Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Response Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Response Paper - Essay Example In this worrisome scenario, the news published in the Daily Mail that 100,000 jobs would be created by Britain's programme of building new nuclear power stations (Mcghie, Mail Online, 12th March 2011) should have brought immense cheer. But it does not do so. On the contrary, the subject is highly debatable. In the nuclear sector, it is both expensive and time consuming to train professionals with the right skills. Only a long-term approach could achieve this. However, in the Budget 2011, according to experts, the chancellor has not fully addressed the issue of skills development which is an important facilitator of growth in enterprise (Recruiter, 24 March 2011). Effective policies to reduce unemployment invariably need to encourage the employability of the workforce so that the unemployed possess the right skills to avail of the new job opportunities. Also, a sustained period of economic growth is required to create new jobs, especially in the energy sector. Experience has shown tha t a growing economy creates fresh jobs and provides employment opportunities for the unemployed people. For instance, the period from 1993-2001 which saw sustained economic growth in the UK also was a period of significant increase in employment levels. Therefore, in the current period of low economic growth in the UK, the claims made by Areva, the world's biggest reactor maker which is building four reactors for Electricite de France (EDF), two in Hinckley Point, Somerset, and two in Sizewell, Suffolk, and reported in the Daily Mail as referred above, of creation of substantial numbers of jobs does not sound true. Furthermore, Areva also predicts that British companies will be responsible for 80 per cent of the manufacturing work. But, in reality, due to non-availability of suitably trained personnel within the country, engineering and manufacturing organisations are often dependent on skilled hands brought in from overseas. Efforts made now to spot and train the right talent will only start to provide the feedstock for the nuclear community 10 to 15 years hence. Besides, the time frame needed to plan, build and commission a new nuclear power generating facility is about 20 to 30 years. This is a much-too-long period to create jobs to fight current unemployment in Britain. According to BBC News, â€Å"Nuclear power stations currently generate 20% of UK electricity but they are nearly all facing decommission† (23 January 2006). Which means that within the next 10 years, possibly only about 80% of the total electric power needed will be produced. According to EDF, the two proposed nuclear power plants at Hinkley Point C would be capable of supplying enough electricity for around five million homes. During construction, each new nuclear plant potentially provides an average of 1,400 to 1,800 jobs (the number is much higher during peak construction). And, once they are operational, the new power stations would support around 900 permanent direct jobs besid es many more indirect jobs. The permanent jobs are all highly skilled jobs consisting of reactor operators, radiation protection specialists, and nuclear, mechanical and electrical engineers (Nuclear Enery Institute, 2010). The important point to be noted is that the â€Å"demand is for people with the right skills to support both the construction and operation of the new generation of nuclear power stati

Monday, October 28, 2019

IT Applications and Groupware Essay Example for Free

IT Applications and Groupware Essay The three most important things that a company has to do so as to implement the use of groupware systems effectively starts with ensuring the collaboration of workers regarding the introduction of the technology. This initiative helps to create an image of the required culture in their mind. Further, it helps the workers to learn more about each other and creates a sense of respect among them. This strategy helps to break any antagonistic cultures in which they grew up whereby they may have been taught to work as individuals. This viewpoint creates the notion of selfishness amongst the workers. Conversely, ensuring worker cooperation helps to create a feeling of security with regard to employees providing support to the company (Thierauf, 2001). This makes them to be joint owners of the company, thus taking part in implementing the project. The workers are thus not dictated on what to do. Rather, the executive helps them to remove the obstacles amongst themselves and eliminate their resistance. Afterwards, the retraining of the workers about sharing takes place. This helps to recreate the attitude of sharing which have been eliminated from the workers’ minds by the prevailing environment. Such an undertaking begins with the introduction of education to individual persons whereby they are instructed to work as individuals. Further, they learn that to share equates to cheating within the school perspective. The employees thus tend to have a culture in them that disowns sharing. Such a culture calls for retraining. The concept of sharing helps them to work together. In turn, this development benefits the company in the sense that each employee will be allowed to make their decisions. The business thus retains the knowledgeable employees within the company. This group work also makes the output of the company to increase more than individual output. Such an outcome stems from the fact that a group can accomplish more tasks than an individual when each person is offered the opportunity to decide on how to accomplish a task (Galliers, Markus Newell, 2007). The people are thus empowered to perform by themselves. During training, the influential leaders usually start early in helping the people to change and teaching the people about the importance of groupware. This undertaking promotes every idea regarding all opportunities in the planning of any specialized training in the anticipation that all the needed users are covered. In addition, it helps to create an awareness of what will be expected of them when the group ware system will be implemented. This is because the workers regain their trust in all people with whom they were formerly taught to be distrustful by their environment. It also gives each worker an opportunity to contribute their techniques in the business whereby the best are charged with the running of the company (Khosrowpour, 2001). It also helps to make sure that all the intended people are reached and that the barriers among them broken. This creates an atmosphere within which each individual is worthy in the business and wherein their views are incorporated into the running of the premise. After training, one should plan for the growth of the firm and be prepared to rise up quickly after the implementation. This improves the attitude of the workers because they derive satisfaction from the work output. Such a development promotes and improves their working life. Consequently, the lessons which they had learned in the training are articulated in the production process. This action helps to gauge the results of the project so that one can know if to sell the project to others if the results are tangible (Khosrowpour, 2000). Further, he owners are facilitated to gauge if the groupware system is productive and if its productivity can be replicated in other related firms.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Milgram Experiment of Obedience :: essays research papers

Milgram’s experiment of obedience was done in 1961 soon after WW2 and the trials for war crimes against the Nazi’s were being done. An ad was placed in the newspaper for a Memory and Learning Experiment at $4.50 an hour, but the experiment was ultimately on Obedience. The experiment was conducted on behalf of Adolph Eichmann who was convicted of war crimes, and crimes against humanity, but he was only following orders. Eichmann filled out death warrants but never carried out the killings. The objective of the experiment was to find out if people would obey higher authority even though what they were doing was morally wrong. There would be the experimenter who recorded the teacher’s reactions and answered questions of the teacher. The learner, an actor not actually harmed, was supposedly shocked every time he had given a wrong answer and each time he was wrong he would be shocked with more voltage than the one before. The teacher administered questions to the lear ner along with the shocks for the wrong answer. What the teacher thought he was doing was giving a painful shock, not deadly shock to the learner to test of punishment leads to better memory. During the experiment very few actually went against authority, even though all shocked the learner at 300W and on. Over 50% went to the full amount of electricity. In fact a prediction from other psychologist suggested that not even 1% of the subjects would follow up to the last switch on the generator. During the experiment, teachers, the actual subjects, became nervous. The teachers began questioning the experimenter, who told them to go on and that he was the one talking all the responsibility of the teachers’ actions. This persuaded many teachers to go on feeling obligated to follow authority even though the teachers knew they were doing something morally wrong. The teachers fidgeted a lot, moved the hands, pulled out cigarettes and looking around, talking fast, etc. which are all signs of nervousness. Despite their nervousness and morality they listened to authority to continue long after the learner was not responding.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nature: A Tool of Society Essay examples -- Natural Advertising Essays

Nature: A Tool of Society William Cronon says in the Epilogue of Natureà ­s Metropolis, à ¬Much as I say I love à ¬natureà ® that word usually remains an abstraction in my daily lifeà ³a non-urban quality of aesthetic or sacred beauty to be looked at and à ¬appreciated,à ® not the gritty web of material connections that feed, clothe, shelter, and cleanse me and my community.à ® (Cronon 384). This can be said for most of the population of urban areas. It is this ambiguous view of nature that makes us susceptible to otherà ­s interpretations of nature. This susceptibility makes nature a powerful force in society. This is especially evident in advertisements, which mold nature into the image that is favorable to portray the product being advertised. The Sony advertisement from Esquire magazine is for the Wega flat screen television, and is a good example of how advertisements use nature to sell a product. This ad shows two very contrasting images, one of the black and white desert, and the other of the television set showing pictures of children playing in the water of a fire hydrant. The use of the television to frame the picture of the children shows very distinctly that these are two very separate and different images, because as Leonardo da Vinci said à ¬There are no lines in natureà ®. In this ad through the use of colors, or the lack there of, this cultural icon is shown to be more favorable than the image of nature. The ad offers the viewer a sense of escape from the dull, monotone world outside by offering a more vibrant, playful world experienced through television. While the link between the images shown in the ad and the offer made by the advertisement seems very surreal, it is a natural link. The reasoning behind this link as being ... ...rural hinterland. We fool ourselves if we think we can choose between them, for the green lake and the orange cloud are creatures of the same landscape. We can only take tehm together and in making the journey between them, find a way that does justice to them bothà ® (Cronon 385). According to Cronon the nature-culture dichotomy that we believe in is incorrect, because nature is just as much a part of culture as culture is a part of nature. Works Cited Cronon, William - short selection from Epilogue, Nature's Metropolis Norton 1991 pp. 384-5. Marlboro Lights. à ¬Esquireà ® January 2001. back cover. Nash, Roderick - 'Old World Roots of Opinion,' Ch 1 from Wilderness and the American Mind 1982 Yale Univ Press pp. 8-22. Sony Wega. à ¬Esquireà ® December 2000. pgs. 17-18. Timberland. à ¬Maximà ® December 2000. pg. Yahoo! Email. à ¬Esquireà ® January 2001.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Diversity Worksheet Essay

1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued? I have learned that diversity has various different definitions but I will only focus on the Webster’s Dictionary meaning. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, diversity is â€Å"the condition of having or being composed of differing elements: Variety; especially: the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization.† To summarize this definition or make it simple, diversity is to include people from different races, religions, genders, ages, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds all in one place. Diversity is valued because it teaches us how to accept and understand differences in people and to look beyond personal biases or emotions of language, culture, and race. It also teaches us to be more open and enhances our knowledge of all things or people that are different from us. 2. What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society? Ethnocentrism is the feeling that one’s group or culture is superior to another. Ethnocentrism makes a person bias against other cultures and ethnic groups, makes a person look down on others, and makes a person feel that other cultures are inferior to their own. Furthermore, ethnocentrism can be detrimental to a society in many ways.One way is racism, which is a problem that has plagued our society for decades and has caused violence and death. Ethnocentrism has also caused war and genocide such as the Holocaust. During the time of the Holocaust, the Nazis (who were German) believed that Germans were racially superior and the Jews were inferior. This belief led to the Nazis killing a lot of Jews, disabled people, and homosexuals. In today’s society, I am not sure if ethnocentrism would go that far but it would still harm our society. It can cause more violence, discrimination, and coflicts acrtoss the world. 3. Define emigration and immigration. Emigration is to leave ones’s country permanently to live in another. Immgration is defined as coming into a new country as a permanent resident. Schaefer, R. T. states that â€Å"from Vietnam’s perspective, the â€Å"boat people† were emigrants from Vietnam to the United States, but in the United States they were counted among this nation’s immigrants.† This is how the two terms are different. 4. What are some of the ways groups of people are identified? Groups of people are identified by dominant and subordinate groups to include their race, ethnicity, religion, and gender. The racial group refers to people who are socially set apart because of physical differences. The ethic group is set apart because of their national origin or distinctive cultural patterns. The religious group is set apart because they are associated with a religion other than the dominant faith. The gender group suggests that men are the social majority and women are the minority. Finally there are other subordinate groups that people are identified by such as age, disability status, physical appearance, and sexual orientation. 5. Why do people label and group other people? I believe that some people label and group other people because this is the way they were taught. On the other hand, there are some people who label and group other people because of ignorance. For those who were brought up with prejudice, they continue to label people because it is easier to go off of what they were taught than to look up the facts on their own. Furthermore, I feel that people label and group other people in order to make themselves look good or seem superior. They want to feel as if they are better than others. Labeling and grouping people is judgemental and can easily be avoided if people would just learn other people for themselves. 6. Define culture. Is culture limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds? Explain. Culture is the beliefs, social forms, and material traigts of a race, religion, or social group. It is also the characteristic features of everyday existence shared by people in a place or time (Merriam-Webster online, 2013). Culture can refer to many areas in a society and is not only limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds. Culture can also refer to other areas such as education, business, and science.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Dangers of NaNoWriMo

The Dangers of NaNoWriMo The Dangers of NaNoWriMo This is the last week of one of the year’s most frenetic months for writers: National Novel Writing Month. Since its foundation in 1999, the now-universally-abbreviated NaNoWriMo has established itself as the best opportunity for aspiring writers to stop being just that.At the last New Generation Self-Publishing Summit (sponsored by Reedsy), Porter Anderson said something that really stuck with me (and apparently others – see tweets below): â€Å"‘E’ will obliterate territorial rights.†Exactly. ‘E’ has this extraordinary capacity to tear down physical or territorial barriers – and that’s true for everything from books to . In the case of NaNoWriMo, ‘e’ gives rise to a universal writers’ group where authors meet annually, exchange tips, support one another and update the community on their progress. The result is a global race where winning is accessible to everyone, because winning means finishing the ma nuscript. These kind of races always end up creating a strong sense of community.To the casual observer, NaNoWriMo might seem like the greatest thing to happen to writers since QWERTY. But the e-phenomenon might not be for everyone. Here’s why.1. The â€Å"New Year’s Resolution† EffectLet’s start with a mild accusation. To me, it sounds like â€Å"NaNoWriMo† is to authors what January is to non-authors: that time of year when you take on game-changing projects that you hold on to†¦ for a month.Writing over 1,000 words a day is something many authors do throughout the year (or at least several months a year), and many successful authors write in excess of 10,000 words per month. While NaNoWriMo creates the perfect incentive to *start* doing that, I think it is as important for authors to stick to the 1,667 words a day during NaNoWriMo as it is for them to keep writing regularly afterwards (at a slower pace, maybe). NaNo can create momentum, but it can also cause burnout for those unaccustomed to such a colossal creative effort.NaNo shouldn’t be the exception in an author’s life; it should be the ramp that launches a writing career.2. â€Å"In the end, it’s all about writing, you know?†There’s a Holy Trinity of generalized advice to authors out there that comes up regularly at conferences or in blog posts, forums and social media: 1. Writing is only half the job; reaching readers is the other half. 2. Writing your next book is your #1 marketing tool. 3. Present your book to readers only when it’s in the best possible shape.NaNoWriMo sets up authors to follow none of this advice.Think about it: You’re writing 1,667 words a day. You have a full-time job on the side. You spend the little spare time you have tweeting updates about your writing and contributing to a #nanowrimo hashtag feed that is already flooded by self-publishing companies trying to get participants’ att ention.In the meantime, not much is done for â€Å"the second half of the job† – marketing. It’s easy when all the focus is around #amwriting to forget about the occasional reader-directed tweet or Facebook post, the monthly newsletter, blogging, reader-mapping, etc. Not all authors forget about marketing during NaNo (the â€Å"big names† keep blogging heavily as a matter of fact), but there’s a certain detriment to everyone in the author community putting sole emphasis on â€Å"just writing† for a month.This brings us to item #3. Speed and precision are rarely bedfellows, and NaNo manuscripts are no exception. I’ll expand on this point below.3. â€Å"There! I’m done! Let’s publish now.†I’ve heard from several Reedsy editors that the months following Nano are usually super busy for them. Authors have their first drafts in hand and are so proud that they want to capitalise on the momentum and accelerate the â€Å"publishing process† so their book gets out there quickly. NaNoWriMo puts so much emphasis on speed that it invites authors to neglect the 3rd rule cited above, and accentuates an author’s biggest vice: impatience.Eagerness is perfectly understandable, especially in light of the massive effort it takes to write 50k words in 30 days. But that pace is challenging even for seasoned authors, and at best would result in a first draft – a starting point for editing and revision. Looking for an editor right after NaNo can be a good option, but only if you’re looking to get a quick manuscript assessment (most Reedsy editors offer that, and some will offer a discount in December/January for NaNo manuscripts). Doing a developmental edit, let alone a copyedit or proofread on your manuscript is a waste of time and money; you’re simply not ready – or at least, your NaNo manuscript isn’t.Even if you ARE the rare specimen ready for the next pha se of manuscript development come December 1, tens of thousands of other NaNoWriMo participants will be looking for a developmental editor during the same period of time. This means that all good, reputable editors are going to be fully booked for a couple of months. Have you ever tried finding a free treadmill at a gym in January? Well, it’s like that, but worse. Patience! Take December, or even January too, to edit your book, develop an early reader base (or look for beta-readers), pair up with other authors to prepare a common launch, or get started on your next book. Releasing several at a time can be an unexpected way to get noticed very quickly by the gremlins that power Amazon’s algorithms (aka, an indie author’s best friends*)†¦Like Christmas does for consumer capitalism, NaNoWriMo generates an incredible amount of enthusiasm and energy for creative writing. But it’s not without risk, and sometimes gives rise to misperceptions about what writ ing seriously involves. Impatience, burnout and neglect of the market are natural pitfalls for NaNo participants. So authors: tread carefully, and learn from your experienced peers. Use NaNoWriMo not as an end in itself, but as another tool in your kit. November comes but once a year, but writing your novel is a 24/7/365 commitment.*Next to self-doubt and caffeine, anyway.By Ricardo FayetEdited by the lovely Reedsy editor Becca Heyman–What do you personally think of NaNoWriMo? I’d love to know your thoughts on this so don’t hesitate to leave a comment!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Affirmative Action; The Noble Concept Of Equal Opportunity

Affirmative action policy in professional and university atmospheres was first implemented by an initiative in the Department of Labor under the administration of Richard Nixon as to purposely create equal educational and employment opportunities. However, since its official establishment in 1969 and long before, affirmative action has increasingly become the subject of conflict and dispute in American culture. Though its intentions were noble, affirmative action has become a clouded issue surrounded by controversy. Even in 1969 affirmative action was nothing new, in 1954, when the Supreme Court ruled on Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas the African American community had legal restraints removed that had long kept them at a distinct disadvantage. Minorities had long been imposed to prejudice, especially from the greater white population. However the Brown decision failed to cease many white advantages and professional supremacies; â€Å"it merely allowed Blacks to enter the arena of competition,† (Greenberg 300).† The Brown decision only cracked the door of segregation of public facilities it did nothing to help minorities in the workplace. After the United States Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 minorities were no longer prohibited from the use of public facilities and job discrimination was no longer legally sanctioned. It became apparent that certain business traditions, such as seniority status and aptitude tests, prevented total equality in employme nt. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a major step in reducing de jure or law based discrimination but was unable to cease deep seeded de facto or actual discrimination in American society. The Civil Rights Act did not require employers to prove that any discriminatory policies were or were not used in the hiring of personnel, â€Å"Instead, the burden of proof was on the woman or minority group member who had been denied a particular job,† (Patterson 161). A... Free Essays on Affirmative Action; The Noble Concept Of Equal Opportunity Free Essays on Affirmative Action; The Noble Concept Of Equal Opportunity Affirmative action policy in professional and university atmospheres was first implemented by an initiative in the Department of Labor under the administration of Richard Nixon as to purposely create equal educational and employment opportunities. However, since its official establishment in 1969 and long before, affirmative action has increasingly become the subject of conflict and dispute in American culture. Though its intentions were noble, affirmative action has become a clouded issue surrounded by controversy. Even in 1969 affirmative action was nothing new, in 1954, when the Supreme Court ruled on Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas the African American community had legal restraints removed that had long kept them at a distinct disadvantage. Minorities had long been imposed to prejudice, especially from the greater white population. However the Brown decision failed to cease many white advantages and professional supremacies; â€Å"it merely allowed Blacks to enter the arena of competition,† (Greenberg 300).† The Brown decision only cracked the door of segregation of public facilities it did nothing to help minorities in the workplace. After the United States Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 minorities were no longer prohibited from the use of public facilities and job discrimination was no longer legally sanctioned. It became apparent that certain business traditions, such as seniority status and aptitude tests, prevented total equality in employme nt. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a major step in reducing de jure or law based discrimination but was unable to cease deep seeded de facto or actual discrimination in American society. The Civil Rights Act did not require employers to prove that any discriminatory policies were or were not used in the hiring of personnel, â€Å"Instead, the burden of proof was on the woman or minority group member who had been denied a particular job,† (Patterson 161). A...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chinas Economic Prosperity †Economics Essay (200 Level Course)

Chinas Economic Prosperity – Economics Essay (200 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers China’s Economic Prosperity Economics Essay (200 Level Course) The article talks about china’s economic prosperity in terms of attracting manufacturing jobs and cheap labor. The claim that china is keeping its currency undervalued to attract foreign investment and to make investment costs down might be true. Since the 1990’s began, china has been able to attract more and more manufacturing jobs from the us especially consumer goods manufacturing (textiles, toys etc). With its undervalued currency, china is able to attract major manufacturing companies from the USA to trade in Textiles, Consumer Goods and other light goods. The undervaluation of china’s currency makes it easier for foreign investors to buy and setup manufacturing activities at a much lower cost compared to any western country. This has resulted in major job losses in the manufacturing sector especially in the us. Another issue is the trade deficit that the USA and china have. China is currently exporting more goods and services to the USA ($125 Billion) compared to $25 Billion being exported to china from the USA. The WTO should definitely step in order to make china trade practices more in line with the rest of the WTO member counties. Research Papers on China’s Economic Prosperity - Economics Essay (200 Level Course)Definition of Export QuotasRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanTwilight of the UAWPETSTEL analysis of IndiaInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into Asia19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Effects of Illegal Immigration

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Plato's Dialogues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Plato's Dialogues - Essay Example Eventually, the son is taught the unjust speech which enabled them to get rid of the creditors. However, the son also does not spare his father but gives him a beating due to a disagreement on recitation of poetry and justifies his actions using sophistry. The father gets angry and burns the Thinkery as well as chasing students away for deceiving him. What is then the difference between Socrates of the cloud and Socrates of platonic dialogues? These two present Socrates as two different individuals or an individual having two personalities. In the clouds Aristophanes portrays Socrates as an intellectual man who teachers others especially the young how to make arguments. This is contrary to platonic dialogues and especially in his defense (on the Apology) where he argues that he is not a teacher thus there is no way he can corrupt the young. He argues that he is not a wise man as revealed in the oracle by his friend Chaerephon. This he says is because he knows nothing unlike the polit icians, poets and craftsmen. However, in the clouds Socrates is a knowledgeable man who has made a lot of discoveries. When Strepsiades visited the sophistry the student told him of how Socrates had discovered jumped by a flea, the cause of the buzzing noise by a gnat and also huge pair of compasses for measuring the land. Now he was engaged in discovering celestial bodies such as the sun. Besides, his work was to teach the young how to make arguments, in this case there are two types of arguments superior and inferior or just and unjust. Another difference between the Socrates of the cloud and Socrates of platonic ideas besides being a teacher is that in the clouds he is not against nature but following it. Aristophanes says that Socrates emerged in a balloon basket hanging mid-air. He was thus walking in the air to speculate about the sun. This he explained to Strepsiades helps him to suspend judgment and open the mind to new ideas. This shows that Socrates was interested in natur e thus following it to discover more. Furthermore, more of his students were bent on the earth trying to discover what lies underneath the earth thus he was trying to discover celestial bodies. No wonder he was accused of â€Å"studying all the things in the sky and below the earth and teaching the same things to others.† On the other hand, platonic dialogues though they do not deny his concern for natural science do not depict him as following nature either. Instead, he is portrayed as a critical and rational thinker depicted by the manner in which he asks questions and makes conclusions. When the oracle declared him as the wisest man of all he didn’t accept the situation there and then but set out to understand what being wise means by studying those people who considered themselves as wise such as politicians and poets. He discovered that he was indeed the wisest since those who consider themselves wise did not know what to be wise means but at least for him he did not pretend to know and the beginning of wisdom is accepting that we do not know and surely if the gods decided he was wise then he must be wise. He also engaged in questioning Euthyphro to discover what piety and impiety means. â€Å"Is it pious because the Gods love it, or do the Gods love it because it is pious†

Friday, October 18, 2019

Learning Theories Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learning Theories Paper - Essay Example he constructivist theory allows for a more dynamic role on the part of the learner by engaging him/her actively to analyze, conceptualize and synthesize the current objective in light of the previous knowledge by forming constructs. A constructivist classroom is a dynamic and ‘happening’ place where most of the learning process is carried out by the students themselves, with the teacher merely facilitating by putting forth queries that keep up a healthy classroom discussion. The teacher always makes the students recall any previous knowledge they might have, and shares the learning objective to be achieved. Student input is invited as to how the object might be achieved by following certain success criteria. The query put across to the class is ‘This is what we’ll learn today; how do you think we might go about learning it?’ Active participation from all members of the class, individually as well as in groups, enables the class to reach a conclusive construct regarding the learning objective at hand. Group formation not only instils the value of teamwork in the class, it also reinforces respect for a differentiated working environment having students belonging to various academic, social and cultural backgrounds. The teacher always bears in mind that individual student’s faith and background has a significant effect on the extent of their learning capability and subtly tries to maximize it. He encourages each student to give their response and ask questions, however insignificant they might seem, hence facilitating the emotional fulfilment of the class The constructivist theory impacts the students positively. Repeated application of constructivism enables the student to acquire knowledge that is multidimensional while transforming them into confident, original, responsible and creative individuals. The teacher looks out for misconceptions which are evident as a result of discussion and guides the students in the right direction of questioning. In

Strategy (Business) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategy (Business) - Essay Example Johnson & Scholes (1999) define stakeholder as, â€Å"Stakeholders are groups or individuals who have a stake in, or expectation of, the organisation’s performance.† Stakeholders all have power, someone has a formal power invested in a position of authority or it could be the social power of being able to persuade others to support or oppose the policies of the organization. For example NGOs and social watch groups often exert such a power on the company forcing the organization to adopt or abandon some decisions. For example an oil producing company has to remain watchful for any pollution in the seabed, a construction company has to make sure that it doesn’t spread too much of building material on the lanes and bylanes, blocking the easy movement of general public. People with higher power could be the company’s most useful supporters or most dangerous opponents, depending upon the prevailing dynamics. Different companies have different set of stakeholders with different levels of power structures. Shareholders (medium and big): This type of shareholder is interested in better dividend rates as well as better performance and public relations of the company. He keeps an eye on macro as well as micro level factors. Banks and Financial Institutions: Banks and Institutions are not only interested in better showing, but they also wish the company to diversify in more areas, open more facilities as that involves more business for banks and Financial Institutions (FIs). Customers: Customers want value for their money; they can wield pressure by way of asking for better quality at reasonable prices. They need to be pampered by the company, otherwise there is an inherent danger of their opting for alternative products or the products of rival companies. Lower level Employees: These stakeholders are interested in their salaries at the end of the month, not involving themselves in the strategic decisions. They

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Learning Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Learning Reflection - Essay Example Also, I learned how to manage issues of the healthcare setting, and how imperative healthcare quality and wellbeing is for patients, family, and team member. Health starts with proper management of care. I realized how management is crucial for improving productivity and quality of the health care. The issues blend well with the two program Learning Outcomes I selected. This is because managing is an important step to a proper health care setting. It is also important that as a leader, one must possess the skills necessary for operations. The two Program Learning Outcomes have supported my way of thinking about what could happen or what is expected. There were several case scenarios that were used for me to make a managerial decision. The scenarios gave me the opportunity to use my judgment and make important decisions. Hence, I have been critical on issues needed for quality and safe healthcare practices. The discussion questions gave me the opportunity to read my online classmate thoughts and opinions. In addition, it gave me the opportunity to form my thoughts and opinions about the course of discussion. The course readings and the reading of classmate discussion were valuable as I have been able to offer critical analysis to issues at

TCP - People Resourcing and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

TCP - People Resourcing and Development - Essay Example HRM of public sector may be out of control of the costs spent on this and can offer only those rewards that are alternative to the commercial ones. Overell (2003) observes that in such fields as health and education, both push and pull factors are significant, while in governance, extensive use of the agency workforce is mainly caused by internal functional mismanagement, or â€Å"functional turnover† (Torrington 2008, p. 197). One more factor is merely mentioned with only superficial description: it is systematic change that could have balancing impact on public health sector (Overell 2003). In fact this means that an entire culture of service should be changed. Redman and Wilkinson (2009) are more specific about this situation in public sector (which may also apply to education): â€Å"a healthcare provision has changed from being a citizen’s right to a customer service †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p.5). Accordingly, health care specialists show less orientation toward work ethics and more self-evaluation in terms of market than they did before. This tendency may be the main factor that forced the authors of the article to unite so different public sector careers as health care and governance in one â€Å"problem†. A 2008 review of the agency working in the UK by EMAR (Employment Market Analysis and Research) reveals that the wages of agency workers tend to be the same or lower than those of full time employees (p.7); that, furthermore, 63% of all agency workers chose this type of occupation because there were no other employment opportunities, and it was only below a third of them that actually did not want a permanent job (p. 13); and that 50% of agency workers â€Å"would accept their temporary job on a permanent basis† (p. 16). This means that working for agencies is actually not a privilege, as suggested by the article, but rather a necessity for good many workers. At the same time, according to the EMAR report,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Learning Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Learning Reflection - Essay Example Also, I learned how to manage issues of the healthcare setting, and how imperative healthcare quality and wellbeing is for patients, family, and team member. Health starts with proper management of care. I realized how management is crucial for improving productivity and quality of the health care. The issues blend well with the two program Learning Outcomes I selected. This is because managing is an important step to a proper health care setting. It is also important that as a leader, one must possess the skills necessary for operations. The two Program Learning Outcomes have supported my way of thinking about what could happen or what is expected. There were several case scenarios that were used for me to make a managerial decision. The scenarios gave me the opportunity to use my judgment and make important decisions. Hence, I have been critical on issues needed for quality and safe healthcare practices. The discussion questions gave me the opportunity to read my online classmate thoughts and opinions. In addition, it gave me the opportunity to form my thoughts and opinions about the course of discussion. The course readings and the reading of classmate discussion were valuable as I have been able to offer critical analysis to issues at

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why Civil Forfeiture in Law Enforcement is an Effective Tool Essay

Why Civil Forfeiture in Law Enforcement is an Effective Tool - Essay Example is administered towards more rehabilitative efforts of reforming the criminals and integrating them back into society made it necessary they are given the means to get back on their feet. A modern version of this concept is not directed at an individual criminal but more on the crime syndicates by depriving them of their ill-gotten gains and compensate victims (Young 1). There are two kinds of forfeitures being carried out today: criminal and civil cases. In the first case, criminal forfeitures are the result of a court settlement or a judicial award in that the convicted criminal is punished by taking away the assets after a conviction. In civil cases, the government files suit to recover a property item but not against the propertys owner. The owner himself is reduced to being a third-party claimant who has to prove the money used to buy or acquire the property came from legal or legitimate sources. The objectives of the new civil forfeiture laws are two-fold: deprive the criminals of the facilities and properties they use to commit their crime or furtherance of their criminal activities and use the proceeds of these seized properties to support law enforcement, such as hiring more cops or increasing a budget. An order for a civil forfeiture recovery case does not require a prior criminal conviction. The whole intent is to disable criminals from e ventually resuming the activities (Edgeworth xxii). The only requirement for filing a forfeiture case is probable cause a certain property is being used in criminal activities. A property owner, on the other hand, has to prove otherwise through a preponderance of evidence that it was acquired using legitimate sources of income. The new laws today reversed the situation in that it is now the government that has to prove it using a preponderance of evidence instead of the previous probable cause only that can be a source of abuse of power and arbitrariness on the part of law enforcement agencies. In other words, the

Communication in Early Childhood Essay Example for Free

Communication in Early Childhood Essay Good communication in early childhood is essential because without communication the child wanders hopelessly around looking for some explanation as to why things work the way they do. When born, children know who to look for, listen to and bond with. Even before birth their brains are already somewhat â€Å"prewired for survival† (Gerrig Zimbardo 2008) Doctors and scientists have researched that in the womb babies favour the sound of their mother’s voices rather than voices of their fathers or a stranger. This is backed up by experiments showing that the fetal heart rate increases when the mothers voice is heard and decreases when a strangers voice is heard or even their fathers. This experimental research proves that the thoughts had about communication starting later on in babies mental development or even toddlers is a myth on all accounts. Children are â€Å"designed to communicate from birth† (Stamm Spencer 2007) How this ability is cultivated depends on the environment in which the child is surrounded in. The ability to communicate effectively in early childhood settings is crucial in social and mental development. When communicating with young children eye contact, body language and listening is all important factors to their learning development. Seventy percent of communication is non verbal so hand gestures and facial expressions with infants and small children can be interpreted in the wrong context if perceived to be scary or too intense. Keep in mind the environment in which the child is surrounded needs to be relaxed, clutter free. If there are too many noises or it is a very hectic environment the child is likely to be distracted easily which can hinder the communication development. â€Å"Communication refers to the development of a language system and language skills† (Stamm Spencer 2007) From a very early age children know how communicate. Whether it is by body language or speech, children develop their foundations for communicating from at first their family members then those their family members choose to surround them with. It is not a switch that is turned on from a certain age, developed over time with the use of neural commitment. Neural commitment is a part of the brain the helps the child develop in a few short years. It allows the child to sort, words, sounds, grammar and syntax of their native tongue.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Causes, Effects And Solutions to Global Warming Essay

Causes, Effects And Solutions to Global Warming Essay Introduction What is global warming? Global warming is the average temperature of Earth has increases since 1950 until now the temperature continuing increasing. Global warming can also refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average of temperature. However global warming are causes by natural events and human that are believed to be contribute to increase in average temperatures. Causes of Global Warming Global warming is a serious issue and is not a single issue but a number of environmental issues. Global warming is a rise in the surface temperature of the earth that has changed various life forms on the earth. The issues that cause global warming are divided into two categories include natural and human influences of global warming. Natural Causes of Global Warming The climate has continuously changing for centuries. The global warming happens because the natural rotation of the sun that changes the intensity of sunlight and moving closer to the earth. Another cause of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide it trap the solar heats rays and prevent it from escaping from the surface of the earth. This has cause the temperature of the earth increase. Volcanic eruptions are another issue that causes global warming. For instance, a single volcanic eruption will release amount of carbon dioxide and ash to the atmosphere. Once carbon dioxide increase, the temperature of earth increase and greenhouse trap the solar radiations in the earth. Finally, methane is another issue that causes global warming. Methane is also a greenhouse gas. Methane is more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere that carbon dioxide by 20 times. Usually methane gas can release from many areas. For instance, it can be from cattle, landfill, natural gas, petroleum systems, coal mining, mobile explosion, or industrial waste process. Human Influences on Global Warming Human influence has been a very serious issue now because human do not take care the earth. Human that cause global warming are more than natural causes global warming. The earth has been changing for many years until now it is still changing because of modern lifestyle of human. Human activities include industrial production, burning fossil fuel, mining, cattle rearing or deforestation. First issue is industrial revolution. Industrial have been using fossil fuels for power machines. Everything that we use is involved in fossil fuel. For example, when we buy a mobile phone, the process of making mobile phone have involve machines and machines uses fossil fuels, during the process carbon dioxide is releasing to the atmosphere. Besides industrial, transportation such as cars is also releasing carbon dioxide from exhaust. Another issue is mining. During the process of mining, the methane will trap below the earth. Besides, rearing cattle will also cause methane because cattle released the form of manure. However, cattle is important because it make the latter equally responsible for the occurrence of global warming Next is the most common issue that is deforestation. Deforestation is a human influence because human have been cutting down trees to produce papers, wood, build houses or more. If human continuing deforestation, carbon dioxide will concentrate in the atmosphere because trees can absorb carbon dioxide from atmosphere. Besides, human also release carbon dioxide when breathe. Therefore the amounts of millions of people breath have release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. If human continue deforestation, human breathing that release carbon dioxide will stay at the atmosphere. The Effect of Global Warming The greenhouse gases will stay in the atmosphere for many years since hundreds years ago. However, the effect that global warming will cause on earth are extremely serious. There are many effects that will happen in the future if global warming continues. That includes polar ice caps melting, economic consequences, warmer waters and more hurricanes, spread of diseases and earthquake First effect is polar ice caps melting. As the temperature increase, the ice at the North Pole will melt. Once the ice melt the first effect will be raise on sea levels because the melting glaciers become oceans. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center if the ice melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet. It affects many low lying areas such as the Netherlands. In future, the Netherlands will be cover by water once the North Pole is melted. However, it is not going to happen so fast but the sea level will continue rise. Another effect is the species loss of habitat. Species that include polar bears and tropical frogs will be extinct due to climate change. Besides, various birds will migrate to other places because animals are not like humans. They cannot adapt the habitat that changes their living or temperature. Next effect is more hurricanes will occur and economic consequences still affect as well. Hurricane causes damage to houses and government need to spend billions of dollars in damage and people need places to stay or have been killed. Once a disaster happens many people have died and diseases happen. Diseases are more serious because it can spread to other people very fast and more people will get the disease and the disease maybe come more serious because of different weather. Solution to Stop Global Warming Now there are solutions that we can stop global warming. However we human and governments need to move forward to implement the global warming solutions. To reduce global warming we can do to reduce the contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Therefore, the solutions that we can reduce global warming are reducing gasoline, electricity and our activities that cause global warming. To reduce gasoline mean we have a choice to choose a hybrid car that reduce using gasoline. Besides, petrol price are increasing. If a person everyday drives to work they need to pump petrol after 3 days and causes carbon dioxide. Another way to reduce gasoline is take public transport or carpool to work. It can help reduce carbon dioxide and save cost. Another way to reduce global warming is recycle. Recycle can reduce garbage by reusing plastic bags, bottles, papers or glass. For instance, when we buy foods, we can use our own containers instead of plastic bags. Another example is after finish drinking the water from the bottle; we can reuse it or use our own bottle. If all this is being reuse, human can reduce deforestation and help save environment. Besides, turn off electricity if unused. It can save thousands of carbon dioxide and buy product that have energy saving because it saves cost and save environment. Finally, human should stop open burning such as burning dry leafs or burning garbage. It will release carbon dioxide and toxic if burning garbage with plastic. Besides, government should reduce deforestation because the earth temperatures are increasing. Trees will help to improve the temperature on earth. Conclusion Overall of this assignment, I have understood that our earth is sick. We humans need to heal the earth. Global Warming have causes many problem for human but we human who make global warming happens. Many people have died because of disease or disaster. It also affects the economics of the country. However, we need to be reduce the global warming by using less gasoline, recycle and human should help to reduce global warming instead of making the earth temperature increased. Our generation should start taking care of the earth because in the next generation they will suffer if we do not do reduce global warming. Therefore, global warming is a serious issue now. As a business student we are learning it because we need to understand the effect of climate change that will affect us when we have our business and we can start saving the earth.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Demons Within Essay -- Demons Possession Skinner Frazier Essays

The Demons Within There are many interesting, well developed, entertaining, colorful, exciting, and provocative characters in Mario Vargas LlosaÕs novel Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter. Pedro Camacho is quite a character, as well as Aunt Julia herself. I was even greatly intrigued by such small characters as Cousin Nancy and, believe it or not, the cabdriver who helped find a mayor to marry Aunt Julia and Marito. however, nobody in the whole book interested me more than Marito Varguitas himself. He is just such a well developed character, and really seems like a person who would be fun to know. In fact, nothing about Marito interested me more than the demons that he possesses, or should I say seem to posses him and manifest themselves in his life as well as his stories. One of the many demons Marito possesses is his writing itself. he seems to constantly be in the middle of writing another short story to send to some newspaper or magazine. The thing is, none of these stories actually ever seem to be very good or successful. Throughout the novel, not one of them is ever actually publisher. Not even MaritoÕs friends really like his writing. In Chapter thirteen he reads the one about Aunt Eliana to Javier, Aunt Julia, and even to Pascual and Big Pablito. After they hear it, not one of them really has anything nice to say about it at all. So, although writing is one of MaritoÕs passions, it is also one of his demons. It is basically his job and how he makes a living at the radio station ÒRadio Panamericana,Ó but it controls the rest of his live away from work as well. Another demon possessed by or possessing Marito is that of age. Age obviously plays a huge role in this novel. Marito is barely eighteen years old, not even a legal adult in his own country, and yet he is in love with Aunt Julia, how is not only divorced, but also many years older than her lover at thirty something years old. His age seems to cause many conflicts for Marito throughout the book. The funny thing is that when it was preventing him from marrying Aunt Julia, all that was done was simply to change one number, a six to a three, to solve the problem. In the end, it really didnÕt seem as if age was really the issue that was the problem for Marito and Aunt JuliaÕs family. Another huge demon in the story is ... ...story as a current guide." He offers a lot of pertinent criticism of history and it's relevance, including the unreliability of its information, its skewed perspectives, etc. But, even with all of History's drawbacks, eliminating history as a study would cause an even greater distortion of our understanding. Why study history? Er ... it exists, doesn't it? We have a past. Would he let young people grow up in Walden Two thinking it had always existed, thinking, perhaps, that it had sprung up full-blown from the brow of Zeus? It strikes me as dangerous to accept such massive ignorance. To remain ignorant, is to believe a lie. Skinner's Frazier has boundless faith in his ideas. He no longer needs to know history. He is assured that his planners and managers will never become corrupted. (If they did, it would be difficult to know it without a knowledge of what Walden Two had been like before the corruption started.) His rigorous program turns out to be curiously lacking in substance. Skinner's ideas are provocative and thought provoking. But the problems are far too serious to allow the quick dismissal Frazier would give them. In short, I am not ready to sign on the dotted line. The Demons Within Essay -- Demons Possession Skinner Frazier Essays The Demons Within There are many interesting, well developed, entertaining, colorful, exciting, and provocative characters in Mario Vargas LlosaÕs novel Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter. Pedro Camacho is quite a character, as well as Aunt Julia herself. I was even greatly intrigued by such small characters as Cousin Nancy and, believe it or not, the cabdriver who helped find a mayor to marry Aunt Julia and Marito. however, nobody in the whole book interested me more than Marito Varguitas himself. He is just such a well developed character, and really seems like a person who would be fun to know. In fact, nothing about Marito interested me more than the demons that he possesses, or should I say seem to posses him and manifest themselves in his life as well as his stories. One of the many demons Marito possesses is his writing itself. he seems to constantly be in the middle of writing another short story to send to some newspaper or magazine. The thing is, none of these stories actually ever seem to be very good or successful. Throughout the novel, not one of them is ever actually publisher. Not even MaritoÕs friends really like his writing. In Chapter thirteen he reads the one about Aunt Eliana to Javier, Aunt Julia, and even to Pascual and Big Pablito. After they hear it, not one of them really has anything nice to say about it at all. So, although writing is one of MaritoÕs passions, it is also one of his demons. It is basically his job and how he makes a living at the radio station ÒRadio Panamericana,Ó but it controls the rest of his live away from work as well. Another demon possessed by or possessing Marito is that of age. Age obviously plays a huge role in this novel. Marito is barely eighteen years old, not even a legal adult in his own country, and yet he is in love with Aunt Julia, how is not only divorced, but also many years older than her lover at thirty something years old. His age seems to cause many conflicts for Marito throughout the book. The funny thing is that when it was preventing him from marrying Aunt Julia, all that was done was simply to change one number, a six to a three, to solve the problem. In the end, it really didnÕt seem as if age was really the issue that was the problem for Marito and Aunt JuliaÕs family. Another huge demon in the story is ... ...story as a current guide." He offers a lot of pertinent criticism of history and it's relevance, including the unreliability of its information, its skewed perspectives, etc. But, even with all of History's drawbacks, eliminating history as a study would cause an even greater distortion of our understanding. Why study history? Er ... it exists, doesn't it? We have a past. Would he let young people grow up in Walden Two thinking it had always existed, thinking, perhaps, that it had sprung up full-blown from the brow of Zeus? It strikes me as dangerous to accept such massive ignorance. To remain ignorant, is to believe a lie. Skinner's Frazier has boundless faith in his ideas. He no longer needs to know history. He is assured that his planners and managers will never become corrupted. (If they did, it would be difficult to know it without a knowledge of what Walden Two had been like before the corruption started.) His rigorous program turns out to be curiously lacking in substance. Skinner's ideas are provocative and thought provoking. But the problems are far too serious to allow the quick dismissal Frazier would give them. In short, I am not ready to sign on the dotted line.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Antony and Cleopatra and The Aeneid Essay -- Compare Contrast

There are two reasons why The Aeneid is associated with the Shakespearean play Antony and Cleopatra. First, The Aeneid was written by a Roman named Virgil who, among many other reasons, wrote it as a tribute for Augustus Caesar, the leader of the Roman Empire. Augustus Caesar was formally named Octavian and is a character in Shakespeare's play. Secondly, both The Aeneid and Antony and Cleopatra share a common theme of a patriotic, heroic man having to choose between duty to his country and the passionate love of a beautiful, foreign and strong queen. In The Aeneid, the lovers are Aeneas and Dido and Antony and Cleopatra are the lovers in Shakespeare's play. First, an overview of the books of The Aeneid in which Aeneas is with Dido is needed in order to fully understand the historical connection, and the thematic comparison to Antony and Cleopatra. "The Aeneid tells the story of the Trojan hero Aeneas's perilous flight from Troy to Italy following the Trojan War. In Italy, Aeneas's descendents are destined to found Rome" (Sparknotes). However, Aeneas does not go straight to Italy because having been blown off course by a storm, he makes a stop at Carthage and allows himself to stay there and fall in love with the leader of Carthage, Dido (Slavitt 103). Dido is a "Phoenician princess who fled her home and founded Carthage after her brother murdered her husband" (Sparknotes). While in Carthage, Aeneas recounts the story of the Trojan War. Impressed by Aeneas's adventures and sympathetic to his suffering, Dido falls in love with Aeneas. They live together as lovers for a period, until the gods remind Aeneas of his duty to found a new city. Upon this reminder from the Gods, Aeneas leaves Carthage and sets sail to Italy. Dido is deva... ... and the passionate love of a beautiful, foreign and strong queen. And, they are connected through the historical figure Augustus Caesar, for whom The Aeneid honors and Antony and Cleopatra portrays. Works Cited Bevington, David, ed. The Necessary Shakespeare. New York: Pearson Education, Inc, 2005. â€Å"Great Lovers: Antony and Cleopatra.† ABC Radio National. 2005. 1 Nov 2006 . Rose, Mark, ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Antony and Cleopatra. Eaglewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1977. Slavitt, David R. Virgil. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991. Sparknotes. 2006. 1 Nov 2006 . Toohey, Peter. Reading Epic: An Introduction to the Ancient Narratives. London: Routledge, 1992. Virgil. The Aeneid. Trans. C. Day Lewis. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc, 1953.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Relationship Between Teacher And Students

Similarly harmonizing to Moloi et Al. ( as cited in Mtika & A ; Gates, 2010 ) , group work is one of the schemes that can be utile in student-centered attacks. It does non merely assist pupils to discourse and portion thoughts with each other, but it besides helps to better pupils ‘ apprehension of some constructs and develop their communicating accomplishments. In the student-centered schoolroom, the instructor has to believe of pupils ‘ demands and the schoolroom is considered as a topographic point where pupils work together, in groups and as persons by promoting them to take portion in the acquisition procedure all the clip ( Jones, 2007 ) . In the student-centered schoolroom, the instructor should cognize about their pupils ‘ background. Teachers should see what they may cognize or make non cognize about their pupils because it helps to make the schoolroom conditions that are antiphonal to the larning demands of the pupils ( Hodson, 2002 ) . Furthermore, in soc ietal constructivist classrooms the relationship between instructor and pupils are much more dynamically involved, so that the instructor ‘s function is much more demanding to let and actively promote acknowledgment, rating, and Reconstruction ( Gunstone and Northfield every bit cited in Hand et al. , 1997 ) . A A A A A The size for effectual student-centered schoolrooms can be organized into big group ( category with 25-30 pupils ) , average size ( 5-8 pupils ) , little group ( 3-5 pupils ) , pair group ( 2 pupils ) and a instructor and a pupil ( merely in particular status ) ( MoEYS, 2002a ) . Furthermore, schoolroom agreements, particularly classroom infinite and resources like chairs and tabular arraies for big group activities are besides of import because appropriate resources helps to back up the effectivity and efficiency of direction to the pupils.2. 4 Definition of the Student-Centered Approaches to LearningA A A A A A The footings â€Å" student-centered attacks † A and â€Å" learner-centered attacks † A to larning are the same and whilst some articles used the term student-centered attacks and other articles used the term learner-centered attacks, the two footings were used interchangeably. Both footings focus on the demands of pupils who as scholars are actively involved in the acquisition procedure ( Utecht, 2003 ) . The term â€Å" student-centered attacks † is used in this survey because this term is officially applied in Kampuchean course of study and ministry educational literature. Furthermore, the student-centered attacks are broader for illustration, a pupil can be defined as scholar, but a scholar may non be defined as pupil. For illustration, a adult male wants to cognize about the educational jurisprudence in Cambodia, so the adult male can travel to library or seek in the MoEYS web site to read and larn about the jurisprudence. The adult male therefore is non a pupil, but he is a scholar. A A A A A A The student-centered attacks to larning are defined as learning methodological analysiss associated with an attack to larning where pupils are the chief characters in the acquisition procedure, and actively larn in a socially synergistic manner ( Brush & A ; Saye, 2000 ) . The student-centered attacks are designed to help pupils to larn best from meaningful life experiences, societal interactions, and scientific experimentation ( Pedersen & A ; Liu, 2003 ) . A A A A A A The student-centered attacks to larning focal point on single pupil ‘s demands and growing, because these attacks are intended to develop the potency of every single pupil and promote their personal growing and involvements ( Morris, 1996 ) . The student-centered attacks are besides considered effectual options to the traditional teacher-centered attacks. Similarly harmonizing to Courtney ( 2008 ) , it looks really different from the traditional didactic instruction methods that are widely applied in Cambodia. These traditional instruction methods depend on the direct direction of the instructor and verbal and written repeat with small accent on understanding but strong accent on memory and callback. Kember ( as cited in O'Neill & A ; McMahon, 2005 ) and Hirumi ( 2002 ) stated the student-centered attacks are in contrast to the traditional teacher-centered attacks. In the teacher-centered attacks, instructors are at the centre of the acquisition and learning procedu re and supply direction to pupils ; the pupils are the empty vass into which the instructor pours their cognition. This position contrasts aggressively to that of constructivist theory where we see that pupils are cardinal to the acquisition procedure, they are non viewed as empty vass but instead actively take part in doing cognition by believing and work outing jobs for themselves, and developing their self-pride that is indispensable for larning and decision-making throughout life ( American Psychological Association, 1993 ; Hirumi, 2002 ; MoEYS, 2005 ) . A A A A A A The nucleus rule of the student-centered acquisition attacks is that pupils have different abilities, demands, and involvements for how they learn, and they construct cognition and significance and learn in different ways ( Brady, 2006 ; Murdoch & A ; Wilson, 2008 ; Hirumi, 2002 ) . The American Psychological Association ( 1993 ) stated that pupils have assorted capablenesss and involvements for acquisition. â€Å" Persons are born with and develop alone capablenesss and endowments and have acquired through acquisition and societal socialization different penchants for how they like to larn and the gait at which they learn † ( American Psychological Association, 1993, p. 9 ) . Harmonizing to Meyer & A ; Jones ( as cited in Hirumi, 2002 ) , in the category pupils talk, listen, write, read, and reflect on content, thoughts, issues, and concerns in order to build their ain significance. â€Å" In student-centered environments, scholars are given direct entree to the knowledge-base and work separately and in little groups to work out reliable jobs ( Hirumi, 2002, p. 506 ) . Similarly, harmonizing to Jones ( 2007 ) , a student-centered category is a topographic point where pupils ‘ demands are considered, as a group and as persons, and pupils are encouraged to take part in the acquisition procedure all the clip. At different times, pupils may work entirely, in braces, or in groups. A A A A A A As a theory of epistemology, constructivism proposes that pupils bring their existing experiences and beliefs, every bit good as universe positions and their cultural histories, into the acquisition procedure when they internally build cognition by interacting with the environment ( Yilmaz, 2008 ) . Constructivism is considered as a procedure that pupils actively construct their cognition upon cognition that they already have ( Motschnig-Pitrik & A ; Holzinger, 2002 ) . Social constructivist, Vygotsky believed that â€Å" acquisition is a societal procedure in which scholars developed understanding through interaction with the environment around them † ( Brush & A ; Saye, 2000, p. 5 ) . Harmonizing to Jonassen ; Duffy & A ; Jonassen ( as cited in Brush & A ; Saye, 2000 ) , the demand for more student-centered acquisition activities have been promoted by the protagonists of the constructivist epistemology of acquisition. A A A A A A In short, the cardinal features of the student-centered attacks to larning stress students'A anterior cognition and experience, developing Bloom Taxonomy believing accomplishments, particularly critical thought and job resolution, researching single acquisition demands and involvements, advancing active pupil engagement, and developing motive for life-long acquisition ( American Psychological Association, 1993 ; Brush & A ; Saye, 2000 ; Hirumi, 2002 ; Mtika & A ; Gates, 2010 ) . However, there is no individual scheme that helps pupils to hold effectual larning all the clip and there is no learning scheme that is better than others in every circumstance. Each learning scheme has its strength and failing, so instructors need to do determinations and chose instruction schemes that help their pupils to accomplish the acquisition results ( Killen, 2003 ) . Similarly harmonizing to Hab & A ; Em ( 2003 ) , to take and efficaciously use a instruction scheme the instructor has to judge many times because choosing an appropriate instruction scheme is based on the determination whether we provide knowledge to pupils through direct direction ( teacher-centered attacks ) or indirect facilitation ( student-centered attacks ) .2. 5 Student-Centered Learning as Adopted by the Kampuchean Ministry of EducationA A A A A A 2.5.1 Vision of acquisition and instructionA A A A A A Learning has many manners such as acquisition by seeing, listening, composing, reading, watching telecasting, self-experiment, pattern, believing, playing games, analyze circuits and so on. These manners of larning supply cognition to the scholars. However different larning can hold different consequence. Learners may bring forth different larning results with a different acquisition manner to another pupil ( MoEYS, 2002b ) . For illustration, those who learn by listening will bury all or retrieve a small after several yearss. Those who merely stand and see people swimming can non swim, but if th ey learn to swim themselves, they can swim efficaciously. Peoples hence can make something when they involve themselves. Harmonizing to Confucianism, it is believed that â€Å" If you tell me, I will bury. If you show me, I may retrieve. But if you involve me, I can make and understand † ( MoEYS, 2008 ) . A A A A A A The Kampuchean authorities ‘s vision of the intents for acquisition and instruction functions has bit by bit changed between societies and from one a period of clip to another ( MoEYS, 2002a ) . Previous learning methods considered effectual and appropriate was when instructors were considered to be the cognition suppliers. Teachers provided cognition and told pupils, and pupils listened to instructors and followed instructors without developing their ain thoughts or understanding. In this context instructors had the power because they had the cognition that pupils needed to be able to come on through the instruction system. This vision was later officially abandoned because the acquisition results were considered unsuitable to both the demands of the state for skilled minds and they compared ill to the wider international educational context. A A A A A A In the undermentioned period, another new learning method was integrated called ‘question and reply ‘ method. The instructor raised inquiries and the pupils answered. This method was adopted in the belief that it would convey better consequences for pupils. The inquiry and reply method was subsequently changed and reformed to what was known as the ‘active method ‘because this method required much relationship between instructor and pupils. For the last vision, it was believed that creative activity merely relationship between instructor and pupils was non plenty. To hold better consequence for pupils, relationship between pupils and pupils must be created in the instruction and acquisition procedure. Teachers have to fix pupils to work in groups, so pupils can interchange their thoughts, work hand in glove, and assist each other in larning. This last vision is a really of import portion of student-centered attacks ( Hab & A ; Em, 2003 ; Inspector, 2002 ; Ung, 2008 ) . These attacks to larning and learning shifted the power repositing of the instructor from one who held all the cognition to a more equal one where instructors spouse with, sometimes lead, their pupils into new understanding and cognition.A A A A A A 2.5.2 Principle and theoryA A A A A A Theories that are applied and relevant to learning and larning in the current Kampuchean school system are: Learning is making new cognition Learning is interchanging experience ( Inspector, 2002 ) A A A A A A The theories of larning above are besides clearly identifiable as constructs of constructivism. Although constructivism is non a theory of acquisition, the rules have been applied by many pedagogues in instruction and acquisition, particularly, but non merely, in scientific discipline instruction ( Han et al. , 1997 ; Yilmaz, 2008 ) . Constructivism emphasizes that cognition and significance are constructed by the human head ; in consequence scholars create links between their bing cognition and new experience and do new cognition constructions and significance ( Yilmaz, 2008 ) . A A A A A A The function of instructors and pupils are changed by the acceptance of the student-centered attacks to larning. Students are given greater duty for their acquisition and the instructors ‘ functions change where they become more coordinators or facilitators of the acquisition experiences. Students are encouraged to research the cognition by themselves and with other scholars and the instructors help the acquisition procedure by demoing pupils waies of cognition. In this new function in the schoolroom, the instructors become portion of the acquisition procedure and acts as a usher and a resource for the pupils ( Utecht, 2003 ) . Furthermore, the importance of school is to supply multiple chances to pupils to make cognition and understanding by themselves through research, existent experience and work outing jobs.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Peculiar Institution Essay

On September 23, 1861 Mrs. E. A. Spaulding of Central Village Windham County wrote Abraham Lincoln about the Peculiar Institution or Slavery. She believed that until it â€Å"is abolished, civilization is impeded, humanity languishes and our boasted land of freedom is a practical lie. † Two prominent persons of the era, John C. Calhoun and James Henry Hammond, thought the contrary. Calhoun and Hammond were strong defenders of Slavery. In his Mudsill Speech of 1858, Hammond justified the use of slaves through the Mudsill theory. He said that in order for the upper class to be able to push the country forward, there had to be a lower class to support it. The lower class was needed to do the dirty job and the easy tasks. They were the ones with less intelligence and talent but had the energy, subservience and loyalty demanded by the job, referring to the Africans. In the North, the laborers were not paid enough. They had to work long hours and some ended up as beggars. There were many beggars in the North, but there were none in the South. The slaves in the South enjoyed lifetime employment and because they were well paid, they did not have to beg, did not go hungry, were never out of jobs and neither did they have to work more than what they can do in a day. The slaves in the South were Blacks. They were from a different and inferior race. In working for slave owners in the South, their life had greatly improved. They had simple desires, little ambitions and they wanted no more than those. Both owners and slaves had no conflicts to disturb the peace of their days. In the case of the North, their slaves were their own race. Hammond believed that such a situation can be humiliating for the slaves, though they are the majority. As this majority had voting rights, they were actually more powerful. With such power they can create the most trouble for their employers. In his Disquisition on Government, Calhoun disagreed with the Founding Father’s idea of the rights of individuals. He believed that it was not true that people were born free and equal. The condition of life of the Blacks, being the inferior, had been improved by Slavery. They had become civilized, and their moral, physical and intellectual circumstances had changed for the better. Historically, there was never a society where part of it did not depend on the efforts of the other. The living and working conditions of the South were much better than those in the North. The Southern slave owners took care of his slaves and their families and were not subjected to the constant and unsettling labor problems in the North. Calhoun’s strongest argument against the Abolitionists was that protection of domestic institutions was granted exclusively to the states. Since Slavery was a peculiar institution to the South, attempts by other states to abolish it was defiance of the Constitution. Pro Slavery advocates cited Biblical references to argue that slavery was allowed by the Lord and intended for it to continue. Exodus 21:5-6, the slave says â€Å"I love my wife, my master and my children, I will not go free. † †¦. nd that â€Å"he (slave) shall serve him (master) for life. In Ephesians 6:5, God instructs â€Å"Servants, obey your masters of this world with fear and respect, with simplicity of heart, as if obeying Christ. † In Genesis 9:26, Noah prayed to the Lord, â€Å"Blessed be Yahweh, God of Shem, let Canaan be his slave. † Titus 2:9 says â€Å"Teach slaves to be subject to their masters †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Colossians 3:22 instructs â€Å"Servants obey your masters in everything not only while they are present, to gain favor with them, but because you fear the Lord. In all these, the advocates believe that slavery did not go against the spiritual teachings. There were also economic considerations in the use of slaves to work in Southern plantations. They were the most cost-efficient, available laborers. Their owners realized big returns of investments that they were able to give their slaves decent and comfortable lives, by way of homes, clothing, medical care and assurance of a stable future. The slave and their owners had a paternalistic relationship where the latter took care of the slaves like family.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

International Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Business Environment - Essay Example ultural differences, exchange risks, legal and taxation idiosyncrasies - scholars seeking to understand the cross-border effects have been picking from different disciplines (e.g., marketing, finance, operations, strategy, organizational behavior) the relevant theories and methods. The complexity and multidimensionality of the international business environment forced to the development of some frameworks trying to classify its components. Mascarenhas (1982) developed a perspective of multiple factors the multinational organizations faces due to environmental uncertainty and focused on foreign exchange uncertainty, political uncertainty, and employment problems. Hambrick (1982) divided the environment into four categories: administrative, engineering, entrepreneurial, and regulatory, and these categories in twenty sub-categories. Several other scholars contributed to the classification in two broad dimensions: task (competitors, customers, and suppliers) and remote (political/legal, social/cultural, technological, and economic) environment (Dess & Beard, 1984; Ebrahimi, 2000). More recently, Guisinger (2001), based on prior work, proposed the geovalent construct to comprised eight "mutually exclusive, exhaustive, quantifiable, and largely replicable" (Guisinger, 2000: 4) environmental dimensions and encapsulate some of the main features of the international business environment. These dimensions are: Culture, legal system, political risk, income profile, tax regimes, econography, exchange rate, and restrictions. Business environment have been particularly influenced by factors such as Political / Legal, Economic Social / culture, Technological and Environmental. These factors are know as PESTEL analysis and are widely used by business enterprises to audit their environment and to help them establish a strategic approach to their business activities. Organizations will be directly affected by the actions of government and other political events. Major events

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The author notes that there are three general strategies used by moral Essay

The author notes that there are three general strategies used by moral philosophers who wish to explain the sort of variation in moral codes discussed by Ruth Benedict. Which of - Essay Example One of the most important strategies that are used by moral philosophers is to look at the universal principles that seem to drive the activities of people. This can be done through a systematic analysis of cross-sections of people who would then provide frameworks that are followed on a general basis. This would then be accepted as the norm which would then be accepted as the bedrock of the society’s morality. Another strategy that is used is to provide the basis of morality and ethics in reason and the abilities of the individual to ascertain the suitability of a certain action. This was also to a great extent the result of the thought of Kant and other enlightenment philosophers who held reason to be the greatest defining feature of man and thought of it as being able to solve the greatest problems that mankind has when it comes to moral dilemmas. Another way in which the problem can be dealt with is to understand the relativity of morality when it comes to different communities and people. There are people who believe that there is no possibility of understanding any form of ultimate truths that may enable the laying of a framework that would be able to define acts that are committed in a moral way. This approach is termed as ethical scepticism. This approach made it possible for other approaches that did not argue for a monolithic view of morality, to flourish. Ethical relativism may be considered to be one of these approaches. It favors no particular code of morality over the other and recognizes the importance of the uniqueness of each culture and in some cases, each individual. Extremes of this approach may lead to problematic situations in a society. However, it is better placed than the other approaches that have been referred to in this essay to assess the moral codes of a society that is multicultural and multilingui stic in its

Monday, October 7, 2019

Doing History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Doing History - Essay Example It has reached the 20th century only in one interpretation, which was available for those who were interested in the â€Å"Arrest Memorable du parlement de Tolose† of Jean de Coras, the French jurist who became the participant in the trial of  Martin Guerre. Only after four centuries, the story has received a new, almost opposite, light considering its features from another angle. So our goal is to explore the different versions of the story of Martin Guerre realizing their meaning for the history. To begin with, let’s see who are the authors of new research works about the mentioned French peasant, and what their main ideas can be useful for. The thing is that the work itself "The Return of Martin Guerre" of   Natalie Zemon Davis, the history professor, is followed by critical article "The Refashioning of Martin Guerre" of Robert Finlay, the historian, whose perspectives of the same story contradict each other in many points. It must be mentioned that Davis has her main interests in the socio-cultural history with the emphasis on the occasions which are ignorable by historians. Naturally the case of Martin Guerre is of a great importance for researcher’s further progress in clarifying of little studied historical themes. So with the help of all appropriate scientific approaches she conducts the study, treating all sorts of evidence, such as village archives in question, judicial records, letters, and after reevaluation all of them she concludes that the case o f  imposture of the French peasant, as it is enlightened in the materials of the trial by Coras, probably may have another interpretation, that is, Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre’s wife, is the accomplice of Arnaud de Tilh, the impostor. One of the main reasons for such a consideration for Davis is the law estimation of women’s intelligence in Europe of that period of time. Furthermore,

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 43

Case study - Essay Example Companies that opt for such media for adverts may be affected (Hanlon, 2015). The advancement in the use of internet has led to the existence of pricing options of products from companies. The use of online platform through internet provision is gradually and rapidly transforming economic aspects of operations of companies. HMV should apply both the physical stores and online platform to maximize it sales in the entertainment industry whose economy has been steadily rising (Hanlon, 2015). The HMV management should have a comprehension of the socially accepted practices within the various cultures that are available online in attempting to market their products. This includes appreciating the dynamics and differences and beliefs of societies within its online market since obtaining this is easier than before. It has the potential of not only creating opportunities but also opening new markets for the company (Hanlon, 2015). The company has a technological leverage in their internet site for retail which makes them competitive with other players/industries in the market. Its online store will likely be versatile as it will enable integration of window media player, iTunes, et cetera. In addition, infiltrating into the digital market is an innovative way of growing with the demand of the consumers. HMV anticipates enhancing their competitive leverage by diversifying experiences in the entertainment over the contemporary rivals. The group of HMV has a joint venture with companies such as Curzon Artificial Eye for the purpose of bring the experience of cinema to the retail outlets of the company (HMV, 2015). The production of DVDs and CDs should entail the use of materials that are both non-biodegradable and non-renewable. The recycling process has proved to be not only complex and costly but also inefficient. Moreover, CDs and DVDs with high storage

Saturday, October 5, 2019

What is the role of the Arab League and Saudi Arabia in settling the Essay

What is the role of the Arab League and Saudi Arabia in settling the conflict between Hamas and Fatah - Essay Example Hamas became more popular than its rival party, Fatah (McGeough, 2009). In the January 2006 elections, Hamas amassed majority seats in parliament and became the lead player in the Palestinian government. However, the West and the US have viewed Hamas as a terrorist group due to its violence activities directed towards Israel and its allies. Fatah, founded in 1965 by the late leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat, is the mainstream Palestinian nationalist movement. It has run the Palestinian Authority since 1994, when it took control of the Palestinian areas following the Oslo accords. Fatah, whose strongest support base lies in the West Bank, recognizes Israels right to exist and is formally committed to peace talks with Israel. But growing disenchantment with the leadership among ordinary Palestinians led to the party losing Palestinian elections to Hamas in January 2006 and becoming part of a coalition government. Since June 2007, its authority has been confined to the West Bank (JÄ miÊ »at al-Kuwayt, 2011). The interest of the Arab League in the Palestinian cause has continued, despite the apparent impotence and loss of credibility in making applicable decisions, and effectively implementing them on the ground. ‘Amr Musa, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, has been concerned with the Palestinian cause as the central Arab cause in the Arab world, But the complexities brought to light the official Arab regime incapacity to adopt a unified stance on its implications. This had an impact on the Arab Summit Conference held in Damascus, which was boycotted by some Arab countries. In its meetings, the Arab League has been calling for lifting the siege on the GS, reopening the crossings, and achieving national reconciliation between Hamas and the PA in Ramallah, without achieving any of these objectives (JÄ miÊ »at al-Kuwayt, 2011). The failure of the Arab official regime to play an active

Friday, October 4, 2019

Age of Enlightenment Essay Example for Free

Age of Enlightenment Essay In his essay ‘What is Enlightenment?’ Immanuel Kant discusses the nature of Enlightenment and how it can be brought to the general public. According to Kant, â€Å"Enlightenment is man’s release from his self-incurred tutelage.† By this, Kant means that Enlightenment is when one man is able to make use of his understanding without guidance from another man. Kant sees an Age of Enlightenment as a time when the human society can be liberated from their nature of discharge, which is a need for someone to be their director. However, Kant also states that we have a natural need for tutelage when we are young, and that it is perfectly all right. In addition, after nature discharges us of this need, we should activate our rational ability. Enlightenment according to Kant is the progress of a society through free activity of rational thought and intellectual assessment. In an Enlightened Age, the public would be able to manage their given freedoms with competence. However, Kant claims that we do not live in an ‘Enlightened Age’; rather, we live in an ‘Age of Enlightenment.’ By this statement, he means that an Enlightened Age would be an age where we have overcome all self-incurred tutelage. An Age of Enlightenment is the current age, where we have not overcome all self-incurred tutelage, but where we have begun to activate our own powers of reason and have begun to make progress through critique. Also in his essay, Kant distinguishes between the public and private use of reason. He states that ‘the public use of one’s reason must always be free and it alone can bring about enlightenment among men.’ In saying this, the author views public usage of reason as for the purpose of progress. Kant regards the private use of reason as ‘that which one may make of it in a particular civil post or office which is entrusted to him.’ In other words, the philosopher explains the private use of reason as a rational worker in a specific occupation. In my opinion, Kant was a great thinker. I could not argue with his supporters that claim that he is the last philosopher. Reading this clip of his beliefs, I think that Kant makes a great point. I agree that for the human race to be considered enlightened we will need to avoid the natural urge to want to not feel alienated. Humans are generally a dependant species, needing company or some sort of contact with other humans. Along with this, we usually do not want to feel different and hence, we sometimes model our actions after what we see others do. In conclusion, Immanuel Kant’s essay, ‘What is Enlightenment?’ describes the time we are living in as an Age of Enlightenment, not an Enlightened Age. Kant also theorizes that to be in the ideal Enlightened Age, society will have to make irrational thoughts and actions obsolete. Society will need to make decisions after careful study of the possible outcome and effects their choices may cause. Bibliography: Essay what is enlightenment? by Immaneul kant

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Historical Roots Behind Refrigeration History Essay

Historical Roots Behind Refrigeration History Essay The refrigeration technology is an important technology in that it slows down the growth of bacteria. In doing this, it lowers the risks of diseases. This is because bacteria exist all around us including in the foods that we eat. When the bacteria are supplied with enough nutrients and favorable climatic conditions, they grow rapidly and hence can cause illnesses. Refrigeration technology comes in hardy to stop the rapid multiplication of the bacteria and this is a benefit to the society in that its chances of falling ill from Bacteria illnesses are reduced (Bauer, 1998) Historical roots behind refrigeration. The very first artificial refrigeration known was the demonstration presented at the University of Glasgow by William Cullen in 1748. This discovery however was not use for any practical purpose. The first refrigerator was designed by Oliver Evans, an American inventor in 1748. But the first practical refrigerator was built in 1834 by Jacob Perkins. This refrigerator used vapor in a vapor compression cycle. John Gorrie an American physician built a refrigerator in 1844 based on Evans design. This refrigerator was built with the aim of making ice to cool the air for the yellow fever patients that he was treating. Carl Von Linden, a German engineer patented, in 1976 the process of liquefying gas but not the refrigerator (Burstall, 65). Gas liquefaction is the basic part of refrigeration technology. The first refrigerators were made of wood cabinet and a compressor that was cooled with water. Steel and porcelain cabinets emerged in 1920s to replace the wooden refrigerators which were le ss effective. The evolutions of the refrigerators continue to improve in the 50s and 60s and they became better to suit the needs of the customers. Automatic ice makers and automatic defrost were added in the refrigerator with the aim of making them user friendly and reduce the maintenance. The modern day refrigeration technology is aimed at making the refrigerators more environments friendly (About.Com) The refrigeration process has not stopped evolving. The early refrigerators of 1800 used toxic gas like ammonia, methyl chloride and sulfur dioxide as the refrigerant. These were used up to 1929. In the 1920s, there are many fatal accidents which occurred. This was caused by the leaking of methyl chloride from the refrigerators. It was after this that 3 American corporations embarked on intensive research to come up with a less dangerous method of refrigeration. Their efforts led to the use of Freon which became a standard for all refrigerators. Freon was changed in 1996 and it was replaced with HFC 134a. This was done so as to comply with The Regulatory Clean Air Act. The replacement was done because HFC 134a was less injurious to the environment and the Ozone as compared to Freon. The effectiveness of HFC 134a was just the same as Freon and the users of refrigerators did not notice any difference. The table below shows the milestones achieved in the refrigeration technology. Milestones: BC 1000 The Chinese cut and stored ice 500  Ã‚   Egyptians and Indians made ice on cold nights by setting water out in earthenware pots AD 1700 In England, servants collected ice in the winter and put it into icehouses for use in the summer 1720 Dr. William Cullen, a Scotsman, studied the evaporation of liquids in a vacuum 1805 Oliver Evans of Pennsylvania, compressed ether machine, the machine is never built 1820 Michael Faraday, a Londoner, liquefied ammonia to cause cooling 1834 Jacob Perkins, ether vapor compression cycle, Ice Making Machine 1844 James Harrison of Australia invents compressed ether machine 1850 Edmond Carre of France, invents an absorption process machine 1852 William Thomson James Prescott cooling increases in proportion to the pressure difference 1855 Dr. John Gorrie builds compression refrigeration system based on Faradays experiments. 1856 James Harrison commissioned by a brewery to build a machine that cooled beer. 1859 Ferdinand Carre of France, developed the first ammonia/water refrigeration machine 1871 Carl von Linde of Germany published an essay on improved refrigeration techniques 1873 Carl von Linde first practical and portable compressor refrigeration machine was built in Munich 1874 Raoul Pictet of Switzerland, a compressor system using sulfur dioxide instead of ammonia 1876 Carl von Linde, early models he used methyl ether, but changed to an ammonia cycle 1878 von Linde starts Lindes Eismaschinen AG, (Society for Lindes Ice Machines), now Linde AG 1881 Edmund J. Copeland and Arnold H. Gross start Leonard Refrigerator Company 1894 Linde developed a new method (Linde technique) for the liquefaction of large quantities of air. 1894 Linde AG installs refrigerator at the Guinness brewery in Dublin, Ireland 1895 Carl von Linde produced large amounts of liquid air using the Thomson-Joule effect 1901 Patent # 665,814 issued January 10, for a Refridgeator (Ice Box) invented by Henry Trost. 1911 General Electric company unveiled a refrigerator invented by a French monk. Abbe Audiffren 1913 Fred W. Wolf Jr.of the Domelre Company (DOMestic Electric Refrigerator) 1914 Leonard Refrigerator Company renamed Electro-Automatic Refrigerating Company 1915 Alfred Mellowes starts Guardian Frigerato to build first self-container refrigerator for home use 1916 Servel models compressors were generally driven by motors located in the basement 1916 Henry Joy of Packard Motor Car Co. purchased the Fred W. Wolf refrigerator rights 1918 Guardian Frigerato purchased by General Motors and renamed Frigidaire 1918 Electro-Automatic Refrigerating Company renamed Kelvinator 1920 there were some 200 different refrigerator models on the market. 1922 Baltzar von Platen and Carl Munters introduce absorption process refrigerator 1923 Kelvinator held 80 percent of the market for electric refrigerators 1923 AB Arctic.begins production of refrigerators based on Platen-Munters invention 1925 Electrolux purchases AB Arctic and launches the D-fridge on the world market 1925 Steel and porcelain cabinets began appearing in the mid-20s 1927 first refrigerator to see widespread use was the General Electric Monitor-Top refrigerator. 1930 first built-in refrigerator is launched by Electrolux 1931 Dupont produced commercial quantities of R-12, trademarked as Freon 1931 the first air-cooled refrigerator introduced by Electrolux 1932 Gibson, then owned by Frank Gibson, manufactured its own line of refrigerators. 1934 an innovation, the Shelvador refrigerator, was introduced by the Crosley Radio Corporation 1936 Albert Henne synthesizes refrigerant R-134a 1937 more than 2 million Americans owned refrigerators. 1939 refrigerator with one section for frozen food and a second for chilled food, introduced by G. E. 1946 Mass production of modern refrigerators didnt get started until after World War II. 1947 GE two-door refrigerator-freezer combination 1955 80% of American homes now have refrigerators 2005 A domestic refrigerator is present in 99.5% of American homes   Table 1. Source: The Great Idea Finder Is refrigeration an old or a new technology. Refrigeration is an old technology that started a long time ago. Refrigeration concept can be said to originate from the prehistoric times. During this period, man found that the meat he had hunted lasted longer when stored in the cool areas of the cave or when packed in snow. The early man found that when he stored his game in cold temperatures, it lasted for long. He therefore hunted excess game which he kept in cold temperatures and he would eat this meat when the food was in short supply. As the early man progressed, he started using ice which he harvested in winter to use in summer. Ice was also harvested from lakes and rivers to be used for the purpose of refrigeration. Adding chemicals like sodium and potassium nitrate to water so as to lower its temperatures was the next stage in the history of refrigeration. It is recorded that this method was used to cool wine in 1550. The use of mechanical refrigeration started in the last quarter of the 19th century. This evolution was a long slow process (Trevor, 1978) Has refrigeration led to any type of social change? The refrigeration technology can be said to have a great impact to women in particular. This is because women are viewed as the domestic worker (Cowan, 137-138). Though this mentality has changed in the modern world, there is still the thought that the domestic world belongs to women. The refrigerators can be seen to symbolize the freedom of house wives. They have saved women from preserving foods in the old fashioned ways of salting, smoking or dehydrating. The air conditioning has contributed immensely to the development of the hot and humid areas both socially and economically. This has been achieved through creation of habitable environments with desired temperatures and humidity levels in office buildings and private homes (Barbara, 2003) Benefits of refrigeration to the society Refrigeration has changed the lifestyles of the society in various ways. One can buy food for a whole week without fear of it getting spoiled after refrigeration. Cooked food can also be stored for long without getting spoilt. Salting of food as a method of preservation is long forgotten. The food preserved using this method did not even last for a long time. One can also get a cold drink during the hottest summer and this seemed like a dream before refrigeration wad invented. Fruits, vegetables and even flowers can be kept fresh for a long period of time with refrigeration. The modern life is in the fast lane. This has called for most people to be working for long hours or working two jobs. In homes both partners may be busy for up to a whole week and hence no time for everyday cooking. With refrigeration, they can cook as much food as possible when they are free and storing it in refrigerators and they can eat it throughout the week. This saves them much time which could have been wasted ion cooking after work. With refrigeration, the temperature of the food is lowered and thus the food can be kept for long to be used later without getting spoiled (Shephard, 29) Refrigeration is also widely used for the purposes of air conditioning in homes, public buildings and restaurants. It is also used for refrigeration of foodstuffs in restaurants and also in large storage warehouses. Refrigerators have become very common in the United States. Most American homes started using refrigerators a long time ago. More than 80 % of the rural American and more than 90% of urban American homes used owned a refrigerator by the year 1950 ( Refrigeration is also used commercially and in manufacturing industries. It is used to liquefy gases including oxygen, nitrogen, propane, and methane. It is used to compress and condense water vapor in compressed air purification. This process is aimed at reducing the moisture content of compressed air. In industries like petrochemical, refineries and chemical plants, refrigeration is important as it is used for the maintenance of certain chemical processes and reactions at low temperatures. An example is in the production of high octane gasoline component where the alkylations of butanes and butane is done at low temperatures (Noor, 2009) Refrigeration is therefore a vital technology in many sectors of the economy like the dairy industry, the meat industry, fish and pork industry and also in the fruits and vegetables sector. In the non food sectors, refrigeration is used in school laboratories to store chemicals, samples and cultures. It is also the technology that is used to preserver corpses in morgues. Detrimental effects of refrigeration to the society. The refrigerant used in refrigerators has a negative effect on the environment. Though the use of CFC has been banned, some manufactures may sell the old stocks of refrigerators which use CFC. These are detrimental to the ozone layer. The HFCs being used on modern refrigerators are strong green house gas emitters. Though they do not harm the ozone, they destroy the environment that we live-in. Refrigeration contributes to the global warming. Though HFCs were seen as the solution to refrigeration, it has a very high potential of global warming. This contribution is due to direct emissions of the refrigerant gases. Most of these emissions are due to leakage of the refrigerant into the environment either due to poor maintenance and containment. Freon was seen as been safer to the consumer though it had negative impacts on the environment. Clean Air Act was passed in 1990 and it restricted use of CFCs. Many industries had no other choice than to be forced to phase out CFCs in their produ cts (Gopalnarayanan, 19) Refrigeration as a symbol of growth. Refrigeration has allowed many families and industries to keep food fresh for long periods of time. It is a symbol of growth in that most families are small and they occupy a small piece of land and hence there is no space for keeping livestock and growing different varieties of fruits and vegetables. Also most modern families live in towns and cities where there are no gardens for growing fruits and vegetables or keeping animals. This does not therefore mean that because these families are limited by these factors, they cannot enjoy a varied and balanced diet. Supermarkets have stocked all types of me4at, eggs, vegetables and eggs in their refrigerated shelves. These customers come and buy the same and stock it in their refrigerators. The fish, poultry, dairy products and vegetables can be kept in the same space of the refrigerator within the kitchen. Refrigeration is an important symbol of growth and societal progress in that the society can enjoy a variety of salads, fruits and vegetables all year long without having and tilling their own garden. The society can also enjoy dairy products without having their own dairy animals, meat products without owning beef cattle, egg products without rearing their own poultry and all kinds of fish without having a fish pond all year round. Also other types of foods from far off countries are madder available to the society. These food products are shipped or delivered by air under refrigeration. Refrigeration allows purchase of goods in large scale and in bulk. With regard to economies of scale, this saves on money. It has become possible to enjoy ice cream which may have been produced from abroad unlike in the past where ice cream was eaten on the spot at the place of manufacture. Through refrigeration world trade has been opened up and refrigerated goods from one country can be easily market in another without the fear of spoilage. Refrigeration technology has acted as a source of employment to many people. The direct employees include the refrigeration experts, technicians; mechanics and installers. These are mainly people employed by air conditioning, plumbing and heating contractors and companies. Indirect employment involve people in other sectors e.g. in shops that sell the refrigeration equipments, dairy farmers, fishermen and fruits and vegetable farmers. How government institutions helped shape refrigeration. Government as a regulator- the government through the Environmental Protection Agency has set standards for monitoring and regulating refrigerant leaks. There are other regulations and strict standards that have been set by the government regarding green house emissions from the refrigerants. The government has identified CFCs, HCFCs, and PFCs as ozone depleting gases (ODS) and also global warming gases and has therefore prohibited their use as refrigerants. These are the gases commonly used for HVAC and in AC units. Many US states have increased the demand for a detailed refrigerant reporting requirement (Stouffer, 1998). Government as consumer- many government buildings, both central and federal government, is installed with air conditioners, refrigerators and other heating and cooling systems that use the refrigeration technology. Also government hospitals and other governmental organizations are installed with refrigeration systems. This is evident that the government is a major consumer of the refrigeration technology. Is refrigeration an example of deterministic technology or socially constructed technology. In my opinion, refrigeration is a socially constructed technology. Refrigeration does not determine the human actions but rather it is the human actions that have shaped refrigeration. The need for fresh products has resulted into the invention of the refrigeration technology. Human beings actions are such that they are very busy either in work places or in school and hence have no time to cook fresh foods every day. This has led to the development of the refrigeration technology. With its development, the human beings are now able to cook more food whenever they are free which they can refrigerate and eat them for a long period of time. Abstract Refrigeration can be said to the process of heat removal from substances. It is done with the aim of lowering the temperature of the substance and maintaining that low temperature. Refrigeration in food is done to reduce the risk of bacteria survival. Bacteria are responsible for most of the illnesses. The technology of refrigeration can be said to have started a long time ago. Its evolution is still continuing as we seek to find the best refrigerant that can be safe to us and to our environment. Refrigeration has been associated with a lot of benefits in our homes and in the society at large. Many homes in the United States are now equipped with a refrigerator. Important words used :refrigerator, fridge, fridgerator, refrigeration, Carl Linde, Carl von Linde, William Cullen, Oliver Evans, Fred Wolf, Linde, William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, James Prescott Joule,   invention, history, inventor of, history of, who invented, invention of, CFC, HCFC, ODS,AC, HAVC.