call.† In a post on my esteemed colleague Mignon Fogarty’s popular website Quick and Dirty Grammar Tips, numerous commenters insisted with variously amusing and alarming self-righteousness that despite definitive linguistic documentation of the idiom the correct phrasing is â€Å"beckon call† (what kind of call? a beckon call) or â€Å"beck or call† (because, honestly, why would somebody both beck and call?). (Thanks to Daily Writing Tips visitor Roberta for the link.) The post you’re reading right now is intended not to ridicule people who misunderstand idiom (after all, a couple of paragraphs up, I admitted doing so myself, and I am not prone to self-ridicule), but it is intended to drop a hint to those who might doggedly cling to dogma, stubbornly misapprehending a word or phrase’s source. Many elements of English are of uncertain etymological or syntactical origin, but most are well attested, and corroboration is a simple matter of looking something up online or in print. A bumper sticker word to the wise: Don’t believe everything you think. The related issue is the term â€Å"fossil words.† Some Daily Writing Tips readers took exception to that phrase and to my definition of such terms as those that â€Å"survive only in isolated usage,† arguing that they employ some or many of the listed words. (Does that mean, more than one person asked, that that makes the correspondent a fossil?) However, note that the definition of the titular phrase, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is â€Å"A word or other linguistic form preserved only in isolated regions or in set phrases, idioms, or collocations.† By â€Å"isolated usage,† I meant not â€Å"frequency of use† but â€Å"scope of use†; these words are rarely, if ever, uttered other than as part of the idiomatic phrases they are associated with. When was the last time you used bated other than in the expression â€Å"bated breath,† or mettle when it was not preceded by something like â€Å"test your†? If you can tick off the occasions on your fingertips, you likely have a season pass to a Renaissance fair. And to that I say, â€Å"Huzzah!† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Passed vs PastHang, Hung, HangedHonorary vs. Honourary

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free sample - Air Transportation. translation missing

Air Transportation. Air TransportationModern science has made the life easy for people. With the help of innovation in technology, our lifestyle becomes updated. Now, we are in the edge of Modern scientific world. What was our dream yesterday becomes the reality today. Scientific triumph is seen everywhere around us and bring blessings to the mankind. In the field of transportation science make revolutionary change as many new forms of transportations invented. The face of earth has been changed and science has change the mode of lifestyle in the past hundred years than in last four thousand years before. We have observed the gifts of science of motor cars, steam engine, electric and magnetic trains. But we can be amazed to see the marvelous and greatest invention of flying like a bird in the sky. Previously we were satisfied traveling with the buses, trains, automobiles, even boats and ships. But the dream of moving through air becomes the reality when different forms of air transportation are innovated. In 1903, Wright brothers discovered aero-plane. â€Å"Air transportation is the movement or transport of human and objects from one place to another by air†. Now in the busy world air transportation becomes the very easy and time saving ways for travel across the world. It is the fastest, shortest, quickest means of the carrier. This forms of travel is very much comfortable. It gives us the unique opportunity and brings excitement and thrilling while moving from one location to another. In this pleasant journey no traffic jam and other sorts of barriers are seen. Overall journey by air is much safe, sound and cool experience to the travelers. With the help of air transportation the world has become a mere global family. It successfully exceeds the distant and time constant in journey. This mode of transportation is still quite costly and since only affluent section of the society can afford it. So, for busy business people especially the top business managers and organization heads, the top officials of any country and other people who have the money used to take air transportation for traveling. There are various advantages and disadvantages of using air travel. But the advantages are innumerous and the usefulness of taking air transport removes the time and distance limitations. Now people fly to many parts of the worlds with the least time and with very comfortable ways. Not only for peak time but also for any time during the year, you can book your air ticket. The price of air travel depends on the types of the class of the set, the selection of the airline, destination etc. Bruckner (2002), Daniel and Pahwa, (2000) discussed about the demand management which is becoming a bigger challenge in the airline industry. The history and evolution of air transportation has come across a long way. Around 400 BC, in Ancient Chine, kites were used as the religious customs. Initially kites are made for fun but later more sophisticated kites are tested to know the motion of the wind and weather. From centuries, man have desired to fly and touch the sky like a bird. Hero of Alexandria who was a famous ancient Greek engineer worked with stream and air pressure to reveal the sources of power. He had tried some experiments in these fields with a water kettle and fire to get some concepts about power.   In 1492, Theories of flight was designed by Leonardo da Vinci. He has given over hundred of drawings to highlight his ideas about the concept of flight. Most of his drawings depict the ideas for man carrying machines with wings and trails of birds. His design of Ornithopter is quite similar to the helicopter in the modern time. Aviation pioneers and contributor to this field have examined the concept of Vinci in 19th century. In 1783, Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier brothers developed the first hot air balloon. The earliest hot balloon climbed 6000 feet high and passed about one mile with a sheep, duck and roosters. Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Francois Laurent are the first human passengers who flown on November 21, 1783. Sir George Caysley who has distinguished between lift and drag experimented with wing design in order to find out how human can fly in the sky. His experiments took place between 1799 and 1850s. A young boy was the first passenger of Canley’s gliders. He has dedicated fifty years in to make updating his theory. He changed the shape of the wing of gliders for smooth air blowing across the wings. In his work, â€Å"On Ariel Navigation† he has given clue for human to fly in the sky. Otto Lilienthal was a German engineer studied aerodynamics and he was the first person of glider designer. Using his design subsequent engineers got various clues of flying techniques. He was so much enthralled and exited about flight design that he wrote a book and published in 1889. His work was taken by the Wright brothers as a base of flight design. In 1891, Samuel Langley built a place called aerodrome. On December 17, 1903, Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright took their first flight in the air. They had studied the earlier works, took good concept and implement in their experiment. They studied the motion of wind and other scientific factors and did the research. 1st the Wright brothers tested with the gliders and designed the wind tunnel to alter the wing’s shapes. Later they create a propulsion system use to make the lift for fly. Orville piloted the plane which was 605 pounds in weight. US govt bought the 1st plane form Wright brothers in 1909 with a value of $25000 and awarded a bonus of $5000 for exceed forty mph. There are different types of air travel that exists both commercially and private. Some of them have been developed many years ago and some are developed recently couple of years back. Today’s hot air balloons are used with the same technology and feature of the previously invented balloons. In a wicker basket heat source and passengers are placed under the shed of the balloon. According to the direction of the wind, balloon moves with the increase of heat. Various colorful and attractive balloons are seen as a medium of air transportation. The most popular means of air transport is the fixed wing airplane. Flight tracking organization flight ware claims that over 49315 commercial flights operate globally on a daily basis. Nearly 1.2 billion people of the world use airplane as a means of transportation. So we can find the impact of Air transportation on the social life of people. For smooth takeoff and landing a long runway is required at the airport. Propeller is used to warm up the place for flight and wings work as wind stabilizer. The airplanes are designed in such a way that they can withstand any bad situation in the air like bad weather or other natural or manual problems. The pilots are so adept in handling the air plane; they are enabling to ride a plane even in most risky and dangerous situation. Helicopters are other medium of air transport. Mainly it is used to carry the soldiers into the remote areas where with the airplane can be accessible. The apache helicopter is the modern sand sophisticated form of transportation used in the defense. In the emergency situation of any country like flood or cyclones, the relief can be reached to the affected people though helicopter. Personal air transport is seen for the richest people of the world. The importance of air transportation is unimaginable. It takes days even months to travel via seas but it takes only couple of hours to reach any destination via air. Toady air travel become very much common. Most of the countries of the world use this medium of transport. Brueckner (2005) studied about the fact of managing the passengers need to travel via air. The air line authorities need to give more focus to fulfill the growing need of air transport of the people. Many companies currently producing large and most sophisticated air plane with the state of the art technology Research is being conducted to at NASA Langley Research Center to fly the Pacific Ocean in few hours of time or try to develop jumbo jet having giant wings that carries over 700 passengers. Airbus, the aircraft manufacturer has a plan named â€Å"engineers dream†. The company wants to make this dream in to reality by 2030 which they claimed will be the future of air transport. The plane will have all the latest and comfortable facilities of our imagination. The aircraft will have the design of cabins and engines, aerodynamics and aircraft materials. The seat of the plane will have self cleaning materials designed for a snug fit. Walls of the plane will give 360 views with transparent see through button. The use of green energy like solar panels, fuel cells and body heat used to generate power all the systems will be presented in the future aircraft. The safety measures will be the most focus of future air Transportation. The future planes will be designed in such a way to provide the passengers with utmost safety and security. The seating arrangements, trouble handling measures will be so updated that passengers will be highly delighted with the service. Another aspect of future airplane is to reach the destination with the fastest mode. The speed of future plane will be super fast. The air transportation in the future will become not only comfortable but also memorable. Various aspects of Airport services demand and supply   have been discussed   in the work of   Zografos and Madas (2003). They tried to show different approaches in this matter. The cargo transporters will become more flexible and less time consuming. Various Commercial airlines allow citizens to attend different business programs, holiday vacation, and tour to the globe. Many long distance cargos are moved quickly via air transport. Human and cargo carriers are shipped on charters or regular frequent basis. In an airport various flights are scheduled for variety of destination. People can take the service by booking the tickets online or manually. The future of airplane industry will be focused on the green energy especially solar energy. Some researches were conducted to highlight the future dimension and nature of air transport using the green and other alternative sources of energy. Ausubel and meyer (1998) , Bhadra, Gentry and Wells (2005) This new sources of alternative energy bring opportunities that can be applied to Air plane industry. Various researches are ongoing to develop viable and cost reducing energy for the airplane. We hope that in the very near future this imagination will become the reality and transportation via air becomes very much pleasant and comfortable. Air transportation unlike other modes of transportation has much impact in the economy of any country. Developed countries and provide the best facilities of Air transport by establishing various airports in the busy and important states across the country. When people are provided with much innovative and safe means of air transport facilities, the revenue of the air industry will increase. When destinations are very far away, commercial airplane travel become the most comfortable and quick means. Sometimes accidental issues and risk of life may occur in air travel. But the same can be happens to other mode of communication like water and road transportation. Most of the airplanes are equipped with many features and facilities that give the passengers the unique opportunity of traveling. The food and stuff are well served and the air hostess shows their warm hospitability that can delight anyone who travels by air for the first time. The air plane industry owner tries to provide the home environment during the travel by air. The state of the art technology and the digital equipment of entertainment take you in the world of imagination. Air travel is very convenience especially when you are in a hurry or rush situation. Schank (2005) discussed about several pricing strategy of the airline industry. The peak and off-peak pricing and its effect on the passengers to take air transport have been highlighted in their study.You can book the air ticket easily by making a phone call to any traveling agent. There are several organizations that may assist you in answering your quires about air travel. Air transportation system brings us the opportunity to move the cargo in very quickest and fastest time. Journey by air is very pleasant and interesting. It gives good feelings and excitement to the passengers on board. The outside scenery observed from the plane is very charming. Air Transport makes the far distance place very close. We can now travel anywhere in the world within no time. The transport of human and the cargo are two types of service the airline industry serves. With the expansion of global business and transaction with distant parts of the world, it requires a swift mode of transport system. People are previously in search of the need of such type of service. Now with the invention of modern science air transport meets the hidden desire of people to move from one place to another by air. The air transport system is a blessing of the modern science which unveils the opportunities of serving a distinct group of people who want to travel by air.   Apart from other transportation medium like transport by water or road transportation, air transportation is very much popular and useful mode of transportation. Now business head managers and top officials of the state can attend any foreign meeting and programs quickly with the help of air transport and come back within very short time. References Brueckner, J.K. (2002), â€Å"Internalization of airport congestion†, Journal of Air Transport Management, 8, 141-147. Zografos, K.G. and Madas, M.A. (2003),â€Å"Critical assessment of airport demand management Strategies in Europe and the United States – comparative perspectives†, Brueckner, J.K. (2005), â€Å"Internalization of airport congestion: a network analysis†, International Journal of Industrial Organization,23, 599-614. Air Transportation Challenges: Airspace, Airports, and Access. Transportation Research record, 1850, 41-48 Daniel, J.I. and Pahwa, M. (2000), â€Å"Comparisonof three empirical models of airport congestion pricing†, Journal of Urban Economics, 47, 1-38 Ausubel, J. H.; Marchetti, C.; Meyer (1998) P. S. To w a r d Green Mobility: The Evolution of Transport. E u r o p e a n Review, 6 (2), 137–156 Bhadra, D., J. Gentry, B. Hogan, and M. Wells. (2005) â€Å"Future Air Traffic Timetable Estimator,† Journal of Aircraft, 42(2), 320-328. Schank, J.L. (2005), â€Å"Solving airside airport congestion: why peak runway pricing is not Working†,   Journal of Air Transport Management, 11,417-425.