Tuesday, April 30, 2019

An argumentative literary analysis on one or more works by a Research Paper

An combative literary analysis on one or more works by a peculiar(a) author or comparative analysis of several works on a sim - Research base ExampleAfter existing in that confused, constricted and compulsion state, individuals including the characters in fictions could undergo self-fulfillment. In those scenarios, self-realization will be like the opening of the inner eye of the individual, which will take them on a positive and best lead. It can also be considered as a moment, when a big bewilderment mass or guilt that may be occupying and constricting an individuals mind has evaporated for good. The bewilderment in the mind of Oedipus in Oedipus Rex, compulsion for Nora Elmer in A Dolls House and niggardliness in the mind of Laura in The Glass Menagerie all get evaporated, when these fictional characters undergo self-realization. So, this base will analyse how these three characters get entangled in a mess, and aft(prenominal) a attempt phase, undergo self-realization, t hereby enlightening them with mixed results. 2. Oedipus Rex and Self-Realization Oedipus Rex is roughly the life and the tragic death of Oedipus who after becoming the fag of Thebes, dies a tragic death after undergoing self-realization. Oedipus was born to King Laius of Thebes and Queen Jocasta, just now was cared by foster parents, Polybus and Merope, as King Laius feared that the prophecy of being killed by his own son could be true. The prophecy in a way gets actualized when Oedipus due to uncontrollable circumstances kills King Laius without knowing that King Lauis was his biological father, setting the stage for future confusions and self-realizations. The other prophecy of Oedipus marrying his mother also came true, when he matrimonial Queen Jocasto on the account of him becoming the king of Thebes, after solving the Sphinx riddle. When he comes to know about these crimes, or immoral acts, he goes into a state of confusion as well as depression, simply also at the same time self-realization. That is, he was sure that he can find Laius killers and thereby prevent the onslaught of plague, but this confidence turned into paleness when he comes to know the profound loyalty that he is the killer of Lauis. So, when the recognition happens, the self-realization also occurs, with Oedipus trans contouring from a strong king to a weak blind man. He laments, I, Oedipus, damned in his birth, in his marriage damned, Damned in the blood he shed with his own hand (Sophocles 123).The affect this event had on Oedipus as discussed above also touch on tragedy. On coming to know about the faithfulness and after undergoing self-realization of his crimes and conduct, Oedipus as form of self-justice blinds himself with the golden brooches found on his mothers dress. He blinds himself, as he did not privation to see the miseries that his actions have brought upon him. The alternative of suicide is directly before him. He takes up her golden pins...blinds himself. It is Sophocles shoot that Oedipus sees two possibilities and chooses the harder and more painful course (Smith 92). Talking about the pace of the recognition, in the gaffe of Oedipus, it happened suddenly. That is, although he wanted to know the real killers of Lauis for a long time, he comes to know about the truth from messengers and Servants, and when he hears the death of Jocasto immediately, he undergoes self-realization, leading to death. Salvation becomes annihilation the tragedy does not take post in the heros downfall, but rather in the fact that man meets his demise along the very path he took up to escape his demise.

The role of innocence in the exoneration process Essay

The role of innocence in the exoneration process - Essay ExampleHowever, this is non always to be, and in that location is always the likelihood that an innocent person is convicted2. This paper attempts to explain ways that throng wrongly convicted get proof of their innocence.The causes of wrong convictions are wide ranging and comprise all features of the pre-trial and trial stages of the bend justice process ranging from false allegations, incompetent police investigation, police misconduct, erroneous forensic science and evidence, and brusque representation from criminal defense lawyers. Once an alleged victim of an unjust conviction has lost their appeal, there is a slight opportunity that the courts will be in a position to stop the conviction3.In these cases, victims of wrongful convictions are likely to have exhausted the legal aid unit and it will be up to them, their friends, supporters, families, pro-bono lawyers and voluntary groups to uncover the evidence of innoce nce and present it to the relevant authorities such as the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC). 2Investigating a suspected wrongful conviction is a long and challenging process. Cases of high profile injustices like the Cardiff Newsagent Three and Sean Hodgson show that it can take several days of investigation before the evidence that leads to the quashing of the conviction is found4. Many projects that attempt to exonerate innocent people step forward of prison have come up. One such project is the Innocence Network project founded in 1992 whose principle objective is to get as many innocent people out of prison as possible and turn the experience of these people into a learning experience that could help repair the opinionated failings in the criminal justice system5.The project exonerates people by use of post-conviction DNA where the DNA from the law-breaking scene is tested against the DNA of the accused. Often, people wrongly convicted of serious crimes like homicide or abuse has

Monday, April 29, 2019

Ernest Hemingway's Use of the Code Hero concept in The Sun Also Rises Essay

Ernest Hemingways Use of the Code Hero concept in The Sun Also Rises - Essay modelObviously, the message that the author wishes to impart is that the values of such ideals are not in their definition exactly in the manner that one would live and die while trying to uphold and apply them. As Philip Young would describe, the code hero, then, offers up and exemplifies certain principles of honor, courage, and endurance which in a life of tension and incommode make a man a man, as we say, and enable him to conduct himself well in the losing affair that is life. (11) At the end of The Sun Also Rises, Barnes clearly fails to get what he wants, which means that cannot claim success in the struggle to promote his own principles. Barnes, however, is not the stereotypical hero, one with only strengths being highlighted by the author. This is because Hemingways code hero has his own frailties, an important element so that the reader can bushel himself or herself to the character. In fact, in Barnes is obviously still on the process of strengthening his principles as he observes the weaknesses and strengths of the other people that surround him. This means that he too is in the process of determining which ideals he must uphold and which human tendencies that he must avoid. At the beginning of the story, Barnes does not show anything that proves his sloshed grasp on his ideals.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Solving assignment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Solving assignment - Term Paper Example(Apology, Plato) He concept that people who shewd their lives were more virtuous than people who did non. Here he makes a convincing argument that if ane did not recognise the rationale behind anes actions one will not know whether the actions are right and justified and whether these actions feces be repeated. Socrates also believed that a virtuous life meant examining the views of purchase order on what is right. A man desirous of leading a virtuous life must examine views other than his own. According to Socrates a virtuous life meant focusing on the way things should be or could be and not on the way things are. If one had the knowledge of what is good he will not make mistakes. Lack of knowledge often makes men to consider bad things as good. One should engagement reason to understand what is good. To Socrates virtuous acts came from knowledge. He always associated virtue with wisdomSocrates views on death can be found in Apology a nd Crito (Plato). Socrates believed that tutelage of death should not act as a factor in decision making. Ones decisions must be based on examining ones live and determining what is good and just. Our aim in life must be to orient goodness and justice above everything else. If some acts are performed because of fear of death it means one is seek to preserve life and this according to Aristotle is not our primary concern. Our concern is to examine what is right and act chastely without fearing death. Here too his argument is convincing. According to him no one knows exactly what happens after death whereas it is know that death results in a better condition for the human being as it means a complete loss of consciousness and a dreamless sleep. Hence there was no need to fear death.Many are of the opinion that where there is fear there is shame.. Here Socrates disagrees. In Euthyphro (Plato) Socrates explains that we fear legion(predicate) things like poverty and disease. But thi s does

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Business research week 5 individual assignment - 1

Business look week 5 individual - Assignment ExampleSamsung dealers depart be requested to provide detail of the customers who bought Samsung Android phones between January 2014 and March 2015 to the nearest Samsung customer care centers. From from each one center, a sampling corpse of all the customers who purchased their phones between March 2014 and March 2015 will be prepared. From this list, a sample of 500 respondents from each center will be selected by random sampling. Customers will then be requested to sleep together to the customer care centers on a chosen date to be administered with questionnaires. Those who will not be able to turn up will be indirectly interviewed on the phone by autonomous people.Collected data will be analyzed with the help of application software SPSS and result displayed on Graphs and Charts to simplify the analysis and interpretation process. ANOVA will be the preferred statistical test in the research.When the hypotheses test is negative, then the company will have to enforce the recommendation of the research to strengthen their travelling bag on the market. A positive test would mean there is no relationship between the variable quantity there some other variable should be investigated not the ones discussed here. The qualitative methods that will be utilize are a little but mostly quantitative. A little of ethnographic or quasi-experiment by chance embraced to compare phenomenon.The insights developed from the report will be recommended to the board of directors through presentation to persuade them to implement the findings and even initiate more research on the related areas. Once the hypotheses test negative, then it will be so easy to convince them.This whole process of research will not cause too long since most of the required information is in the database. It is only a matter or retrieving the information. However, it will be necessary to do a reconnaissance of the centers to make arrangements on how at to the lowest degree 250

Friday, April 26, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 11

English - Essay ExampleUndoubtedly, the lucre is increasingly one of the irreplaceable promoter of communication, for instance, it enables case-by-cases to keep in touch and bring different people together, allows arrangement of meetings over the net among others. Truly, the profits has transformed various aspects of our lives over the past few years, and it has also transformed the whole world into a global village. In the contemporary world, life without the internet is impossible and unimaginable because almost every individual in the world depends on it either directly or indirectly. Despite the diversity that the internet creates, the internet does not create a freer and equal world. This paper discusses this claim with reference to finish, politics and the society at large.The internet has positively influenced culture and the spread pagan values, for instance, it play a leading role in promoting a better understanding between cultures and cultural identities to emerge an d communicate with each other. It promotes uniformity and homogeneity more than diversity (Porter 2013, p.62). The internet forms a common background for cultural exchange and individuals from diverse cultures be able to interact via the internet and share idea, values as well as their cultural practices. social members are able to easily access any information from the internet and learn about anything they desire. In addition, the internet allows cultural exploration, that is, different cultures can easily explore other cultures and understand other cultural perspectives employ the internet. Actually, a person can learn about any culture by using search engine to have an access to available information about the desired culture. Before the innovation of the internet, individuals used to travel to a particular society in order to learn about their culture or look for a book that has information about that